[News] "Butt Chugging"

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Staff member
I think they're great! You can put them in before classs or work and nobody knows tht you are getting slowely and totaly bashed. I meen, can you even think of howe easy it would be to be able to get wastd at worrk? it rocks ass man!!!!!11 An the bos cant evn tell thats the goood part!! so quit ebin so dammed harsh! jrk.
I think they're great! You can put them in before classs or work and nobody knows tht you are getting slowely and totaly bashed. I meen, can you even think of howe easy it would be to be able to get wastd at worrk? it rocks ass man!!!!!11 An the bos cant evn tell thats the goood part!! so quit ebin so dammed harsh! jrk.
It saddens me to see older folks desperately trying to be "hip" and "cool" in the eyes of the younger generations. Trust me, they'll respect you more when they don't see you sticking objects up your anus.


Staff member
Well, I don't drink but I'm not above stick feminine hygiene products in my tuckus.
Heh, they should list that on the Halforums wiki.

We all have our faults and secret pleasures, I guess.
That sounds easier that using a beer bong "up there"
That part of the newscast made me laugh. I also like how they make it sound like "unlike completely healthy and awesome beer bongs, kid's are sticking things 'up there'."

This news story just smacks of sensationalist news, though. I notice that the cop said "one of the things we hear is...". That doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the veracity of what he's saying.
Nothing new, I heard about this 20 years ago. Still not sure if this is something people actually do though.
To all teenagers even thinking of trying this, just consider this: What will look worse if you're caught by a cop? Having a beer in your hand or having a vodka-soaked tampon in your hand with your pants around your ankles?


Staff member
This is the best way to trick someone into thinking you're having some sort of brain aneurism EVAR!
kids these days have no balls. Drink the damn beer your stole from your dads downstairs cooler like a man. If you get caught, you get caught - own up to the consequences. I would 100x rather have been caught with a beer or liquor in my hand or on my breath by my old man than with a fucking tampon shoved up my ass.
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