[PC Game] Steam Summer Sale 2012

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Payday: The Heist is definitely worth the $5 it's on for right now - L4D style co-op shooter with persistent levels that give guns, perks and group bonuses. Also $15 for a 4-pack if you've got a group to play with.
I played Tribes for a good chunk of the day. I highly recommend it for anyone who's on the fence about it. Even if you don't get the starter pack, you can still unlock everything in it with XP.

It really brought me back to playing Tribes 2.
The flash sale on the Alan Wake games are really, really good value too. Franchise pack is cheaper than just American Nightmare on XBLA.
Anyone ever played Anno 2070?

I have been looking for a new city building strategy game, but I didn't want to pay the original price. Even now it's still not as cheap as I would like it, but if I get some recommendations I might just do it.
Snagged Bioshock 2 for 75% off. Played the first few chapters of it.

So far, I don't understand why anyone would think this inferior to the first game. The atmosphere, gameplay, and storytelling is quite similar to Bioshock. Sure, there's not much innovation, but in terms of following the formula they know, I think they've been quite successful.
Snagged Bioshock 2 for 75% off. Played the first few chapters of it.

So far, I don't understand why anyone would think this inferior to the first game. The atmosphere, gameplay, and storytelling is quite similar to Bioshock. Sure, there's not much innovation, but in terms of following the formula they know, I think they've been quite successful.
People find it inferior because it shoehorns in another powerful figure in Rapture that didn't exist in the first game, but suddenly playing the second we're supposed to believe that she was a major player too during all that mess that caused the downfall.

It wasn't terrible, just didn't have the same oomph the original did.


Staff member
Bioshock 2's gameplay was fun on da bun. Story kinda mehhh.. but it's a grand ol' time drillin' buttheads to death. Little hint? Get the damage and lube upgrades asap, and drill dash is your friend. Combine with ice plasmids, and big sisters are cake.
As far as I can tell though, they did sort of justify it.

You're one of the first Big Daddies ever, part of the Alpha Series. The other Alpha Series enemies you encounter in the game are noticeably more agile but less durable than the other Big Daddies.
Games for Windows Live is the biggest pile of crap ever. It was working perfectly yesterday, then today I can't fire up Bioshock 2 without crashing. Apparently GFWL ate my savegames (I was near the end, too) so now I need to start over. Which isn't terrible, since it's a fun game, but still. Pile of crap.
Games for Windows Live is the biggest pile of crap ever. It was working perfectly yesterday, then today I can't fire up Bioshock 2 without crashing. Apparently GFWL ate my savegames (I was near the end, too) so now I need to start over. Which isn't terrible, since it's a fun game, but still. Pile of crap.

GFWL a pile of crap? Nonsense! It's on par with other such great content delivery systems as Origin. Same stability, same tendency to butt in when not needed, uses about the same amount of space, and it's just as reliable. :whistling:


Staff member
I friggin hate games for windows live. Requiring GFWL is one of the unpardonable PC sins, in my book. Right up there with anything other than a virus scanner requiring a reboot.
I friggin hate games for windows live. Requiring GFWL is one of the unpardonable PC sins, in my book. Right up there with anything other than a virus scanner requiring a reboot.
Yeah,I gotta second that opinion. If I'm doing a serious system update (new drivers, virus scanner, etc) then I'm okay with it, but if you NEED it for anything else, you didn't program it right.
I think there are a few rants I made in the games on sale thread about not knowing a game was GFWL required when buying them on Steam. My own fault for not reading, but I was ragenauting nonetheless.
Picked up Darksiders on the Steam sale, because it was cheap and it looked like it might be fun. Got it all downloaded (took forever) and installed last night when I got back from my weekend away to relax and... it wouldn't play. Or rather, it would play just fine, but it seemed to think that I had an xbox 360 controller hooked up to my computer and absolutely would not give me any option to override the assumption. Figured out from the forums that it's seeing my Nostromo and assuming that I have an xbox controller - because of course, the only type of controller people would ever plug into a computer would be an xbox controller, right? Uninstalled it, glad it only cost $5. Tera makes the same assumption, but gives me the option to still use keyboard input. Seriously though, who decides that anything plugged in to a computer as an external controller is an xbox controller?
So, important question: does the "complete" edition of AoE III on Steam still require GfWL? If so, I'm not buying, but if so, it's tempting.
Picked up Darksiders on the Steam sale, because it was cheap and it looked like it might be fun. Got it all downloaded (took forever) and installed last night when I got back from my weekend away to relax and... it wouldn't play. Or rather, it would play just fine, but it seemed to think that I had an xbox 360 controller hooked up to my computer and absolutely would not give me any option to override the assumption. Figured out from the forums that it's seeing my Nostromo and assuming that I have an xbox controller - because of course, the only type of controller people would ever plug into a computer would be an xbox controller, right? Uninstalled it, glad it only cost $5. Tera makes the same assumption, but gives me the option to still use keyboard input. Seriously though, who decides that anything plugged in to a computer as an external controller is an xbox controller?
Your really passing a great game for the stupidest of reasons
Your really passing a great game for the stupidest of reasons
1) You're*
2) I may be missing out on a great game, but if the makers of the game can't be bothered to even put in an option to tell the game that no, this controller isn't an xbox controller, then I'm not going to be bothered to - according to the forums as to what you have to do to get it to work - reach behind my computer and unplug the controller, exit out of the software that runs in the background that lets me use the Nostromo, then go into the control panel and disable the driver so that the game isn't confused into thinking that because I have a Nostromo, or a joystick, or a flightstick controller, or a gaming mouse, or anything other than a keyboard and mouse being hooked up to my computer means that I want to play using an xbox controller. In fact, there are complaints about the game mistaking people's gaming headsets for xbox controllers. That's not just mis-recognizing one non-standard piece of hardware, that's a complete failure to recognize anything other than two very specific types of hardware (there are even reports of people having trouble just because they have a scroll wheel on their mouse, the game goes insane and just scrolls/spins non-stop).
Missed out on the Sonic Generations sale, but I managed to snag Portal 2 and Audiosurf.
I SUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuck at Audiosurf, but it's a game to play just for a few minutes at a time kinda thing.
Portal 2 is excellent, of course. Already beat it. Also already went through and systematically beat all of AmE's best times on the few that she had done in Challenge Mode.

Haven't tried the co-op yet. This is the first game I've got on Steam that is even multiplayer.

Seeing as I'm going to be unemployed in a few days and still have no job prospects lined up, I think I'll stop myself from picking up any more new games, even at these low low prizes.
Just picked up KOTOR. Never even tried steam before now. Dammit now it's even cheaper than yesterday. I paid $5 and now it's $2.5.
I have picked up so many games. If I saw a game I wanted to play but didn't have a chance for <$5, I would jump on it, like the last two Prince of Persia games.

I also got a few that went on flash sales but were a bit more expensive, like the newest Assassin's Creed, but still way worth it at like $7.

Now I am trying to limit myself, should probably play most of the games I am getting before I keep buying more. I considered getting RAGE, but I remember hearing some bad things about it, so I am not sure I should.

Also, while I skipped ANNO, I ended up getting Tropico 4 to fill the town building niche while it was on a much cheaper flash sale. I really enjoy it.
I also got a few that went on flash sales but were a bit more expensive, like the newest Assassin's Creed, but still way worth it at like $7.
Word of warning, in case you didn't know. Assassin's Creed: Revelations is the glitchiest and most obviously rushed entry in the series. It's still definitely good, but it may be best to lower your expectations slightly before going in. I personally think it's a slightly worse game than Brotherhood.
Word of warning, in case you didn't know. Assassin's Creed: Revelations is the glitchiest and most obviously rushed entry in the series. It's still definitely good, but it may be best to lower your expectations slightly before going in. I personally think it's a slightly worse game than Brotherhood.
Thanks for the heads up. Again I got it for basically a little over $7 during one of the flash sales, so even if a bit buggy I am sure I will get my money worth. I was not going to buy it anywhere near full price. I did consider getting Brotherhood too, is it pretty good?
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