[Gaming] Dead Island : Awesomeness has arrived (shitty release though)

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Trailers :

The anticipation begins...

Dramatic change of fate...

Where I got sold with an awesome song I need to find that starts at 1:35

Characters :

Meet Xian Mei

Don't mind the shit music.


Meet Sam B.

His one hit wonder in-game sounds great BTW.


Meet Logan

28 weeks later soundtrack! :awesome:


Meet Purna.... SOON


Multiplayer video and interview : http://www.g4tv.com/videos/53271/dead-island-live-e3-gameplay-demo/#video-53275

Gameplay : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDMISPUJ-N8


So who has preordered the game already? If not, who are planning to get it?

I'm planning to organize a group of HFers who'll play the game together, the specifics are still to be defined but will be players who'll play together, grow together and try not to provide spoilers to one another. Unsure how the game mechanics could work on this but I'm really excited about this game!


I want to get it. I don't see it on steam yet for pre-order (video is there and a page, but no pre-order yet)
I've got it pre-ordered for the 360, due to the shitty state of my PC and because that's the system all my friends are getting it for.
Well you can always buy a new PC by selling your "friends" organs... two birds with one stone right there.


Staff member
I will probably get this from Steam. Now that I'll be able to afford games again. :)


What I don't understand is why they don't do cross-platforming for games like this. It's not that they can't. It's been done for years on FFXI and games like this thrive on large communities.


What I don't understand is why they don't do cross-platforming for games like this. It's not that they can't. It's been done for years on FFXI and games like this thrive on large communities.
I have a feeling like L4D type game (similar in some ways) that PC can have custom maps, mods and such to enhance the experience. The console are restricted in that sense. I believe they are separating them for that reason.

Now for MMO like DCUO, it SHOULD be able to cross platform since both system are the same (SOE said so and that is why PC are slow to patch due to PS3 counterpart....... so they say)
What I don't understand is why they don't do cross-platforming for games like this. It's not that they can't. It's been done for years on FFXI and games like this thrive on large communities.
The simplest reason is just because the coding for each console is entirely different and could have weird interactions with each other. This can be remedied by having a server with software that can understand these different versions of the code and can then translate them into something that works, but then you need to have a server that's running 24/7... and who has to pay for that? If it's the company that made the game, you'd better expect a subscription fee.
What I don't understand is why they don't do cross-platforming for games like this. It's not that they can't. It's been done for years on FFXI and games like this thrive on large communities.
No way... no how I'm playing with Xbox players.
Added at: 14:23
Gonna pre-order once it is on Steam.


In a non-VS game, I can see that as a problem. I can also imagine there should be a "boot/vote off" function available for idiots.
That initial trailer freaked me the hell out.

I am definitely going to end up getting this game, because the undead are filthy and need to be exterminated, no matter where they end up appearing. I dig the weapons systems that they're previewing, too.


considering steam is saying september 2011, I am surprise the pre-order is not available.
As am I, I hope after my vacations are done we can get the party started. I want to get the HHH going.
I'll wait about a week's time to see if enough people would be inclined with the Steam deal. If not, I'll pre-order shortly enough.
If I like the game enough, I may consider getting it. Though really, they should have just put in a DLC code like the Fable 3 novel. Then people would have bought it in droves.
I didn't check that video but I assume massive spoilers for those who want to remain storyline virgins as much as possible.
I didn't check that video but I assume massive spoilers for those who want to remain storyline virgins as much as possible.
Not really. It briefly talks about what you do once you start the game, what each character can do (We now know the last two specialize in throwing weapons and using guns), tells us that we need money to do some crafting stuff and then does some of the first mission. They don't even complete the first mission because the demo area ends before you can get there. The whole thing has some guy doing a voice over so you can't really hear the game at all.

It only has one bit of new info that I might consider spoiler for the story, but it's pretty minor and you learn about it in the first few minutes of gameplay anyway.

Apparently there is some mysterious individual who's helping you out from a security monitor room somewhere. That's really all we know about them.
LOL Jury Duty.
Oddly enough, my local county legal system makes it tougher for people to get out of jury duty than the federal one does (as I've gotten out of that 3 times already). As I'm not currently employed and I already had it delayed once, my only options were to do the jury duty or admit my anxiety disorder and make it a matter of public record. In the end my pride won out so now I'm doing Jury Duty.

Oh well... I have an interview today so maybe I'll get lucky and I'll be able to get out of it.


Oddly enough, my local county legal system makes it tougher for people to get out of jury duty than the federal one does (as I've gotten out of that 3 times already). As I'm not currently employed and I already had it delayed once, my only options were to do the jury duty or admit my anxiety disorder and make it a matter of public record. In the end my pride won out so now I'm doing Jury Duty.

Oh well... I have an interview today so maybe I'll get lucky and I'll be able to get out of it.
We get paid like whole 6$ for jury duty.
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