[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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I joined under the name KCWM. I rolled back to 1.5.01, but can't see the water. I'm guessing I missed something in the huge thread about what I need to do because I'm smart like that. :(


Staff member
I joined under the name KCWM. I rolled back to 1.5.01, but can't see the water. I'm guessing I missed something in the huge thread about what I need to do because I'm smart like that. :(
I added you to the server permissions list. You should now be able to build/interact with the world. Dunno why you're not seeing water... are you, by chance, loading an alternate texture pack?


So it seems Cartographer G crashes whenever I try to render our map. I've seen the error reported to the author, so let's hope for a fix.

I also suspect I've finally filled poor GasBandit's server to the rim with the Google map. We'll likely need new hosting. I may be able to host it from home, but security is a concern.
I added you to the server permissions list. You should now be able to build/interact with the world. Dunno why you're not seeing water... are you, by chance, loading an alternate texture pack?
Yes I am. I didn't even think about that. I'm using the Doku pack.

Are there any particular alternate texture packs out there that definitely work with the server, as I prefer the look of them to the original textures.


Staff member
So it seems Cartographer G crashes whenever I try to render our map. I've seen the error reported to the author, so let's hope for a fix.

I also suspect I've finally filled poor GasBandit's server to the rim with the Google map. We'll likely need new hosting. I may be able to host it from home, but security is a concern.
Yeah, I got a friendly e-mail from my hosting provider that I'm now at 100.1% of my allowed space.

If we need new hosting, hostwink.com is running a deal... unlimited everything for 4 bucks a month..
Added at: 10:09
Yes I am. I didn't even think about that. I'm using the Doku pack.

Are there any particular alternate texture packs out there that definitely work with the server, as I prefer the look of them to the original textures.
Any that were made for version 1.5 should work.
Added at: 10:19

Added at: 10:21
Seriously... somebody went to playa del halforums... and then walked 6 times as far in that direction again? I really didn't want to have to install a "you're not allowed to generate new terrain" mod, but if I have to I'll have to. Christ. Now I'm going to have to download the map, delete that shit, and reupload it. Jeezus.


Staff member
Think they set the magic carpet and put a pencil on the arrow key? Can we figure out who done it?
how do i launch the magic carpet, btw? I'm sorry for all of the nub questions. I tried doing it in the chat channel, but is it more of a server command that I need to do?


Staff member
Think they set the magic carpet and put a pencil on the arrow key? Can we figure out who done it?
No, this was a meandering course that wobbled around topography. It would probably be more trouble than it's worth to go through logs to figure out who did it. I just thought it was understood that this sort of thing was bad for the server.
You can also use /mc if you're lazy. Jump to ascend, look straight down while moving to descend. /help for help to look up the various commands.

As to wandering about, was it not implied that with the move to Multiplay, we had more than enough CPU/RAM/what-have-you to handle any map generation? At least, that's what I assumed, and perhaps others assumed that as well. Also, totes wasn't me.
I wandered around the main start area, but given how little I was actually on, I doubt it was me.

I hit T for the chat and typed /mc and it said it was an unrecognized command or something like that. I'm a nub.
Huh, just logged in to test and /mc works fine for me. I wonder what that's about.

Also, it's /help, not /h, sorry about that. Oh, and there are two pages to the help list. Type /help 2 to see the second page.


Staff member
I wandered around the main start area, but given how little I was actually on, I doubt it was me.

I hit T for the chat and typed /mc and it said it was an unrecognized command or something like that. I'm a nub.
Until I added you to the user list, /MC wouldn't have worked for you. It should work after I added you, however.

I also doubt it was you. This person literally had to walk in a near straight line for at least an hour or two, or more, and as I'm about to say below, it looks like it happened before you showed up anyway

As to wandering about, was it not implied that with the move to Multiplay, we had more than enough CPU/RAM/what-have-you to handle any map generation? At least, that's what I assumed, and perhaps others assumed that as well. Also, totes wasn't me.
This goes beyond map generation concerns - rather what it does is bloat map size (our compressed backups were 140 megs on may 28th, now they're 215... a very sizeable spike that it looks like happened over the 3-5 days after the 29th mostly). And that's just the tarball size, though since backups are automatic and daily, a 50% increase in size definitely is a notable increase in space, which while we have no defined set maximum, I notice multiplay automatically "ages off" older backups by what I assume is a process of "oldest deleted first when space becomes an issue." Also, according to Notch's description of how the map save works, the farther a given chunk is from chunk 0 (basically, the spawn site), the more prone the map is to corruption (map corruption is a constant threat to multiplayer minecraft servers). I'm not entirely 100% sure, but I think this would also mean that a uniform expansion of the map is less "dangerous" than one long, skinny tendril shot out due west for as long as the given user can maintain his attention span. Basically, it boils down to while our server is more robust than it was when it was privately hosted, it's still beta software and we need to treat it gently and not try see what we can do to it by going to extremes. Also, it dramatically increases the amount of render time in doing things like Cartographs, and I believe this was the culprit in why noaxark's map share on gasbanditry.com suddenly needed 500 megs more of space than it had previously, space I didn't have.

here, check this out:

That's a long, long, long ass way to walk. I can only imagine somebody did it just to see how far they could walk and what would happen if they did. For reference, it takes a good 20+ mins to walk from the spawn to playa del halforums, if I remember correctly. When I was starting Playa as a project, I worried that even that might be out too far.

I wouldn't gripe if the map had expanded in a way that meant it was more space that was being utilized to build stuff, but this is just useless space... and if somebody's actually decided to build out there, I have to ask, why even bother building in multiplayer if you want your creation to be 900 miles out where nobody will ever see it?
That reminds me; Canary is slowly working their way towards a 1.6 compatible build. Any plans as to what to do about the Nether? If someone wanted to, they could easily do shit that makes this look like nothing.


Staff member
That reminds me; Canary is slowly working their way towards a 1.6 compatible build. Any plans as to what to do about the Nether? If someone wanted to, they could easily do shit that makes this look like nothing.
Well, I'd hoped we could all be grown up about it :p naive, I know. But I guess we'll just have to see what happens. if somebody exits the nether 400 miles away from explored territory, I suppose it is at least good that the game doesn't render the distance between there and terra cognita as well... unless the person then decides inexplicably to walk home instead of /home.

And, of course, I hope they did something about portals randomly spawning ghasts even when mobs are off.
Anyone suddenly having java crashes in game? I've uninstalled and reinstalled Java, forced the game to update, and even went back to the standard texture pack. It's frustrating to play for 5-10 minutes and then have it crash.
A friend mentioned that having the view distance on far can cause issues. I recently made that change. I'll be switching it when I get home and trying it out.
I almost always have trouble with view distance set to far. More modern machines don't have (as much) trouble, not sure exactly what makes the difference (VRAM, etc).



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I have an Nvidia 8800 GTX with 768mb of ram, a quad core processor, as much RAM as XP can handle, and I still frequently crash if I have view distance set to "far." Normal reduces the crash rate by about 90% in my experience.

In other news, yes, I'm regularly checking to see if the new canary update is available yet, and no, it still isn't. If notch beats them to 1.7 before they release canary for 1.6, I think that'll be the final straw that makes me suffer through switching the server to bukkit.
Hm. I've got an old dual-core and a POS graphics card, but also 4 GB of RAM on Win7 Home. Can't recall ever crashing with view distance on far.
My computer is a dual core 2.7ghz with 8gb of RAM and a PNY GTS 250. I have the most recent version of Java and did multiple forced updates of the minecraft data. It was the view distance being set to "Far" that was doing it. I changed it back to normal and played for a couple of hours of single player last night.


Staff member
I have an Nvidia 8800 GTX with 768mb of ram, a quad core processor, as much RAM as XP can handle, and I still frequently crash if I have view distance set to "far." Normal reduces the crash rate by about 90% in my experience.

In other news, yes, I'm regularly checking to see if the new canary update is available yet, and no, it still isn't. If notch beats them to 1.7 before they release canary for 1.6, I think that'll be the final straw that makes me suffer through switching the server to bukkit.
I concur.


Staff member
I concur.
I'm just very grumbly about it because, despite what they'd have you believe, Bukkit still experiences way more problems than Canary-nee-hMod, the permissions and plugin settings are all written in such a way that you have to think like a programmer to do it correctly (as opposed to an admin), and laughingly enough, some addons that work under Canary still don't yet have full functionality under Bukkit (Minecart Mania and Craftbook, for two).


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I just can't wait for the game to get stable (including servers) so we can turn monsters on and build things like adventures.


Staff member
I just can't wait for the game to get stable (including servers) so we can turn monsters on and build things like adventures.
I don't think servers will ever be stable, not even after launch. Not until development is OVER, and Notch has already said new things will continue to be in development for minecraft even after launch this november.
Nvidia card, or ATI? Intel processor or AMD? Version of JVM?
Well, KCWM's problem seems solved, but for curiosity's sake: Radeon HD 4350 (512 MB), Athlon X2 7750 (2.7 GHz, 1MB L2, 2 MB L3), Java 1.6.0_24 (current is 1.6.0_26). Also, I am apparently running 32-bit Java.

Fancy graphics on, render distance far, OpenGL off, smooth lighting on. I've had Minecraft crash, but it's very rare.


Staff member
Apparently both KCWM and I run Nvidia cards and you run an ATI. Maybe there's something in minecraft that doesn't like Nvidia as much as ATI/AMD. But here's the crazy part. The little woman has the same CPU as me, LESS ram, and an 8800 GT (the next Nvidia step down from my card)... and doesn't crash.

Do you have integrated graphics on your motherboards? I seem to recall reading that there's some weird glitch with nVidia powered boards where Minecraft will use the IGP by default.

There also seems to be a problems with nVidia's OpenGL drivers and Minecraft, but that kind of problem seems to prevent you from even starting up Minecraft, so I wouldn't think that's the issue.


Staff member
Do you have integrated graphics on your motherboards? I seem to recall reading that there's some weird glitch with nVidia powered boards where Minecraft will use the IGP by default.

There also seems to be a problems with nVidia's OpenGL drivers and Minecraft, but that kind of problem seems to prevent you from even starting up Minecraft, so I wouldn't think that's the issue.
Nope, no on-board video at all.
One of the links I posted above talked about force-allocating more memory for Minecraft to improve performance. However, I found a couple other links which go the other way, saying that reducing the amount of memory for Minecraft does the trick. One of them claims it's because Minecraft doesn't do well using a gig or more. I'm wondering if this is the case, since you said the lady has less available RAM. May not be worth the hassle, but I'd be interested to know if it works.


Staff member
One of the links I posted above talked about force-allocating more memory for Minecraft to improve performance. However, I found a couple other links which go the other way, saying that reducing the amount of memory for Minecraft does the trick. One of them claims it's because Minecraft doesn't do well using a gig or more. I'm wondering if this is the case, since you said the lady has less available RAM. May not be worth the hassle, but I'd be interested to know if it works.
That's an interesting idea. I do use that trick at work (work comp DOES have an onboard card) to force more RAM for it, and it's the only way it'll work (albeit still not well). I guess I can see what happens if I force it to use less ram... that's a pretty big programming flaw if that's the case.
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