We spent 1000 bucks and tracked drums today at a local music studio. Holy hell. Shit sounded... amazing. This guy turned our drummer into a freaking machine of bombastic noise.
Both my 4th year final thesis film and 3rd year group film have been selected for TAAFI (that's Toronto Animation Arts Festival International, Toronto's answer to the Ottawa Animation Festival. This is TAAFI's first year)

I have to figure out how to get screening copies sent to them in time now...
They sent me pngs of the laurels to put on my website and everything.

Never mind.
There was an administrative error made in the last correspondence and we are very sorry for any confusion. To clarify, your submission(s) Sun Day & Pistol Shrimp have not been accepted for the 2012 year. The error is a regrettable one and we are deeply apologetic for the confusion that this no doubt caused.
Both my 4th year final thesis film and 3rd year group film have been selected for TAAFI (that's Toronto Animation Arts Festival International, Toronto's answer to the Ottawa Animation Festival. This is TAAFI's first year)

I have to figure out how to get screening copies sent to them in time now...
They sent me pngs of the laurels to put on my website and everything.

Never mind.

that is complete and utter bullshit, that is the kind of thing that deserves a good faith kind of response.
Meh. Honestly when I got the e-mail I was SHOCKED. I didn't think Pistol Shrimp would make it in, I just submitted it cause I felt obligated to. Sun Day I thought had a chance though. It seems to garner more interest overseas than here in North America though. We've been declined from every festival we've submitted it to, but a few different festivals and screenings from abroad have contacted US out of the blue to ask if they could show it.
Tomorrow is my one year anniversary.

And I could make you guys feel nauseous by telling you that after dating for six years and being married for one - I still get butterflies in my stomach when I see him.
He waited 5-6 years till he married you? Sounds like a loser ;)

Honestly though, can't say I've ever felt "butterflies" for someone. Lust? Sure. Plenty of times. "Love"? Nope.

Well, maybe my first girlfriend? The one I came out to my parents with, then moved in with after being kicked out. Then again maybe it was just infatuation + needing her to survive as I had no real world experience yet.
About two months ago I renewed my credit card, which has a fairly sizable balance on it (curses, period of unemployment!). For the longest time it just seemed like the total balance would never go down and was in fact increasing.

Well, now it's about $1,000 less than it was and seems to be going down more steadily since renewing now that I no longer have to pay interest on gas purchases, the only thing I still use the card for anyways. I hope to get rid of this debt in a timely manner, now.
LittleKagsin - Honestly it's always seemed more trouble than it's worth. I was in a 6-7yr relationship that ended after a 1-2 period of just absolute shit. I never had the "butterflies" because we were together out of convienience more than anythingelse. We didn't have any common interests, at, all. Sex was good, we had lots of group sex which was good too, but there wasn't anything there beyond that.

The closest I've ever felt to "love" is a very strong "friendship" vibe I got from the girl I "lost" last year. Same interests, loved spending time with her, sex was blander than a burger with zero spices or anything added.


LittleKagsin - Honestly it's always seemed more trouble than it's worth. I was in a 6-7yr relationship that ended after a 1-2 period of just absolute shit. I never had the "butterflies" because we were together out of convienience more than anythingelse. We didn't have any common interests, at, all. Sex was good, we had lots of group sex which was good too, but there wasn't anything there beyond that.

The closest I've ever felt to "love" is a very strong "friendship" vibe I got from the girl I "lost" last year. Same interests, loved spending time with her, sex was blander than a burger with zero spices or anything added.
Why do I find that description hilarious?
Null, that coupled with your signature is just awesome.

Also, on my Epic Win front, I got a perfect score on my final paper for my psycholinguistics class, which is the highest level psych course offered at my school. I was pretty stoked.

If anyone's curious, it was a parallel history of how voice recognition software evolved into its current form along with our understanding of how human speech is processed and recognized.
I got my car back. Now all I'm waiting on is the B-word-who-hit-me's insurance to pay back my $500 deductible.

(Actually, it's "FIB" - which Krisken will know what the acronym means.)
Hope you had an enjoyable anniversary! Mine is next Wednesday, but we're celebrating it today - no kids from noon today until noon tomorrow! woo!

Ah, congrats!! That must be a gift in itself: a day without the kids. My day was wonderful, thanks! I hope yours is just as awesome. :)
I got my car back. Now all I'm waiting on is the B-word-who-hit-me's insurance to pay back my $500 deductible.

(Actually, it's "FIB" - which Krisken will know what the acronym means.)
Darn right I do! I remember a Packer/Bears game at Lambeau Field where the cameraman focused on a sign in the audience that said "FIBS GO HOME" and they just couldn't figure out what it meant.

Glad you got your car back and hopefully you get that money soon.
Today was probably the best day I've had so far this year. And for those who have been following my struggles, you know that's saying a lot.

Day started with a flood of birthday well-wishing on Facebook, the majority of which were of the non-"Happy Birthday" variety. I imagine the others were just ones who don't follow FB much and just did the usual "happy birthday" thing that feels almost like a requirement. Anyway, the best one was from one nerdly friend who posted his binary. To which me and his brother yelled, "NERRRRRRRD!" :D

After that, I watched the latest Young Justice.

After that, I went for a 5 km (about 2.5 miles), followed by 20 minutes of yoga (the Yoga for Regular Guys, by former wrestler, Diamond Dallas Page).

Then I went for beer, pizza, and wings while I did some reading for one of my summer courses. The food and beer was served by a cute blonde who I chatted and joked with a bit. Though she was just finishing High School, so it was just friendly banter. She wants to go into Education, too, so we talked about that.

And finished it up with seeing a movie (The 5-Year Engagement).

Yeah, it was a solitary day since all my classmates have already left, but it was still a great day for me. :)
No shit, DDP is teaching yoga now? I wonder how your chakras affect the Diamond Cutter, or more the point, vice versa.