[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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I'm hardly the biggest "go Java go!" person around, but it is the #1 language out there by many measures, and does have its virtues.

That being said, the only reason I don't do everything at work in C++ is because so much of it is C# already. RAII ftw! (no, not RIAA, that's evil, and unrelated)


Staff member
I'm hardly the biggest "go Java go!" person around, but it is the #1 language out there by many measures, and does have its virtues.

That being said, the only reason I don't do everything at work in C++ is because so much of it is C# already. RAII ftw! (no, not RIAA, that's evil, and unrelated)
McDonald's is the #1 restaurant out there.
Ahhhh well that explains that. There is no map of Caprica for me to download :(

On a side note once I consider the monument map "finished" I'll post another cartograph and if there is interest host it somewhere for people to download.

Also while there is no plugin, it is relatively easy to use the program that makes the planetoid maps to generate a largish map, then generate multiple maps, save them as schematics, import them in to MCedit, then surround the whole thing with a ton of chunks with just "air" generated to keep undesired terrain from being generated.


Staff member
Ahhhh well that explains that. There is no map of Caprica for me to download :(

On a side note once I consider the monument map "finished" I'll post another cartograph and if there is interest host it somewhere for people to download.

Also while there is no plugin, it is relatively easy to use the program that makes the planetoid maps to generate a largish map, then generate multiple maps, save them as schematics, import them in to MCedit, then surround the whole thing with a ton of chunks with just "air" generated to keep undesired terrain from being generated.
That actually sounds like a pretty good idea. If you do that, I'll multiverse in your monument map for you. But like you said, you should finish it first.

I'll see about getting you a caprica backup if you want one.
Downloaded Caprica and have already added the snake temple to the monument map. Caprica being younger than Ragnar does not have as much in the world as Ragnar that it feels right to add. That said I will definitely be porting in the steampunk mecha, Neo-Castle Gasbandia, Shroomshire, and Dirona's tower.

It will be awhile before the monument map is "finished" each area I import has to be first cropped out of it's world map, be imported in to a blank world, have all bedrock removed, then be "sculpted" in to a flying "island" (made easier by the Explosives+ mod). As I do this more my technique improves and I can import and slut faster. For example, old Gasbandia took about four hours of work to get imported and I am still not 100% happy with it. The Snake Temple, however, took about and hour, most of that spent trying to keep my cat from sleeping on my keyboard.

if anyone is interested in my criteria for what I import it is roughly this:

The area/structures imported must be aesthetically pleasing and moderately complex in design.
It must be a "complete" or "complete looking" construction.
It must fit the aesthetic of the map I am building (a quasi-medieval/steampunk skyworld)
It must have a significant portion of it above ground (this is non-negotiable, see below)

I am making some edits so that things fit/transition more smoothly. The most obvious edit being after importing the chunks I am carving them in to be floating islands/continents. I am also removing any pixel art. For example, when I imported the Playa the Nyan cats were toasted. Due to the import process I can not respect the sanctity of underground structures. A good example of this being in the Playa, Dwarftown was destroyed.

Some creative edits may also take place. This is being kept absolutely minimal though, the Playa is the most heavily edited thing I have imported to date. I honestly plan to keep it that way. The big edits are removal of all pixel art/sky letters, separating the lighthouse in to a separate chunk, removing unfinished projects, and all the water and lava being removed.

A good way to summarize the effect I am going for with what I import is Draenor from Burning Crusade in WoW. A fragmented world kinda floating in the ether.


Staff member
Heh, it amused me to see Gasbandia's courthouse riven in twain... I knew it couldn't be helped because except for the skylight and entrance facade, it is all subterranean.

I didn't see Playa on the map you posted... did you do that after making the cartograph?
Yeah added that after the cartograph was made. Basically I'm surrounding the spheres with the imported chunks. I'll do a new cartograph when I get home from work tonight. It takes some time for them to render due to the empty chunks I created to keep terrain from generating.


Staff member
Gas can you add my fiancee " KoalCat " to the whitelist?
Ok. Technically we don't have a whitelist any more, she should have been able to get on all along... but now she's added to the registered usergroup, and can build/dig/etc.

FYI for faster responses on weekends, it's better to e-mail me. I only checked here on a whim tonight.. sometimes I never check in at all until monday.

Or you can PM me, it e-mails me when that happens.
I'll throw a cartograph up later, but I officially consider the monument map (henceforward refered to as Gemenon) done.

Now on that note if anyone would like to see anything added to the map feel free to make a request. I will go so far as to consider things not part of our server if it is available as an MCedit schematic file. Just remember as previously mentioned Im going with things that fit a medieval/steampunk them and are visible above ground.
Awesome screenshots!

Also I need a facepalm...I totally forgot to put the Cerberus transit hub in the Gemenon map. I know what I'll be doing tonight LOL.
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