Krisken's art stuff, previously all 40k miniatures

Yeah, that's the route I'm figuring so far. Right now I'm painting a test Marine to make sure I like the colors. Initially the yellow and brown were blending a bit too much, so I made the brown a little more earthen. After I added a khaki trim color for the brown areas the model really started to gel.

When the model is done being painted, I'll post pics for everyone to see.
Ok, quick pictures of the Space marine test so far. I still have some details to flush out but for the most part this is how the model will be designed. I am also planning on painting teeth on the clean shoulder pad to signify the unit they belong to (but may do that last).

I really need a nicer camera!
Dude, I DIG that color scheme... you've found a way to make two similar colors work together well!

The only caveat I would have would be, if you're going for a lion color motif, would be to perhaps darken your khaki... more of a reddish brown (Somewhere between Scorched and Bestial Brown, to use citadel paint scheme, perhaps?)
Charon, I initially started with a brown that had some red in it, but it just blended too much with the yellow. I had to go with a dryer brown look or it would have been too blob like. I'm glad you're liking the color scheme! I'm quite fond of it and can't wait to get an entire squad painted up.

Maybe later on, Ash, I'll move toward the close combat Terminators with power claws, but for now I'm focusing on Land Raiders and Assault squads. However, if I grow tired of that play style I will probably move in that direction.
I've decided you are right, Ash. Everyone that can have them needs Lightning Claws. I'm going to have all the Sergeants, Sanguinary Priests, and a Assault Terminator Squad carry them. Since the Space Marine tac squad kit doesn't come with them, I'll have to model those 4 with them. Not sure how I'm going to make the Sanguinary Priests just yet.
Lol, while very cool, Charon, I'd like to keep the army a little serious! I think that might push it to the goofy area.

I might do something like that for the priests and Librarian Ashburner. I think it might be too much if I do that for all of the single models, though.
I might do something like that for the priests and Librarian Ashburner. I think it might be too much if I do that for all of the single models, though.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Fur is a bit ostentatious for grunts, but it makes a great way to identify leaders.
Right now it looks like I'll be building a lot of tanks. So far the army looks like

1 Librarian
4 Sanguinary Priests

4 units 4Assault Marines, Sergeant, Lightning Claw, 3 with Razorbacks and las cannons and 1 Land Raider

1 unit 5 Assault Terminators w/ Lightning Claws in Land Raider Redeemer

2 Predators with las cannons

Almost done building the second Land Raider, but have to make the 3 Razorbacks and 2 Predators. Yipes!
So I like the idea of the Katars... but how do they work? They aren't power weapons and it'd be hard to turn them into chain weapons (You'd need to run the chain right next to the hand). Maybe they are pneumatic and work like a pile bunker? Maybe made of the teeth/fangs/bones of a species native to their planet that is exceedingly sharp and durable (sort of like the Freeman knives of Dune)?

I know it's all fluff but it's still fun to think about.
Yup, that's what I've been working out. I'm trying to avoid the lame 'mystical' explanation. Right now I'm thinking of settling on the katar vibrating to create the chainsword effect.

When I started creating the katars I was excited at the prospects of what the added fluff could add to the chapter notes I'm making. I love how the little things are sort of working themselves out and helping to differentiate this chapter from the others already in existence.
Hmm... I'd make them the fangs of some local creature (maybe an over sized lion substitute for the world) that each brother is sent to ritualistically hunt. Then they might carve a fang from the beast they killed into a blade, which is then attached to the vibrating grip. Creating said weapon could be the final trial they must complete before becoming a full member of the chapter.

Alternatively, maybe they have to forge the katars themselves THEN use them to hunt a great beast. This serves as both a test of skill and a test of craftsmanship.
Absolutely fantastic ideas. No time tonight to do any writing, but these are great ideas that will definitely play a part in the final fluff for the chapter.

As an aside, blogger is pissing me off. They seem to be not updating my postings on blog rolls, which means no one is reading my posts! Very frustrating, for sure.
The wife has given me the go ahead to get an airbrush. I've decided I will get the Iwata 4298 Kustom CS with air compressor found here. I can't even begin to state how excited I am.
First squad of the Pride of the Emperor is finished, bases and all. I may change the claws on the sergeant and add squad markings on the shoulder pads yet, but this is pretty much it.
Well, y'all can see my success/failure (depending on how you look at it) using the airbrush at Scratchbuilt 40k. I don't think I did too badly, but definitely need a lot of work with my technique. And mixing. And cleaning the airbrush out. And...