[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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I will have an army of cats in Shroomshire. Between the mycelium ground and the catsquad, Shroomshire will be as monster free as a village can get.

Jeb is adding Ocelots to the new Jungle biome. Ocelots can be tamed with fish and become cats. Creepers have had the AI tweaked to avoid/run from tamed cats.


Staff member
Server was experiencing extreme performance issues. Attempted shutdown/restart, even slow/unresponsive in Clanforge control panel. Now unable to connect at all. I've submitted a ticket.


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Looking through the logs, this problem's roots looks to have started around 9:30 pm monday night central time... 2_bit and king cockamamie were logged in. Did you guys notice anything or build anything around that time out of the ordinary?


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Response from Multiplay :


We're currently experiencing issues with the SSD in the machine running your minecraft server, our team is investigating and correcting these issues at the current time.

I thank you for your patience while we correct these issues.


Chris 'Cl0ne' McCall


Staff member
The hard drive issues seem to be resolved, the server is working properly again. I've imported and multiversed in Fnordbear's monument map, called Gemenon. The old Skylands portal now goes there. I'm going to make a tectonicus map of it next and put it up probably sometime tomorrow.


Staff member
Off Blues News this morning:

Saying the official release is planned for tomorrow, Mojang now offers a preview version 1.2 of Minecraft, the indie game everyone digs so much. Word is: "Full change log will be posted tomorrow, but it’s basically all the snapshots since Minecraft 1.1 packed into one :)." They also announce they have hired the four main developers of the bukkit community-based Minecraftserver implementation to develop the official Minecraft API. Word is:

The plan is to build a fresh server API, and then extend it to support client-side modding (in one way or another). We will try to make it easy for bukkit users to convert if they wish to do so, but backwards compatibility is not guaranteed. We will, however, help bukkit to be compatible with 1.2, to avoid having a long gap while you wait for the official Minecraft server to catch up.
Hopefully this means faster bukkit updates :p
With the new world height out, I'm probably going to abandon my build. Here's a pic of what I had done so far, with the lake filled in for effect.



Staff member
Any word on 1.2.3 bukkit?
The 1.2.3 build has advanced from dev to beta build (next step is recommended build, whereupon multiplay makes it available) as of sunday. Currently, it still pretty much breaks everything, from what I read.


Staff member
So I played 1.2.3 today on Hardcore. Started a new world. I finally got to where I was indoors and safe. You know what's awesome? Zombies will now beat down your front door if you have one. You know how I know that?


Normally that wouldn't be bad as I had lots of room and a stone sword, but the new monster AI means that the monsters will stalk you. So it wasn't just the zombie who came in, he was joined by his skeleton brother and a couple of his creeper friends. Plus I could hear a spider outside.

It was awesome. I was in that world a total of two hours and was just getting somewhere when I got blown to fucking bits. Next time? No door unless I have a fence.
They won't knock down metal doors just FYI.

Also if you are doing hardcore find a villiage ASAP and setup shop there. Much more survivable with extra targets for your foes to go after (including friendly iron golems)
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