I run a server for my family, and their friends.
I update to 1.0, get on to see if things are alright, and find the entire town destroyed. Thinking it was a glitch due to the upgrade, I resigned myself to erasing the world and starting over.
Then I learn that my nephew invited his two friends on and told them that the map might change after 1.0 release. I suppose they assumed it was a sure thing, because they decided to have a "going away party" and completely destroyed everything that everyone else built over the last month.
Shame on me for trusting my family, I suppose. Now I actually have to manage the server, rather than simply trusting people.
As an aside, they recorded their efforts to blow stuff up, so if you are into listening to teenagers watch the world burn, I provide this for your amusement. There is a pirate ship of some sort involved. I turned it off after a few minutes because the person doing the recording was doing a terrible job of it. Let me know if there are more interesting shots later in the video if you happen to sit all the way through it: