[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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I was able to get in last night on the normal IP. I had to drop because as soon as I logged on my wife said, "We have to go to the store..."


Staff member
I was able to get in last night on the normal IP. I had to drop because as soon as I logged on my wife said, "We have to go to the store..."
I meant the web hosting, not the game hosting. The MINECRAFT server is still up. The WEBSPACE is not.

And yeah, I saw you got on and right back off again when I got back from the bathroom, lol.


Staff member
Heh, oh sure, NOW the webspace is back up. Well, pfeh.
Added at: 11:48
Also, wow, there's a whole bunch of people who I never heard of who were on ragnar at some point.


Staff member
We do have hundreds of lurkers here. Not hard for one of them to get the information off of the first page.


Staff member
We do have hundreds of lurkers here. Not hard for one of them to get the information off of the first page.
I suppose not, but none of them came back for caprica, even when we didn't have a whitelist (and now that we don't again).
I kinda like the quiet myself, the server is nice and peaceful. I just remodeled the rail system from central transit to my first tower to work, which made me happy!


Staff member
What's that thing you're building in southern Caprica? It looks hollow?
First, I built a fortified castle, mostly out of cobblestone. It was simple, but impressive for it's scope. Later I built a palace, ornate, elegant and opulent.

Now I'm building a Citadel of Evil, each brick pulled from a bastion of hell itself, and the world will speak my name in whispers of quavering terror.
I was actually gonna do something similar (and in the same spot! *shakes fist*). I'm sure my Temple of Doom will complement your Citadel of Evil quite nicely, once I finish up my other projects.


Staff member
so thats what chiiki and you were doing to that stronghold last night....
Yeah, mining materials in the nether is an adventure in itself. heh.
I was actually gonna do something similar (and in the same spot! *shakes fist*). I'm sure my Temple of Doom will complement your Citadel of Evil quite nicely, once I finish up my other projects.
I'm sure yours will be impressive, but mine will have a trump card. It's my... creative way of solving a problem with our server.


Staff member
Mmmmm, well color me intrigued. I look forward to seeing it.
It probably won't be completely done for many weeks, but I'll just go ahead and tip my hand now - I'm going to abuse my admin position a little to integrate a working End Portal into the design of the citadel, because I found last weekend that AdventureLand end portals, which I found the old fashioned way... don't teleport. The end portal MUST be in Caprica to function since that is the primary map, and our fortress structure is all flummoxed up because the map predates that version of minecraft. So either we have to bloat the map wandering around hoping to generate a new fortress (which I don't want us to do due to size problems), or I can hand-build us a portal. I've already tested to make sure it works this way.
*stocks up on TNT for storming the citadel*

So anyway

Is it possible to generate a new map/seed for Carpica then use a map editor to place all currently generated terrain (minus to areas snipped that no one uses)?

Reading back some it seems like it is a matter of horsepower for the computer doing the work. I have recently aquired a beast of a machine and would be willing to give a shot to the task if there is interest.
It is, and it is quite simple to do.
The hard part is that MCEdit is limited in the size of the chunks you can manipulate, meaning that any sizable land mass has to be cut and pasted in piece by tedious piece. The 64-bit version can manipulate larger chunks, but it is still an exercise in patience.

6 core processor with 16 gigs of ram and a GTX560 video card sound up to the task?

Honestly asking...no idea how beastly the caprica map would be to handle.


Staff member
*stocks up on TNT for storming the citadel*

So anyway

Is it possible to generate a new map/seed for Carpica then use a map editor to place all currently generated terrain (minus to areas snipped that no one uses)?

Reading back some it seems like it is a matter of horsepower for the computer doing the work. I have recently aquired a beast of a machine and would be willing to give a shot to the task if there is interest.
It shouldn't be necessary. The generators and seed data has changed already. The issue is not the horsepower, the issue would be the resulting map size. As the caprica map displays, a great deal of things are far flung in caprica, abarring a few wandering tentacles. The issue is we can't predict where the fortresses will necessarily be, so the map might have to be very large indeed. Heck, the closest end portal in Adventureland turned out to be almost 800 meters away from the spawn.. and we've got people as far flung as 2km already.

Better to just use a hand-crafted portal, really... if you want to hunt fortresses though, they do still exist in adventureland, it's just their end portals don't move you to The End.

The one in the citadel I'm building however, does. And the portal is already in place for any looky-loo's who want to see The End. No "storming" necessary, it's easy to find as the central fixture on the first floor. Just don't kill the ender dragon without the rest of us. From everything I've read, once it's dead, it's gone.
Do warps work to take you BACK from the End? I'm assuming yes, but still thought I'd ask. As I understand it in the "normal" game, you have to kill the dragon to get back if there are no mods.


Staff member
Do warps work to take you BACK from the End? I'm assuming yes, but still thought I'd ask. As I understand it in the "normal" game, you have to kill the dragon to get back if there are no mods.
Warps do function, as does /MC. So you can leave by warping out. Falling out of the world does kill you though.
Added at: 01:22
if you find a way to the end, leave me directions, I want to explore, but not kill the dragon!
I had to remove my portal because it was causing performance issues... turns out, the portal "blocks" all render a quasi-infinite starscape in 3 dimensions, so putting more than 9 of them together at once... made things a little clunky on not-so-beefy machines. I'll be redesigning and reactivating the portal there soon.
What, for when you want to make a physical mock-up of your build before you attempt the "real" virtual one in the game?



Staff member
Welp, it's that time again... 1.1 has come out

  • Added enchantments to Bows
  • New Golden Apple recipe (Uses gold nuggets instead of gold blocks)
  • 56 new language translations, including fictional ones such as Pirate
  • Slightly smoothed color transitions between biomes
  • Added beaches
  • Biomes are slightly more varied
  • Reduced brewing time to 20 seconds
  • Added Spawn Eggs to creative (the colors of the eggs even look like the mobs)
  • Added world type options (currently only super-flat and default)
  • Removed collision box from ladders
  • Sheep eat Grass, converting them to Dirt, and regain their Wool again
  • Fixed collision box on fence gates
  • Fence Gates can now be opened and closed with redstone
  • Walking on Crops no longer tramples them
  • Magma Cubes now drop Magma Cream
  • Leaves now have a slight chance of dropping Red Apples
  • Testificate villages now spawn treasure chests in blacksmith shops
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed "Sniper Duel" achievement
  • Fixed Powered Rail Non-Depowering Bug
  • Fixed Powered Rail Failure-to-Update on Placement Bug
  • Major crash bug in the loading screen for some users
Now the question becomes... do we update/revert to vanilla for 1.1, or do we wait for bukkit to update?


Staff member
Yeah, I like that sheep will regrow wool, crop trampling is removed and apples drop sometimes from leaf blocks... but I agree in that it doesn't seem like a critical "WE GOTTA HAVE THIS NOW" kinda update. But if enough people want it NOW and REALLY BADLY, we could do it.


Staff member
On today's Word of Notch, Notch talks about how he's an expert programmer. *cough*Javanoob*cough*.

I remember reading a tweet from him over a year ago (can't find it now though) where he said how scared he was of having to "go over assembly code all day" and that's why Minecraft is java instead of a proper natively compiled language.
I was the one who taught all my friends what big O notation is and how it’s useful
It's too bad he doesn't use it for minecraft...

I still stubbornly believe the whole “private members accessed via accessors” thing in java is bullcrap for internal projects.

The thing is, with everyone throwing around gigahertz processors, gigs of fast ram, etc, it's trivial for a bad programmer to put out a usable program. So one does not need to be a great programmer to make usable applications.

The fact that minecraft is so slow and crufty, however, just demonstrates how wildly bad he is at programming, since it is running on modern machines and still has performance issues. Not to mention bugs...

Not that this will stop me from playing it, however.


Staff member
Yes, minecraft is definitely a demonstration that excellent game design can overcome horrible game programming.

Java: the elegant simplicity of C++ and the blazing speed of Smalltalk. -- Jan Steinman
Saying that Java is good because it works on all platforms is like saying anal sex is good because it works on all genders. -- Unknown
Java is a DSL to transform big XML documents into long exception stack traces. -- Scott Bellware
Tuning the JVM always felt like trying to fly a plane from the back seat of another plane following behind the first. -- Dave Cheney
Java is like a variant of the game of Tetris in which none of the pieces can fill gaps created by the other pieces, so all you can do is pile them up endlessly.-- Steve Yegge
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