"We'll find out after the reign of Charlemagne." ~ my 6 yr old daughter
"That's an odd description for a TV commercial." ~ me


Staff member
Checking my mentions on Twitter and I see this message "@figmentPez YOU SAID CHIPPER. MY HEART IS BRIMMING WITH TEARS AND BLOOD." From someone I don't know, who doesn't follow me, and has no connection I can find. Despite that, Jenna_ho isn't an obvious spam-bot, though the account is pretty strange. I really don't know what to make of this.
My Sis-in-law posted a pic of herself on vacation onto facebook. The pic is a close-up of her wearing her shades, laying in a hammock. She's ethnically Persian. And some numb-nut friend of her's says "You look so tan!"

Mrs HCGLNS "Can we get a blue tongued skink?"
Mrs HCGLNS "What if it wore a bow tie and a fez?"
HCGLNS "Now you're just pandering to my emotions!"
My favorite song of the moment is The Shins' Simple Song

It has infected my brain and won't let go. That live version is even better than the studio version on the album.
I think we have the same taste in music. Every time you link a song, I'm either like, "Damn, I love that song!" or "Damn, now I love this song and must find out about this artist."

You're a hero GenS.
Just had to turn to Google to look up an option in Internet Explorer for an explanation of how to modify my system in such a way as to get IE9 from constantly asking me if I want to disable add-ons to speed up browsing. That's sad enough on its own, but the most helpful link was back on a Microsoft site, which when I searched for an answer to the same question directly, came up with nothing. It sure would be nice if we could use our own systems to look up information about our own products without having to rely on our competitors to help us sort through the available data.
I was cleaning out my cup boards when I found a bag of ancient chocolate. I put it on the counter to be thrown out. The Kid found it.

He was about to eat some when I otld him it was 'garbage candy'. He looked at thoughtfully. "Feed it to crows, Mommy!"

I blinked, confused. I asked him what he was talking about and he took me patiently by the hand and led me to the front window. Form there I could see the top had come off our Garbage Box and crows were feasting. A fucking mess everywhere.

I went out and cleaned it up, of coarse...and Jet brought along the candy bag. He was grinning.

"Mommy...can crows move outta [the way] of cars?"

I looked at the bag of candy.

It is now sitting in the middle of the road. I can see the crows sitting on the wire, waiting, but the road is busy.

Most likely none of them will get hurt...but it fun to watch them try over and over again only to be thwarted by passing cars.

What the hell am I teaching my child? -_-


Staff member
Animal Getting.

Now all he needs is Bed Wetting and Fire Setting, and you've got your very own Dexter!
I think we have the same taste in music. Every time you link a song, I'm either like, "Damn, I love that song!" or "Damn, now I love this song and must find out about this artist."

You're a hero GenS.

Edit: and I guess I should take the opportunity while people are paying attention to me to also pimp out Matt & Kim (I highly recommend their album Grand) and Bedouin Soundclash (they have a very 311-ish sound, which I like)
Man, if I lived on Sesame Street I would move so fucking quick. These monsters should have driven their humans up the wall multiple times.
Man, I spend $6 at a coin-op car-wash yesterday. All I ended up doing is push the dirt on my car from one point to another, then spread a layer of soap over that dirt... dammit I hate spending money just to have my car look dirtier.
I'm beginning to wonder if I should stop posting things about my son here, lest I become annoying. However, every day he reveals a new gem to me.

I have a DurrFace sticker on my laptop.

He has taken to calling it 'The Internet Man'.

I have decided that's pretty damn accurate.
I'm beginning to wonder if I should stop posting things about my son here, lest I become annoying. However, every day he reveals a new gem to me.

I have a DurrFace sticker on my laptop.

He has taken to calling it 'The Internet Man'.

I have decided that's pretty damn accurate.
The difference is that you and your son aren't boring yuppies, who are the people I tend to hear "kid stories" from. Boring kid stories.

Jet's stuff is awesome.
I'm beginning to wonder if I should stop posting things about my son here, lest I become annoying. However, every day he reveals a new gem to me.

I have a DurrFace sticker on my laptop.

He has taken to calling it 'The Internet Man'.

I have decided that's pretty damn accurate.
Do not EVER deprive us of this child's upbringing. It is epic. I enjoy them everytime.