[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More



<insert pun>
That sucks though, Gas. I get respiratory problems easily and I feel your pain.


Staff member
I guess you could say it flocked with your lungs! AMIRIGHT!!!
Added at: 13:14
Damn. Beaten to the punch by Sera.


Christmas trees can pretty much be harbingers of doom for my allergies. Also i think a lot of them smell like cat piss. So my family uses artificial ones and every year there is always someone who tries to argue me into getting a real tree thinking it is for some environmental reason or whatever like I don't want to cut down a tree.

What I don't like is not being able to breathe you twats!
My luck today must be running really ugly - I have 3 requests to handle at work today. We ask for some basic information backed up by some official documentation. If we fail to receive either of those two things, we cannot release data to you. So far today I have 1) a request from someone who sent her documentation to the wrong address and did so in such a way that it will NEVER be routed to my department, 2) a request which should be going to legal, as it's coming from a police department instead of a family member and is being used to assist in a homicide investigation, but was sent to me instead because the legal contact for that country is trying to be "helpful", and 3) a request that has none of the correct official documentation and no way for me to contact the requester to tell them this. What the fuck is everyone but me smoking, and why aren't they sharing?

Oh, and my normal end of work day stress release has been sabotaged by illness. I can usually count on my trainer to kick my ass hard enough to make me forget about all of the stresses of the day, but he's sick and his son has food poisoning, so I don't get my training time tonight.
Well, another artist's show, another day where everyone shuffles past the booth or looks but doesn't buy. Seriously, these things are a waste of time and effort. The wife does much better selling her stuff through shops.
Heh, well, the wife is a cutie, but I suppose she wouldn't appreciate me suggesting wearing a bathing suit to try to sell pottery.

She's just getting frustrated and is ready to give up on it at this point.
Make that sponge holder into a pair of titties. Everyone loves titties. And kitsch.

Big-ass sign: TITTIES AND KITSCH. I can hear the register ringing already.
Okay, how about this:
Penis sponge holder. The balls hold the sponge, with the shaft of the penis acting as a downspout into the sink.
Eh? Eh?


Staff member
Our oven, which has been kinda flaky for years, has finally degraded beyond my dad's ability to repair it. A replacement may take 2 weeks or more to get delivered (up to a month for installation. Not sure if we can do it ourselves.). That's going to be a pain, and if we can't get one in time it could ruin Christmas dinner.
I have just spent the last 90 minutes in an online chat with a Comcast analyst trying to figure out why my new phone service isn't working through the modem. After 90 minutes, her assertion is that my modem must not be connected properly to the cable. I reply to her that I have just spent the last 90 minutes chatting using internet via this very same fucking cable service, so that is not the issue.
From late fall through early spring, I wake up with severe allergy attacks. Just the act of coming to will trigger a flood of snot. Doc had prescribed lodrane to control it, and it did. I wasn't going through half a box of tissues every morning.

Of course, prescription lodrane is no longer available. Sigh.


Straight up missed the sign dropping I5 back to 60mph from 70mph and so WA's finest gave me a $144 ticket. Then had my ass handed to me by the JLPT. Hell of a way to spend a weekend. Hung out for a while with a friend I hadn't seen in a while though so tit for tat I suppose.
Our oven, which has been kinda flaky for years, has finally degraded beyond my dad's ability to repair it. A replacement may take 2 weeks or more to get delivered (up to a month for installation. Not sure if we can do it ourselves.). That's going to be a pain, and if we can't get one in time it could ruin Christmas dinner.
Gas or electric?

If it's gas, no, you can't install it yourself as it would be dangerous, what with dealing with gas lines and all that.

If it's electric, well, it just plugs into the wall :) Unless of course, you have some weird electrical outlet or something not up to code.


Staff member
Gas or electric?

If it's gas, no, you can't install it yourself as it would be dangerous, what with dealing with gas lines and all that.

If it's electric, well, it just plugs into the wall :) Unless of course, you have some weird electrical outlet or something not up to code.
It's electric. The concern is the weight because it's a double oven. I'm going to guess my parents are going to go for it anyway, and if my dad and I can't handle it we'll ask some friends to help. They've picked out the model they want, and they're trying to find someone with it in stock for a reasonable price.


Straight up missed the sign dropping I5 back to 60mph from 70mph and so WA's finest gave me a $144 ticket. Then had my ass handed to me by the JLPT. Hell of a way to spend a weekend. Hung out for a while with a friend I hadn't seen in a while though so tit for tat I suppose.
Wow that is a really large ticket just for 10 miles. The time I was stopped I was 10 over, well 15 over but he dropped it to ten and it was only 80 dollars, although I guess that was 10 years ago. man inflation is a bitch.


well this morning i got ass raped by my trust and wills final. I mean my god I knew it was going to be bad but I seriously need to show where on the doll that test touched me (it was the butt).


lol i misread that as "WITH what" and i thought.. um.. well.

I prefer the butters version of what what.
So my friends invited me out today, and I was really excited to go because one of my buddies visiting from new York was one of them. I even cut short plans to hang with a work friend at her brother's house (kind of an awkward hang out anyway) to see my friends. I get to the bar and text one of them to see where they're at and right when I order my beer he texts back that everyone bailed and forgot to tell me.

Fuckin' assholes.
It is freezing in our office building - to the point that people have a) started complaining to facilities maintenance and b) started buying "non-allowed" heaters for their offices. Apparently the people who used to work in this building worked here for two years, each winter the building was freezing, and facilities refuses to do anything about it. Stupid Microsoft.

Edit: It should be noted that we don't store servers in this building.
so my awesome mood just got shot the fuck down. I am now drunk, reading random shit on the net to keep myself from breaking down in tears, and trying to wrap a christmas present with love.... Guess which one of things is going to end shortly, and which one is going to go into overdrive...
yeah I noticed the avatars in sig quotes, was going to see if I could edit it out when I was in a better mood. Not really caring about the potential foul of internet etiquette at the moment. I'm slightly proud I didn't go into full drunk aussie mood and start throwing around words thank you americans cringe at...
In my experience, our flippant use of the words fuck and cunt as additives to give extra weight to certain things makes most yanky doodles uneasy. I suppose given your military background it would be less so, but I made some sailors cringe when I got on the piss one night, and some bastard made me spill my drink. Hell I had a bad day at work and wanted a beer or two when I got home...Currently sitting at 12+ empty cans, slurring like a drunk on pension week and slipping eff's , cee's and some rather creative (tard faced monkey, is gold at the moment) insults into every sentence. I would be an awesome video interviewee....you could see the empties pile up, and my swearing become more and more prominent as time goes by.

Hell if my girlfriend wasn;t being such a cranky bitch I would go and get stoned off my nut and start posting some really wacked out paragraphs full of insults that arnt even insulting.

(TL:DR) I'm aussie, I live in a town that has one of the highest "casual" drug users in the state, if not the country, I got in a crappy mood, got drunk and started swearing at everybody and everything.
In my experience, our flippant use of the words fuck and smelly lady part as additives to give extra weight to certain things makes most yanky doodles uneasy.
What's the big fuckin' deal? Who gives a fuck what you fuckin' say when your fuckin' pissed drunk? I think we're all fuckin' adults here and we can all stand some fuckin' insults without it becoming a big fuckin' issue.

I mean FUCK... *sigh*


Staff member
I read somewhere recently that swearing gives tangible stress relief benefits - but only to people who don't swear, as a rule.
I read somewhere recently that swearing gives tangible stress relief benefits - but only to people who don't swear, as a rule.
This makes sense. Doing something that is taboo helps people relieve stress because they aren't restraining themselves. If you do it all the time, then you really need to do a Cluster F-Bomb to get the same results.


I know very few people who get upset over swearing who are under the age of 70. My family swears a lot in general it is just how we speak.

However when I hear someone going off on a massive cussing rant I pretty much just ignore them. But I ignore people who don't swear when they are blathering too.


Staff member
Swearing wasn't a big deal for me, years ago. I grew up with friends who couldn't help but throw in an F-bomb for seasoning every other sentence. The little woman, however, comes from a different background and she really deplores thoughtless profanity. I've become stodgier, she's loosened up and we've met somewhere in the middle, which is still a lot more reserved than most Americans, I think. When I come home after spending time with one of my old friends though, she says she can tell.