Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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As a fellow male, who happens to have a growth on one of his testicles, I wish you well. Also thankyou for reminding me it's time to get mine checked out again.
In other news, told my karate teacher I'm not going to the tournament next weekend because I've had too much time off and am not fit enough. Cue punch to the liver followed by a "who's fault is that?" Let's hope it didn't crack a rib.


sixpackshacker, don't think of it as losing a testicle. Think of it as gaining streamlining. You'll totally be able to run faster with one less.
your saving power...who really needs sli balls?
Next I suppose you'll suggest he use the extra space and power in his chassis to mod his system by adding some additional lighting and cooling aren't you?

Just what the world needs. Brightly glowing blue prosthetic testicles.


Staff member
Good luck, sixpack. Our thoughts are with you. And remember, you will not be a man with one ball. You are a man who is so manly that he doesn't need more than one.

You, sir, have a Supernad.
The really sucky part is that I'm the only animal lover in my family, so all everyone else is talking about is how much easier life will be not having to take care of a cat. Such is life. He chose a bad day to become ill too - my 6 year old's birthday is today. He is the only one that ended up crying about losing the cat, and unfortunately it was one of his older brothers who broke the news to him in. You know how 9-11 year old boys are - if they knew the tune to "kill the wabbit" by Elmer Fudd, they'd have been singing it just as I and my brothers did when my parents first attempted to slaughter their own meat many moons ago.

I've just been trying to avoid the subject altogether to avoid getting choked up. I'll have time to grieve after the Detroit Maker Faire this weekend, I suppose.

Coincidently the phenominal amount of rain we've had recently made it a lot easier to dig his grave, and I am only a day away from my last allergy pill, and for some reason hadn't felt the urge last week to refill it. Interesting how coincidences become strangely meaningful when examined by emotions.
agreed, condolences. when my fat littly pooch died of leukemia at around Easter everyone but me and my folks were ecstatic. OH GOD NOW YOU CAN COME VISIT US MORE SINCE NO ONE HAS TO TAKE CARE OF THE DOG! I think that may have been the only time I punched someone without provocation.


When my cat Evil died everyone in my extended family was pretty happy about it. They could have at least had the decency to pretend otherwise. Some people are just heartless and stupid, mostly stupid.
Surgery went well. The recovery at the hospital took a lot longer than advertised. Because I have sleep apnea they did not use a general anesthetic. They did a spinal instead. It just takes seven hours before they let you walk out of there. The real bad news is that they left me on a gurney the whole eight hours I was left in recovery. That one inch pad was not meant to support my heavy ass. Even when the anesthesia wore off, my butt was still numb.

As soon as they had an orderly there that could catch me if I were to stumble, I got to pee in a bottle and leave. Literally... Stand... Pee... get dressed and leave.

My recovery is going pretty well. I've been walking around the house. And today I can stand with out any assistance. I even cooked for my Mom today (She did most of the prep work though.)

It will still be another week until I hear whether I get chemo or radiation.

Thanks for the well wishes. I'll be back around in a few more days.
It will be one or the other. Oncologist said Radiation early on, and the Urologist said that with my tumor markers it will likely be Chemo. Thank God he does not make that decision.

My husband just put his fist through my mirror topped coffee table...over a fucking Magic game!

It is ruined! I had it for less then a year! He keeps apologziing but, in the same breath, he say "You shouldn't be upset. It's just a coffee table."

These coffee tables were made in 1978. They are slightly tacky but I have been restoring them. They are round. They are one of a kind. I'll never see another table like that just sitting around, waiting to be matched up with my two end tables.

I have no right to be angry? FUCK YOU. You are just lucky Jet is here and that you had to go to work or else World War 3 would be taking place right now.

Know what the real twist of it is? Tomorrow is our anniversary. How the fuck am I supposed to appreciate our time together when you break my shit?!
So...how's that anger management going for him? Not to pry, but it seems like this is not the first violent reaction we've heard about over a game of some sort.
You would be right. He has refused anger management, saying that they don't talk about anything important.

You see, he is a good guy. I love him...but jesus christ when he fails at something he has no way of dealing with it other then to lash out at shit. Luckily these times are becoming rarer and rarer, he is getting a better grip on himself, however, when this shit happens it just makes me despise him.

I feel terrible for that. I know he's getting better, he tries so hard. His father is like it as well, easily frustrated and explosive, so it a family thing.

Don't know what to do.
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