What are you playing?

Yeah, funny thing. Even though Deus Ex was made in the old days of shooters before FPS controls became more or less homogenized it still plays smoother and more comfortably than it's sequel. Which I couldn't play past the intro bit the other day.
Got an hour of Deus Ex in tonight before sleep forces me to stop.


B: Cops don't fucking like having cardboard chucked at them. If someone I was supposed to work with threw a cardboard box at me, I probably wouldn't respond with automatic weapon fire.
fuck you guys i have to wait till the 26th.

Same here.


(just got Tropico 4.Dont buy it.It's more like Tropico 3.1.Nothing new added,which one would usually expect in a sequel but it us just better graphics and a few new gimmics.)


Global Agenda still (join a great group who does AvA/Raid) and DCUO (playing out the new content)
Note: Global Agenda is pretty cool cause it "forces" people to play aggressively. GA raid are time base (except when fighting the last boss) so you get 4 waves of enemies. They arrives every 3 minutes, then boss fight. If you are good, the boss fights are short.

normal missions ranges from 15 minutes to 20 minutes (if you get Overtime) same as AvA (Agency vs Agency)
So unlike WoW or DCUO, raid don't last 1-2 hours.
Stopped playing SWTOR after LVL 25, simply don't want to spoil to much of the game, been playing Killing Floor and Oblivion mods until Sept rolls around and NHL 12 and Dead Island comes out.

I may or may not "procure" deux ex.
My Jensen is a well meaning sociopath.

Guy: Dude, please, you have to get these two drug pushers off my back. Please just make them leave me alone!

Me: Sure

Throw dumpster at pushers. Dumpster obliterates bones. Pushers die.

Me: Yeah, they won't bother you anymore.

Guy: Thanks man!
I haven't played much of it yet, just the opening credits and a bit of the first mission but I am really liking it so far and just itching to play some more when I get off work.

I used to live across the "river" from Detroit and found it very surreal seeing a skyline I recognized in a video game.
So Deus Ex crashed so hard it hardlocked my PC. Then I was having issues restarting as in it hanging on login. Now, it could be that my old harddrive picked now to begin kicking the bucket. Which is fair, it's old and one of the worst components of my computer. But everything was running smoothly before that crash.
So, it crashed so hard it corrupted my video driver. Had to reinstall Catalyst. Yeah, kind of don't want to turn it on again.
I've played it for an hour and it's a blast. I also had a good chuckle at the Final Fantasy XXVII poster on the wall. Lawl.
I just wanted to check in to mention I've been playing Human Revolution too.


Thank you, gaming gods, for not letting the only sequel to my favorite game suck.*

*invisible war doesn't exist.**

**what invisible war?
Quit on my second playthrough of Catherine.

The story is exactly, EXACTLY the same regardless of what you do. All the meter changes are Vincent's inner thoughts, but those don't affect his actions.

We'll watch the other 7 endings on Youtube; I'm not doing the rest of this thing for that.
Quit on my second playthrough of Catherine.

The story is exactly, EXACTLY the same regardless of what you do. All the meter changes are Vincent's inner thoughts, but those don't affect his actions.

We'll watch the other 7 endings on Youtube; I'm not doing the rest of this thing for that.
How very.... Bioware-like. :)

Played the NHL 12 demo tonight, it's a nice step up from last year's version. Can't wait to play online and the new Be a Pro.
Quit on my second playthrough of Catherine.

The story is exactly, EXACTLY the same regardless of what you do. All the meter changes are Vincent's inner thoughts, but those don't affect his actions.

We'll watch the other 7 endings on Youtube; I'm not doing the rest of this thing for that.
The only things you can change in the plot are...

- Which girl flips out before you reach The Cathedral
- Which girl you end up with
- Which ending you get
- Which, if any, of the other people survive the nightmares

You also get special scenes if you complete all of Babel, as well as if you finish Rapunzel after getting all the rosaries.

Thankfully you can skip any tower segment you have gotten a Gold on, which makes subsequent playthroughs easier.

Dead Space - (Currently stopped at meteor shoot-down)
Drake's Fortune - (Restarted from scratch after getting about 4-5 levels in but now I'm at the 3rd chapter I think)
Terraria - Loving this game so far, been killing Eater's of Worlds and Eye's of Cthulu for better gear, but I want to destroy more shadow orbs but have no bombs!
TF2 - The Machina Sniper Rifle + Me = Fun for hours
RIFT - Was playing this pretty heavily but have lost the urge since my brother stopped playing and he was my perma partner.
WoW - Reactivated my 7 day free trial mostly to see what I had inventoried on across my 3 servers at 12 characters. May start playing again, will start from scracth (using herilooms) on Horde again. Since the only reason I was on Alliance was to Server First Progression Raid with my brother.