Ok prepare for a shock:
I've spent the last week and a half going through the entire PVP archive. Yep. Don't ask me why. Just did and here's my feelings on it:
Early PVP, the first two years especially, was comedy gold. Nearly every single strip and gag was fantastic. I laughed, alot. I loved the simple artwork and each character was one dimensional but hilarious. Years 3+ were awkward. They weren't terrible, just "not funny". Then it finally came to a head. The Wedding Arc. The entire thing stunk. From that moment on the entire comic was just terrible. The artwork was "better" but so far removed from what PVP looked like before it "lost itself" to this new identity. The whole "Skull was Brent's childhood friend" was just a complete retcon to the entire relationship built to that point. Cole didn't remember him in the early strips and neither did Brent and other than Brent's mother making a comment on it a few weeks prior, there was NOTHING about it.
Something just "happened" at that point. Nothing was funny. LOLbat strips left and right. Kringus taking up entire months. Just no humor. Then a few years later Max is retconned some more, he's broke and needs a job at PVP? Wait what? Scott was just freeballing his entire character history and it was showing.... badly. When you screw up your characaters this badly, it's hard to not think about when you're trying fart jokes. Then there's the entire Seattle move. Ugh. Beardless Max is retconned within a month. His being gay is redone with apparantly noone "really" remembering about it. I mean they act like it's no big deal but definitely acting like it's something new. Skull spent nearly a year acting like a douchebag instead of the childlike innocent troll he was before. The entire continuity was shit.
Then, just like that, something "happened" again. I noticed it right during the Sonya and Max reunion. It.... got charming again. I have no idea how. I'm personally one of the biggest Anti-PVP people on this board and I'm finding them interesting again (with the exception of the horrid lolbat shorts). I like the characters and how they've grown. Cole being the aging divorcee finding a friendship in Francis who's a boy trapped in a young man's body. Marcy's her own person, went to college and trying to enter the adult world. Brent and Jade are into their own married but seperate interesting people groove. Max as a financial advisor and real contribution to PVP and the strip's only consistant gay character. Skull is back to his innosence. I dunno how it happened but PVP got interesting again.
Ignoring Scott as a horrible person, his strip has it's charm back that it hasn't had since the early few years. It's hard to see that now because of how bad it was and for how long but if you were to do what I did, and see it's beginning, it's rise, it's fall and what it is today, I'm sure you'd be pretty shocked. Just try not to think of Scott as a person, it really puts a damper on the comic, which it turns out, for now, is really getting better.