[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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So funny story. Turns out the "craftbook" addon has had a poor-man's version of minecart mania all along, one which by default uses almost all the same blocks for functions as minecart mania. Didn't know that.

Long story short... gold boosters work again. So do chests as cart collectors, but oddly enough not dispensers. Unfortunately the workings of cart stoppers (obsidian) has changed, so by default they won't function as they are, they'll need some retooling. There's a wiki for it all for those of us (ok, just drifter) who have complicated stations with multiple branches to manage. Me, I'm just somewhat relieved all my existing track will still function.

Also, there's kind of a poor-man's autocart built in, so you can get in a stationary cart and punch the inner wall of it to start it moving slightly (as in, onto a booster, capisce?). Punching the cart again will stop it. Also made it so that empty carts will travel the same distance as occupied. Unfortunately, detector plates still cause a great deal of friction, but if you put a gold booster before and after the stone plate, it functions seamlessly as it used to. My empty cart catchers rejoice.

Still leaving warps active for now, cause, well, cause.

This would have been good to know before I retooled all my rails.


Sorter blocks look like they'd be quite useful for empty cart catchers, assuming it's worth replacing the version you have now.

Also, chests seem to work fine as dispensers. You have to use a sign, and write Push in the 4th line.


Staff member

This would have been good to know before I retooled all my rails.
Heh, sorry man. I just found out about it, and implemented it as soon as I did. Though, for the moment I have most of the other craftbook functions disabled... the ones that deal with creating and deleting blocks or areas and such. If there's a demand to have that turned on, I spose I can, it just sounds dangerous to me.
I have started a new project, Sandspire, located in the desert/beach area across the bridge from the beach resort. Any sandstone donations are quite welcome.

That said, I have a question about the multiplayer /give command (for vanilla servers). How would one go about /giving pine or birch wood? I know it's possible, but I can't figure out the exact code.


Staff member
Nice, the minecart collector chests stack minecarts. handy.
Added at: 13:33
I have started a new project, Sandspire, located in the desert/beach area across the bridge from the beach resort. Any sandstone donations are quite welcome.

That said, I have a question about the multiplayer /give command (for vanilla servers). How would one go about /giving pine or birch wood? I know it's possible, but I can't figure out the exact code.
I think that would be the damage code... I don't remember the exact syntax, but it would be something like /give wahad 17 64 2 for birch or something like that, since the item for wood is 17 and the damage code for birch is 2. You might have to change the order though, it's been so long...


Staff member
Is there a climate they prefer? I will walk there!

Also, is there a /spawn (or /home) mod for single player? I find myself staying very close to my home base and never leaving.
Yes, the puppies prefer taiga or forest biomes (I think).

If you successfully wake up in a bed*, your spawn point will be reset to that bed (so long as that bed survives...it resets if the bed is destroyed by you/fire/creeper/etc).

*You have to sleep in the bed all the way until morning without being disturbed by critters.


Staff member
If you successfully wake up in a bed*, your spawn point will be reset to that bed (so long as that bed survives...it resets if the bed is destroyed by you/fire/creeper/etc).
But how do you get BACK to said spawn point in a single game?


Staff member
I'll use the mod, thanks. I have a few items made of diamond and it's all found & crafted. Losing it would suck ass.
This is why in my single player game, I started making all my buildings in the sky, growing their own trees and wheat, and connecting them by rails, each one only coming to earth in a single enclosed ladder which descended to where I was mining. I stayed the hell of the surface, and never went walkabout.


Staff member
How did you get materials?
Iron and diamond (And I guess now, lapis) are pretty much the only things I needed from below the surface, and once you get the hang of it, iron is actually fairly easy to find. Of course, all my floating structures were also ugly cobblestone cuboids, but at the time I was simply going by function, not form. It was only once I started playing multiplayer and there were no monsters that I started to build big fancy pretty things.

But yeah, back then, I kept all my good stuff in a chest at home when I went to find a new place to dig... I only took a bunch of wood, a couple stone picks and shovels, some torches and coal, and a stack of ladders. I'd find a likely spot, dig a shaft, if I didn't hit open air within 40 or 50 meters or so, I just filled it back in and tried somewhere else. Sometimes I hit lava, but I didn't lose anything irreplaceable. Once I found underground caverns, I just sealed up the entrance, built a structure above it in the sky, and a ladder down into the bowels. Then I'd go in with decent stuff.
Hm, can't seem to get ejector blocks to work; I get no confirmation that I've made one, and when I go over the block in a minecart, I stop and oscillate on the spot. Any ideas?


Staff member
Hm, can't seem to get ejector blocks to work; I get no confirmation that I've made one, and when I go over the block in a minecart, I stop and oscillate on the spot. Any ideas?
From what I can tell, they don't actually eject you, they stop until you GET out and then the cart continues on without you.

Also, I miss elevator signs.
Yep, Dave. To get back to the spawn point, you gotta die. Best as I can tell, a compass doesn't change (always points to original spawn rather than bed spawn), though I have not done a thorough test (only time I tested, I was probably miles from both, so I couldn't really be sure which one it was pointing towards).

It's wrong to laugh, right?

And I was on yesterday and fixed all of my ladders so that they're continuous. No more infinite spirals for those getting stuck!


I'm in the process of building a marina by the Bomb-Pop Lighthouse, after I have done some more tooling please feel free to build small (or large) yachts/sailboats/etc.


Staff member
If anyone cares, I've fixed the rail lines and chest dispensers between the central transit hub and playa station, as well as to/from gasbandia, and the line from central transit to eriol's tower and Dave's eternally unfinished arena. I have a pretty good idea of how to implement bus stops again in playa, but I don't have the patience/time to do it right now :/
I care. ;)

I'll pop on later, but did you fix the stations too (at least the surface ones) by the tower, or no?

And I'm guessing it took "a number" of powered rails to get up/down that slope on the way to dave's.


Staff member
I care. ;)

I'll pop on later, but did you fix the stations too (at least the surface ones) by the tower, or no?

And I'm guessing it took "a number" of powered rails to get up/down that slope on the way to dave's.
Nah, gold block boosters work again. Yes, I fixed the outside stations by your tower, but not the ones inside.


Staff member
Rebooted the server. Give it another try.

Bear in mind also we're obviously not running on the latest craftbook, since they've also gone to bukkit.
Nah, gold block boosters work again. Yes, I fixed the outside stations by your tower, but not the ones inside.
I appreciate you fixing the ones outside. I never would expect you to fix the ones inside, as that's my own thing, and not "really" connected.
uh... with the mods we have on the server, are there any which enable apples as a drop from trees? because I just got one. and that is apparently meant to be impossible on a vanilla server.
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