[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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Staff member
Can someone not whitelisted wander even if they can't build?
No, they can't access the server at all. And last time this happened on Ragnar, it was one of our own who basically decided "I'm going to walk as far as I can in one direction and see what happens, and then NEVER COME BACK."
The CPU issue isn't because of the experience orb glitch, is it? That's something that has really been affecting my server, even with only 3-4 people logged in.

(I'll look at the maps when I get back home)



Staff member
The CPU issue isn't because of the experience orb glitch, is it? That's something that has really been affecting my server, even with only 3-4 people logged in.

(I'll look at the maps when I get back home)

We now have a plugin (NoLagg) that purports to address that issue.
Well, the render failed on my computer too (but doesn't fail on my small single-player worlds). One unfortunate thing is that he didn't release a 64-bit compiled version of the tool. It's still 32-bit binaries, which if it's a memory problem, wouldn't be helping much.
It annoyed me so much to have no 64-bit version of the renderer that I actually made an account (I already had a curse one, so a new one for that forum) and asked the guy directly in his thread for a 64-bit version of the renderer, and/or the source so we could do it ourselves.

We can only hope that the C++ isn't so %$*$'d up that it won't be problem. I've run into enough bad examples of that kind of thing at work (don't ask). Because it's not a network application though, I have high hopes that "stupid shit" isn't being done, but you never know.
Here ya go. Took only about 20-30min to render, but was another 2hrs to get my image editor to not choke on save (found out I needed to d/l a patch to fix a 'crash on large images' bug...sheesh).

Woulda been a whole lot easier if someone hadn't gotten a bug up their butt to head out West.

Edit: Trying to get the attached PNG file to stay attached (it's 16.1MB)
Edit2: Ok, forum doesn't want something that big, I guess. PM to set up file xfer, Gas?



A friend of mine linked me here. I'd like you join your server if that's alright.


Sorry I realized I hadn't logged in. Please add me to the whitelist if when you can.


Staff member
Ahh yes, it's all coming back to me now... the REASON we haven't had a cartograph of ragnar since may.

Eriol - I got your e-mail with the cartograph you did... that's the good news. The bad news is is isn't isometric. But it reminds me that I was able to render a cartograph of ragnar in 2d mode as well.

As I referenced a page or two ago, somebody went to playa and just started a-walkin' west to see how far he could go... for several days and nights. Bloated the map incredibly.

apparently somehow I did manage to get a cartograph of it back then, but I don't remember how -

The guy who did that to us, btw, was Jay.

Don't do what Jay did, people. If you do, you're worse than hitler.

If you want to just wander and see what the map generator does, for chrissakes DO IT IN SINGLE PLAYER.


Staff member
It's gonna be eight bitches on a bitch boat to fix too... the utility I used to use to do such things hasn't worked since version 1.2, when they changed the format of the map data. Now I'll have to do it in MCedit or some such, which will take something approximating "a coon's age."
Were you wanting an isometric map instead of the 2D I sent you, Gas? I can probably get that to you after work tonight, now that I've (supposedly) worked out the image editor problems.



Staff member

I have a copy of the map, I can cut it down and upload to Mediafire or something later.
I'd appreciate any help you could give, I suck at MCedit.
Added at: 10:35
Were you wanting an isometric map instead of the 2D I sent you, Gas? I can probably get that to you after work tonight, now that I've (supposedly) worked out the image editor problems.

Don't worry about it until we trim off Jay's Folly.
Eriol - I got your e-mail with the cartograph you did... that's the good news.
Umm, that wasn't me. I've never emailed you Gas. Ever. (I dunno if I've even PM'd you ever) So I dunno who sent you it, but good on them for doing so, even if it's not correct. As I said above, my thing crashed fast with a memory error, and basically it's because the app is 32-bit. If it were compiled as a 64-bit application then my computer's 8GB could get a workout.
Yeah, that was me (PatrThom/Eriol, we're all just JCM's alts anyway). Heck, if it's just the trim you need, that's pretty simple. Take all of about 3 minutes. In fact, I did it while typing this post. Gonna take longer to zip and upload it.



Staff member
Erenthia is added to the whitelist, but the server is currently down for maintenance by multiplay. When it comes back up, she should be able to get on.

Patrick, I can provide you with an FTP to gasbanditry.com if that'd be easier for you to upload.


Erenthia is added to the whitelist, but the server is currently down for maintenance by multiplay. When it comes back up, she should be able to get on.
Is it really that feminine sounding? The 'ER' at the beginning is intended to be hard as in, 'ERstwhile'


Staff member
Is it really that feminine sounding? The 'ER' at the beginning is intended to be hard as in, 'ERstwhile'
it's the "thia" at the back, not the Er in the front.
Added at: 11:13
Also, I was mistaken, Patr- ... my hosting provider has nyoinked my ability to set up multiple FTP accounts >_<
Might be in the future (feel free to set it up, it'll probably be faster next time), but I was already uploading it to an alternate place.

I'll still see if I can get an isometric view of the entire map, just for the masochistic/curious. It'll be good practice.

Gas, please PM me a spot for Gasbanditry for FTPing to. I've also modified ragnar (trimmed more than just Jay's folly, but still 100% unused stuff, like the "unreachable" set of chunks south-east of playa), and I'd like to upload the resultant cartograph if it works (it should, didn't crash immediately). Then you can decide between the edits of which world you want to use.


Staff member
Well, now we know that Fnord gets confused every time someone talks to me. How ya doing, fellow Dave?
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