New Picture Thread

its sad, but the only fast food I really like(from years of eating the shit on 15 hour days) is Chipotle burritos. I get that they are no more healthy than anything else, but at least for 8 bucks they taste good, the food is actually made fresh(as far as I can tell) and its a HUGE portion.(I can eat it for lunch and skip dinner haha)
Our next show will be in the "Car snobs = Caries" thread.
If you're not driving a hybrid lovechild of a Prius and a VW Up!, you're horrible and should be forced to walk everywhere barefoot. Also, the only good car is one you make yourself, in your backyard. :D


You're all a bunch of slackjawed pussies! You don't need some regal fucking carriage drawn by eco efficient solar powered engines running on water and unicorn farts to get from point A to point B, just pour gasoline on the nearest orphan and light them on fire. Who gives a shit about the fumes (or screams), that little bastard will run fast enough to draw your rickshaw built entirely out of asbestos and lead paint wherever you need to go in a jiffy.

Also it will make you a sexual ty-ran-o-saur... just like me.


Those don't even have one rust spot brought about by tears from the widows of the people you've run over since brakes and for nancies!


This derailment is just horrible. Someone post a self pic, I can't cuz I'm getting in the shower.
But...but why? It's the least of the three by a fair margin. Nothing against blond beers, but while the two brown West-Vleterens are both easily amongst the very best of their kind, the blond one's just good-but-not-great. I can name better-tasting blondes :unibrow: err, beers.
The middle one reminds me of a trippel I used to get in California. One of the few beers I can honestly say I like since I'm not a big beer drinker.
The middle one reminds me of a trippel I used to get in California. One of the few beers I can honestly say I like since I'm not a big beer drinker.
/snob in

It's tripel, with one p. Seems odd but it's the truth. Dobbel is 2 b's, tripel is one p. Bad bad brewer. tsk.

/snob out

There's quite a few American beers worth drinking these days, it's just harder to get them. I'm still convinced beer's going to become more important, though. For one thing, it can be brewed in more places than wine. For another, there's more variation in taste possible. Third, it's better, nyah ;)
/snob in

It's tripel, with one p. Seems odd but it's the truth. Dobbel is 2 b's, tripel is one p. Bad bad brewer. tsk.

/snob out

There's quite a few American beers worth drinking these days, it's just harder to get them. I'm still convinced beer's going to become more important, though. For one thing, it can be brewed in more places than wine. For another, there's more variation in taste possible. Third, it's better, nyah ;)
Shouldn't it be tripppel?


Staff member
Every had one of those days where every word spoken creates an urge to murder.
View attachment 6375

That is my today.
Nah, I never have days like that. Everything's a great big ball of sunshine and lollipops and if I loved my fellow man any more it would rend the space-time continuum asunder with its super-relativistic impossibility. In fact, I...

Sorry. I have been notified I have gone over my sarcasm quota for the week. Post ends.
Nah, I never have days like that. Everything's a great big ball of sunshine and lollipops and if I loved my fellow man any more it would rend the space-time continuum asunder with its super-relativistic impossibility. In fact, I...
My god. We've had it wrong all this time.
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