[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Your Results
Open to New Experiences
Calm / Relaxed
Nervous / High-Strung

I guess I'm kinda a difficult curmudgeon.


We can only make calls on what we've seen personally. This of course holds true with whatever someone might say of you, be it ill or otherwise.


What I think is interesting is four years ago had I taken the test it would have been introverted instead of extroverted. That amuses me.


Your Results

Open to New Experiences




Calm / Relaxed
Nervous / High-Strung

I guess I'm kinda a difficult curmudgeon.

From here it looks like you are pretty even keel and I think that's about right.

Well, I'm more high strung, more disagreeable, and just slightly less introverted according to this test. I'm not especially better looking than you. So, hey, things could be worse :p I managed to latch onto an unsuspecting victim find myself a girlfriend I'm happy with and who seems happy with me.


I think if they had calculated reaction to annoyance vs reaction to stress my results would have been way different. Stress I can take a lot of. I have little patience for stupid annoying stuff.

aw Krisken I don't see you nearly as disagreeable as that lol.
Yeah, but it's not fine-grained enough for me, as usual. I can deal with enormous amounts of stress at work/hobby/college (way back when)/etc. I thrive on it. However, I can handle emotional stress about as good as I can play a quatre-mains piano piece by myself (hint: I can't play the piano, and I don't have 4 hands).
Yeah, but it's not fine-grained enough for me, as usual. I can deal with enormous amounts of stress at work/hobby/college (way back when)/etc. I thrive on it. However, I can handle emotional stress about as good as I can play a quatre-mains piano piece by myself (hint: I can't play the piano, and I don't have 4 hands).
Those are different continua. Neuroticism is emotional stress and Conscientiousness is going to relate more to work pressure/organization.
That may be. I just answered the questions per my usual interactions. Thankfully most of my interactions are in person, not on the forum.
Well, that's probably the big thing here. We let ourselves show a little bit online but it just isn't the same as being in person.


I think I am pretty much the same in both places. I react badly to the same kind of dumb on the forum in person as well. But I avoid it in person. It is pretty unavoidable on here unless I just stopped coming. But I do like many people here so that would be a sad option.
Dammit, dammit, dammit.

I was hoping to do a mock feud with Adam and have an animated gif war with him. But I can't for the life of me find a single, decent, working free avi-to-gif converter. Of the ones I've tried, the preview for the gif either comes out looking like a distorted pay-per-view program that's unpaid or has a flipping watermark on it.

I has a sad. :(
Dammit, dammit, dammit.

I was hoping to do a mock feud with Adam and have an animated gif war with him. But I can't for the life of me find a single, decent, working free avi-to-gif converter. Of the ones I've tried, the preview for the gif either comes out looking like a distorted pay-per-view program that's unpaid or has a flipping watermark on it.

I has a sad. :(
Adobe After Effects is free on this website that has torrents of great programs resting in some kind of pirate bay.
I was hesitant to download it from there, since half the comments said something about their virus checkers.
Half of all comments on the entire site are suggestions that the file contains a virus. I've found only half of those to be true. 3 to 1 odds are in your favour.
Dammit, dammit, dammit.

I was hoping to do a mock feud with Adam and have an animated gif war with him. But I can't for the life of me find a single, decent, working free avi-to-gif converter. Of the ones I've tried, the preview for the gif either comes out looking like a distorted pay-per-view program that's unpaid or has a flipping watermark on it.

I has a sad. :(
Tag Allen.
I use either handbrake or miro to convert it to a quicktime format (I like .mp4). Then, in photoshop cs5, you can go into File->Import->Import Frames to Layers.

In the Animation bar, trim it up to the length you want. Then File->Save For Web & Devices. Save it as a gif (you can specify up to 256 colors) and tell it to animate.