Origin says your name doesn't exist.
So, I've been reading a lot of shit talking about the ending.
people claiming that it's worse than Dragon Age 2 and other such shit. Never giving many reasons. I was ok with the ending. I'm not sure what people fucking expected. Everything to wrap up with a happy bow? Did the game at any point feel as though it was going to end happily? It's not really an unhappy ending anyway. They went with the whole noble sacrifice. How else would space Jesus end the series. I think people are pissy because the ending pretty much closes the book on the Mass Effect universe as it is. There's no real way to go forward from there without jumping faaaaaar into the future.
Oh and guys, no spoilers here, but if you have Javik, TAKE HIM WITH YOU TO THESSIA. Seriously.
I'm not super happy with the ending to be honest. I think the choices are dumb. I get that they are going to kill off Shepard in one form or another. But it's control and lose yourself/kill and destroy space travel as we know it/merge every form of life with artificial life?! I don't really get that last option. And I find it dumb. The very fact that the ending is like "SORRY SYNTHETIC AND ORGANIC LIFE CAN NEVER COEXIST UNLESS EVERYONE IS ORGANIC AND SYNTHETIC LOL is basically assinine to me. And also, the ending was too short. Needs more crew stories IMO. Maybe that only happens with the perfect ending, idk
It doesn't. Every ending destroys the mass relays though so no matter what, the galaxy is changed. And on the coexistence thing, that isn't really the ending, that's what the guardian ex machina believes. You can do the paragon ending, sacrifice yourself, and the rest can live on synthetic and organic alike or you can renegade it, destroy all synthetics for the good of organics and live (with enough points) or you can mystic space magic everyone into weird psuedo-magic-space-robot-people. I'm a sucker for bittersweet though.
Also, ugh to the Bioware forums. Nearly all the complaining is about not getting an ending where everyone lives happily ever after together. It's fucking idiot bullshit like that that gets movies with endings that aren't quite "Hollywood happy" as focus groups like and we end up with nonsense like the last bit of Mission Impossible 4 just to make the movie happier.
Not gonna lie, I'm trying to figure out why the Normandy was flying through a Mass relay at the end. Pretty confused there. I didn't have a sacrifice and live peacefully option, unless you're talking about the controlling Reapers thing. I was also 75% renegade, or as I like to say Renegon. I couldn't bring myself to do asshole things to my former crew... unless you count the Quarian debacle.
So basically we get a freaking rainbow ending a la matrix revolutions? The more buzz I hear the more I don't even want to bother finishing this game.
Also, ugh to the Bioware forums. Nearly all the complaining is about not getting an ending where everyone lives happily ever after together. It's fucking idiot bullshit like that that gets movies with endings that aren't quite "Hollywood happy" as focus groups like and we end up with nonsense like the last bit of Mission Impossible 4 just to make the movie happier.
Would say it's closer to the ending of the series Beast Machines, at least the path Frankie took.
The thing is Frankie, I don't mind when the end of a movie is not a happy one, but the issue is Mass Effect is not a movie, it's closer to a choose your own adventure book if we are going to use mediums outside of games. If an RPG gives you a choice in how you carry out situations, both good, neutral, or bad, then people expect those choices to reach a conclusion they want or feel they earn, often that being with the hero coming out on top of the game.
A movie you have no control, you are just the "eye of the audience" watching the events unfold, but in a game when your choices shape the person, you become heavily invested. I don't want my Shepard to give into the choices handed at the end, I want him to punch that AI in the face and save the galaxy without destroying how we know it.
Even then, most are not even unhappy about the fact that the endings are mostly "downers", it's the fact that you don't really get much of a choice. At the best you get three options and none of them actually save the galaxy in the way you worked your ass off to save.
I paid ten buck for him. Mofo is going with me on EVERY GODDAMN MISSION.It completely reinforces the whole he was cut content for sure. However, it's awesome and you absolutely miss out not taking him.
If Tali is going to stay on your crew (and I don't know if she does or not because my game didn't work out that way), then it might be worth doing. If she bails on your crew after the Quarian quests are done, then I wouldn't stick with her tbh.
I plan to!So, um, did anyone else get the PS3 version?
Tali stays with you after you retake her homeland, either through peace with the Geth or killing the Geth. Actually if you rekindle the romance before doing any of the quests on Rannoch, you get extra scenes and more dialog to point towards the relationship. Once she joins up with you and you talk with her in the Normandy, she then puts a picture of her up in your cabin, letting the players see her "face" for the first time. To be honest, she pretty much looks like a supermodel human that got some fingers cut off, was expected them to at least have a different skin coloring like the purple coloring that is popular in fan art.
From what I understand, here is how it works.Yep, didn't work out that way for me, no peace option.
New writers, which explains a HELL of a lot.I like the game, I really do... but the fact I usually have 2 choices at best is slowly irking me. What really annoys me is that feeling that I'm watching a cutscene as I watch my Shep auto-speak a handful of times during conversations. It feel more natural... yes.... but it isn't what this series gave me in the past.... it feels streamlined.
You were with us last night, right?Diggin the Multiplayer.Learned the hard way that going solo is fugging stupid.
Shut up and let me have this victory!On Bronze.