[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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The games I've played on hardcore the only thing I've found out of the ordinary was an abandoned mine. Gave me great loads of iron, from which I made armor. I was just getting enough diamond to upgrade when I was ambushed by a creeper, blown off of an overhang and into a lave pit.

Fucking game.


I've managed to get myself a huge fenced-in area littered with torches so I can farm wheat, sugar cane and cacti without fear. I also ventured out into the nether, dug a loooong tunnel far underground, and built another nether gate there. It popped me out in the middle of an abandoned mine.

I also took the time to make myself an eternally-burning fortress out of soul sand and netherrack right by the farm.


Staff member
Yeah, Gas said the server might be updated yesterday. Liar!

And let me tell you, I played Minecraft all day yesterday. Solo game on Hardcore is so much fun now! I just got an enchanting table and have been working on my levels. It rocks now that it's not just building stuff.


Staff member
Yeah, Gas said the server might be updated yesterday. Liar!
Nnnnno I didn't. I said "as of sunday" as in the previous sunday, they had just put together a beta build. The server, however, waits for a recommended build (and plugin updates). Would do us no good to update to a dev or beta build of bukkit 1.2.3 anyway until at the very least the permissions plugin is updated, otherwise we might as well be running vanilla.

As of yesterday, they're still on a beta build (a different beta build) but they're still fixing crash bugs and that kind of thing.


Staff member
Christ, Gas! Any word on this? We're wasting money with a server nobody can use.
I can use it just fine because I didn't update yet :p I've just been playing other stuff. But I know for a (hawkeye-reinforced) fact that bogus, mikessoul and fnordbear have also been on this week.

To answer your question though, no, the recommended build is not out yet. There's noise like it might be "soon" (tm) though.

If you've got such a hard on to play 1.2.3 online, I could revert us back to Vanilla and update. But it would obviously make all worlds but caprica unaccessible as well as completely neuter security, recovery and other addons that we've been using.

Meanwhile, in other news, multiplay says they're also close to being able to use modloader plugins, but it seems you'll have to choose: Bukkit, or Vanilla with modloader. It is my hope that bukkit becomes incorporated as the de facto API within a few versions, so that it becomes "vanilla" built in, and thus we can then also implement modloader plugins.
By the by, are we going to start a new map for 1.2.3? Doesn't matter to me, but I wonder if the more casual players might like a fresh map to mess about in.


Staff member
By the by, are we going to start a new map for 1.2.3? Doesn't matter to me, but I wonder if the more casual players might like a fresh map to mess about in.
I hadn't made any plans one way or the other. I'm not looking forward to having to convert the old maps to the new format, but I'd hate losing access to them even more.
I hadn't made any plans one way or the other. I'm not looking forward to having to convert the old maps to the new format, but I'd hate losing access to them even more.
Gas just an FYI, I converted Gemenon to anvil. Map size bloated from 101 megs to 175. Dunno if space is an issue on the server but if it is I'll be the first to say go ahead and nuke Gemenon.


Staff member
So last night I'm exploring a new area under my main base. I'm looking for diamonds and seriously wanting to discover a monster spawner so I can farm some sweet, sweet experience as I now have a pristine full set of diamond armor and want to enchant it.

I break through this wall and find a wooden beam. Score! Is it an abandoned mine? Nope. Turns out it's a stronghold! Monsters EVERYWHERE! Found my spawner...it's poison spiders. To get to it I have to clear out a massive amount of webs, which takes forever because there's all of these monsters spawning and poisoning me. I run off to heal and come back to find it full of spiders again. Like WAY too many for logic. Luckily, my sword is enchanted with Flame Aspect IV so I can pretty much hit them once and back up and let the fire kill them.

It takes me TWO HOURS of this to get to the spawner and place my torches. SUCCESS! Until I realize that there's more spiders coming. I turn the corner and see another spawner and a mother fucking HORDE of the poison beasts. I turn to run and see that some have circled around me, so I plow into a wall and hack my way through. As I fall seemingly endlessly down the crevasse I think to myself, "Fucking hardcore mode."

Game over. Delete world.



Staff member
There's a dev build out for 1.2.4, but that's dicey, and time consuming... and I've got even less time these days than usual. See the whine thread from last tuesd for details.
Coworker who plays on my server said, "I want to build something impressive." Proceeded to do this.

Dude could probably do something Truly Epic if he could stay focused long enough. Gonna have his hands full in about 6 months, though. Heh.



Staff member
There is now a Recommended Build available for 1.2.4 on clanforge. However, I will not be applying it until tomorrow because I anticipate a huge hassle in updating our plugins and maps.

Bukkit RB 1.2.4 now available.
Mar 29 2012 04:02:37 by Tomcat
We've just made the recommended build available for customers to use which can be enabled via Clanforge:
Clanforge > Profiles > New > Mod: Bukkit 1.2.4 RB > Enter a profile name > Create > Tick the box to apply > Restart the server.

A few things to note:
-The current plugin database will still be available at your disposal, but you will need to re-add these along with any configs via the usual method:
Clanforge > Profiles > Edit > Addons > Select the addon > Add > Restart the server
Also note that some plugins will be outdated and we will udpate them as the updates become available.
I will need to do this when I have a few hours I can commit to it.. and work has been an 11-hour-a-day nightmare the last two weeks that has left the little woman feeling neglected... soooo... tomorrow probably.


Staff member
Well, 1.2.5 is coming out soon... might as well wait for that?
1.2.5 has been released to the devs so that they can update Bukkit before the build is released to the public. So I don't foresee these issues in the future.


Staff member
Here it is:

Among the weekly tasks we’ve discussed whether we need to do a Minecraft 1.2.5 patch, or resume “snapshotting.” Unfortunately the 1.2.4 patch included a severe crash bug in the world generator, so we feel it’s necessary to officially patch the game again. We are aware that many of you use modded clients or play on the bukkit server implementation, and that patches causes a lot of overhead for you. Neither are officially supported of course, but it’s not in our interest to make it hard for people to play the game. The best compromise we could come up with was to make a pre-release of 1.2.5 today, and then update the game “for real” a few days later. This will give both modders and bukkit a few days to prepare for the release.


Staff member
Don't know, man. The server is currently down. I restarted it but it's throwing up a red "114% CPU Usage" error.


Staff member
Well, isn't that special. I'm guessing that red spasm when you started it up was it converting our maps to the new format. The instructions they left made it look like they weren't going to force the update automatically, but I guess they changed their mind! Welp, here's hoping everything works.


Staff member
Welp, it's definitely on the new version of minecraft, but not all the plugins made the transition. Ironically the one I was most worried about, multiverse, seems to be fine. Portalling to other worlds seems to work fine, and looking at the server log, they've all apparently been converted.

Server seems kinda slow to me, though that could just be my work pc... and damn near all the other plugins from magic carpet to hawkeye are all busted. I think LWC and World Guard are working though, so we have fire suppression and chest protection.. but damn near nothing else is. I also see some doors n' such didn't quite make the transition facing the right direction and whatnot. PermissionsBukkit seems to be functioning.

Well, could be worse, I suppose.


Staff member
Checking the stats, the server seems to be experiencing a very noticeable increase in CPU useage at "idle." Vanilla usually idled around 10% use, Bukkit typically at 20%... the new version doesn't seem to dip below 30. Ram useage seems slightly lower though...

I hope that bad crash bug they were talking about doesn't happen very much until the new version is out. And hopefully the early release builds will help bukkit come out faster as well. That our world is mostly already generated should help alleviate the crash since they say it has to do with terrain generation.
Somebody may want to look at the initial post in this thread. A lot of the links are broken, incorrect information, etc.

Also, adding links to the latest working cartographs would also be awesome.


Staff member
Hrm, when I get a minute I may have to look for a new version of cartograph. Pretty sure the old version I have won't handle the new world files.
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