If Romney wins the GOP, I forsee bad things for....

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Republicans found him to be a moderate, or at least, more center than they liked. Just because someone believes in God doesn't automatically make them a righty crazy.


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Bush Jr. was a moderate?
He was when he ran. And technically, he was during his term as well. The largest increase in medicare spending in living memory happened not only during his watch, but at his behest.

That's something a lot of people forget, because they're so eager to hate the war on terror - GWB was not actually a conservative.
He was when he ran. And technically, he was during his term as well. The largest increase in medicare spending in living memory happened not only during his watch, but at his behest.

That's something a lot of people forget, because they're so eager to hate the war on terror - GWB was not actually a conservative.
Neither was Reagan. Doesn't stop the party from idolizing him.
Teddy stopped being a Republican. He was Bull-Mouse during his final term.
No, he was a Republican for his final term. He was Bull-Moose when he tried to run against Taft, and that's only because he didn't get the Republican nomination.


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But, today he'd be a RINO because of his stance on social issues.
Yes, he would. But he'd fit right in with the Libertarians, as opposed to the democrats, which is what the label usually means. Republicans don't seem to understand that their social agenda is logically at complete odds with their professed platform of less intrusive government. And the only thing that seems to motivate republicans these days is their faux-conservative social agenda. Really, all they are is "the other big government party, with Jesus instead of Marx."

Real conservatives support gay marriage and abortion rights. Because it's not the government's place to be in your wallet or in your bedroom/womb.
Yes, he would. But he'd fit right in with the Libertarians, as opposed to the democrats, which is what the label usually means. Republicans don't seem to understand that their social agenda is logically at complete odds with their professed platform of less intrusive government. And the only thing that seems to motivate republicans these days is their faux-conservative social agenda. Really, all they are is "the other big government party, with Jesus instead of Marx."

Real conservatives support gay marriage and abortion rights. Because it's not the government's place to be in your wallet or in your bedroom/womb.
Looks like Santorum won Missouri and Mississippi... somehow. This has got to be a wake-up call to the big wigs in the Republican Party.
I don't know. The only ads I saw in Mn were from Ron Paul and Santorum. I'm guessing that had a lot to do with it. Seems like Newt and Romney stayed out to focus their money on bigger wins.
It's still three states... how does the RNC decide who gets the nod? Majority vote? Or do they have an electoral college of their own?
It is a jumbled mess, pretty much an electoral college (the convention,) some states are winner take all. Where you can get 30% of the vote and get 100% of the delegates. Then other states you get the votes that represent the percentage that you earned of the delegates. Even then, if the nomination is really locked up behind one candidate the state's delegates can swing their votes to the leading delegate to show party solidarity.


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I think it's just Santorum's "turn" in the "not romney, anybody but romney, who's standing next to him this week?" carousel. As for his being a "true conservative," don't make me retch. That guy's closer to being a unicorn than a "true conservative." He's exactly the kind of republican I was talking about in my previous post - the big government moral authoritarian.
Because America is entirely populated by Aryans?
No, i was trying to make a point about how in Europe those "aryan" guys could be 2 different ethnicities that might hate each other (hello winter war)... while i doubt that's the case in the US...

It has absolutely nothing to do with who feels what lack of money, but you're, again, missing the fact that the money has been taxed twice AND the difference between income and capital gains. So it's more like Romney paid close to 50% taxes, it's just he paid the first 35 when he made the money as income, and then a further 15% on capital gains from it. Furthermore, if you overtax capital gains the rich just go back to savings accounts with interest instead of investing. You show absolutely no thought for economic repercussions, all you care about is soaking the rich.
Right, he was taxed twice on extra money he makes... good thing poor people only have one source of income, so they only get taxed once...

Really dude, the 15% is on profits, not on the money you invest...

And considering he said the last few years his tax rate was 15% the first time he made the money must have been years ago...

Actually, my philosophy is that government should stay the hell out of the individual's way as much as possible while still ensuring the rule of law. Keep them out of your womb, your bedroom, and your wallet.
Let's not pretend you also haven't made claims about the "worthy" people...
And I've gotten the impression that Alien is from Europe. Talking about diversity when you are from one of the least diverse places in the world is pretty lol.
Hell, I could spend all day on the differences between the culture of Texas and its neighbor Louisiana, alone!
Actually this is what i was talking about... you guys see Europe = all white people = no ethnic differences... while we murdered each other over the petties of differences for hundreds of years... you guys still need skin colour to discriminate against a group for more then a century (the irish seem fine now).

As for cultural differences... my neighbours to the south shake their heads the opposite way to say Yes or No... i really doubt Texas and Louisiana are any more different then 2 historical regions from my country (and we don't even have any dialects [that developed within out borders], just regional accents).
Added at: 07:50
My father calls him and his ilk the "American Taliban."
Hey, at least the Taliban wouldn't allow their wives to consider an abortion while denying it to every other woman.


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Actually this is what i was talking about... you guys see Europe = all white people = no ethnic differences... while we murdered each other over the petties of differences for hundreds of years... you guys still need skin colour to discriminate against a group for more then a century (the irish seem fine now).
I'm not sure what this has to do with Louisianna. The massive cultural differences between Louisianna and Texas are not about race, more about the fact that Louisianna is arguably the most unique state in the continental union. They have one of the oldest historic districts in the US. They have their own language. They have their own unique hillbillies (swamp people). They are clearly decended from French culture. None of this has to do with race.

As for cultural differences... my neighbours to the south shake their heads the opposite way to say Yes or No... i really doubt Texas and Louisiana are any more different then 2 historical regions from my country (and we don't even have any dialects [that developed within out borders], just regional accents).
This is why I liked your post, because you're right in some senses. Europe has a lot of cultural differences. And to be honest I would bet that Texas and Louisianna are more similar than two neighboring European countries.

But that's also kind of the point. Its about the difference between a "melting pot" and a "mosaic". Across borders or regions there are large cultural differences, but because Europe has such incredibly restrictive immigration policies there is little oppurtunity to incorporate them into your own culture. This is different from the US where you have such open immigration laws that foreign culture's just dive right in and set up shop. I'm not going to argue that Europeans are jingoist nationalists that are in a completely stagnant state of cultural development, but the simple state of the immigration laws in Europe limit diversity.

There's also the fact that Europe is so much older than the US, which means that the US is more a blank slate where you can allow more diversity because there wasn't much there to begin with.


Staff member
Yeah, Texas and Louisiana are tight. But there's a lot of distrust between various geographical areas of the US. You've got New England, The South, The Southwest, The Midwest, The Rockies, The Pacific Northwest and... well, Southern California. A lot of these areas have their own common cultural identities and are very distrustful of many of the others. Hell, can you count how many times on this board alone people have disparaged southern states and especially Texas.
I'm not sure what this has to do with Louisianna.
Yeah, i should have placed it in between my text, that was a quoting error.

The massive cultural differences between Louisianna and Texas are not about race, more about the fact that Louisianna is arguably the most unique state in the continental union. They have one of the oldest historic districts in the US. They have their own language. They have their own unique hillbillies (swamp people). They are clearly descended from French culture. None of this has to do with race.

Yeah, sounds like Louisiana is the one that has more chances to make it's own country...

This is why I liked your post, because you're right in some senses. Europe has a lot of cultural differences. And to be honest I would bet that Texas and Louisianna are more similar than two neighboring European countries.

But that's also kind of the point. Its about the difference between a "melting pot" and a "mosaic". Across borders or regions there are large cultural differences, but because Europe has such incredibly restrictive immigration policies there is little oppurtunity to incorporate them into your own culture. This is different from the US where you have such open immigration laws that foreign culture's just dive right in and set up shop. I'm not going to argue that Europeans are jingoist nationalists that are in a completely stagnant state of cultural development, but the simple state of the immigration laws in Europe limit diversity.

There's also the fact that Europe is so much older than the US, which means that the US is more a blank slate where you can allow more diversity because there wasn't much there to begin with.
It's not even immigration policy really, we just kinda dislike each other for historical reasons....

And actually i see plenty of things that are obviously influenced by each others culture, but we usually give them our own little spin and pretend they're totally unique (i still chuckle whne i remember my literature teacher arguing that the obviously incubus related myth here was original to us: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zburator - ignore the part about the flag/zmeu, that's not really mythological, it has more to do with what the word means).
Added at: 17:14
Hell, can you count how many times on this board alone people have disparaged southern states and especially Texas.
Call me when they say something worse then what we say about our own countrymen here...
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