[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


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One of our cats attacked my dad yesterday, pretty badly. Scooter was chasing after another of our cats, Miranda, and when my dad tried to stop Scooter, the little guy turned on him. My dad is his favorite, and he used to respect my dad. But this time he hurt my dad pretty bad, with some deep cuts. My mom said my dad dripped blood all the way down the stairs and is resting in bed today. They don't know what they're going to do with Scooter; my dad wants to get rid of him, but my mom has a weak spot for orange tabbies.
Getting scratched by a cat when you get in the middle of a fight has nothing to do with respect. That's instinct, and from the way you described it it's your dad's fault he got hurt.
I was really hoping you guys were all wrong, but my toe has been killing me the past couple days and today I found out why--a new toenail growing under the old.

So I ripped it out. It was so dead that it didn't even hurt. But now it needs maintenance. And less grossness. Yuck.
I was really hoping you guys were all wrong, but my toe has been killing me the past couple days and today I found out why--a new toenail growing under the old.

So I ripped it out. It was so dead that it didn't even hurt. But now it needs maintenance. And less grossness. Yuck.
EUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH! I hate those! They hurt like a mother fucker.
One of our cats attacked my dad yesterday, pretty badly. Scooter was chasing after another of our cats, Miranda, and when my dad tried to stop Scooter, the little guy turned on him. My dad is his favorite, and he used to respect my dad. But this time he hurt my dad pretty bad, with some deep cuts. My mom said my dad dripped blood all the way down the stairs and is resting in bed today. They don't know what they're going to do with Scooter; my dad wants to get rid of him, but my mom has a weak spot for orange tabbies.
It sounds like this was entirely your Dad's fault. Also, cats respect NO ONE. They don't have the pack instinct that dogs do. A dog would have done the same thing too.


Staff member
They probably fight frequently when the people aren't around anyway, and no harm done,
No, this isn't playful fighting. This is Scooter beating up Miranda to the point where she pees herself in terror, and has been left bleeding and limping. We can handle cats tussling, it happens quite a lot between our six cats. Scooter doesn't know how to play nice, certainly not with Miranda. It's honestly a possibility that Scooter could have maimed or killed Miranda if my dad hadn't stepped in.
Do you know what breed Scooter is? Orange housecats are generally more directly decedant from wild cats - so he may simply be a more wild cat. But that means he needs to be stimulated. Does anyone play with Scooter one on one? He may need that extra active attention.

I don't know how often this happens, but..I'm betting Scooter is bored and turns on Miranda simply because he can. If his body and mind is otherwise occupied, however, I bet the fights will calm down or even stop.

(Did you know that Tigers are tabby cats? As well as Leopards and other striped/spotted big cats?)
Word. You do NOT step between fighting cats unless you are wearing riot gear. You squirt them or toss a blanket over them.

If the two won't behave together, then they may need to be isolated from each other until they either get it together or one of them can be removed.
It is possible (though unlikely) that Miranda deserves what she is getting if she won't stop stealing Scooter's food or something.

Award for worst trick-or-treater of the night: A girl who was either junior high or high school rang the doorbell, and before I even got to the door had started walking away. When I got the door, she turned back towards the door and said "Got any candy? Just put one in my back pack." No costume, no "trick or treat", no treat bag, no escorting younger kids, no thank you.

Honorary mention: an adult escorting at least 15 kids brought her own treat bag and yelled "Hey, you missed me!" at me after I gave candy to all the kids.
Worst part about fall? Harvesting time. Because you think you'll see a plump ripe juicy mater, and it turns out it was all-ready bitten into by a damn gopher or what have you and is either moldy or being eaten by worms. And its not just the small ones either, big ones too! Friggin' ridiculous.
The Rock and Roll Marathon is in town. What this means is that I am on no sleep, I will be working at least 12 hours today, and I have more than the usual amounts of annoying tourists bugging me for directions to places I have no idea how to get to, because I don't work Downtown precinct.

I have also already consumed my entire mug of coffee, with no way to get a refill right now. Foxtrot Mike Lima.
Award for worst trick-or-treater of the night: A girl who was either junior high or high school rang the doorbell, and before I even got to the door had started walking away. When I got the door, she turned back towards the door and said "Got any candy? Just put one in my back pack." No costume, no "trick or treat", no treat bag, no escorting younger kids, no thank you.

Honorary mention: an adult escorting at least 15 kids brought her own treat bag and yelled "Hey, you missed me!" at me after I gave candy to all the kids.
We gave out snack bags of kettle corn, graham crackers, and cheese balls. Trick or treaters actually complained to my husband about it because it wasn't candy! Mangy little beggars.
We gave out snack bags of kettle corn, graham crackers, and cheese balls. Trick or treaters actually complained to my husband about it because it wasn't candy! Mangy little beggars.
GUH! I hate those kinda Trickertreaters. I love Kettle Corn as a kid.

My least favorite Trickertreaters are the ones who whine that "Its not enough candy!" ITS FREE YOU BRATS! Forget your stupid sense of entitlement and enjoy this holiday while you can still enjoy it.
Goodbye, twisted sideways wisdom teeth. I will not miss the ear infections or cavities.

Hello, pain. We've been seeing each other a lot lately.
Goodbye, twisted sideways wisdom teeth. I will not miss the ear infections or cavities.

Hello, pain. We've been seeing each other a lot lately.
...wait what? You JUST got your wisdom teeth removed? I got that shit out an done with years ago! But seriously, how many teeth did they pull out? I had six wisdom teeth! Surprisingly that's not the record.
...wait what? You JUST got your wisdom teeth removed? I got that shit out an done with years ago! But seriously, how many teeth did they pull out? I had six wisdom teeth! Surprisingly that's not the record.
Maybe you had my extras? My lower ones never came in, and the uppers didn't seem like they were a problem until they started shredding the back of my mouth. I didn't see a point in getting them out unless they were giving me trouble.
My mom made me get rid of mine right away. She's a nurse so she worries about such stuff. I just wish the dentist didn't fuck up with the crud-sucker, cos he made a cut in my mouth. It made this weird fat lump in there that hurt like a mother-fucker, and I had to take this weird liquid to fix it. Getting better hurts!


Staff member
I hate my stupid allergies. Something is on a lot of my clothes and belongings that were at my parent's house. Either tracked in by cats, or let in when we had all the windows open after hurricane Ike. So while I'm getting stuff put away at my new apartment, periodically I run into an allergy bomb that just ruins my day. I could take a zyrtec, but then I wouldn't know what else has allergens on it, so I'd just spread it around more and make it worse for myself in the future.

This is making it so very very difficult to unpack.
Really wish my school's site was easier to navigate through. My class was cancelled and I didn't know until I got here. Worried about being late for nothing.
Okay, so, I don't have the most exciting job ever. (I work for a fitness company doing lots of paperwork, LOTS of paperwork.) But it reached a new level of 'boring' the past few days. Every once in a while, I have to get a report from my boss and match up the report total to a spreadsheet. And the two have to match down to the penny. And it's not some tiny report, it's dozens of pages long with every customer we deal with, has millions of dollars that I have to deal.

My boss gave me this project on Monday, I didn't really bother with it then, but worked for at least 2 hours on it Tuesday. And then spent most of Wednesday working on it, probably 4 hours. But I couldn't get the totals to match!! GAH!! I worked on this for 6 hours, then go ask my boss a question about it today; Oh, she realizes that she gave me the wrong report. The wrong report! I just...really? Thank you Stacy, thanks a whole ton.

At least I got it matched up and it's over with now. Regardless, these last couple days haven't been the best.
Fuck me sideways with a rusty spoon; we just cannot seem to catch a break. Every time that life starts looking up, something else lands in our laps that we have to worry about, especially around the holiday season. This month's holiday season concern is... getting out of the shower this morning to discover that my wife, who's working from home today, has fired up her computer, checked her email, and discovered that Siemens Corp is selling her division of the company, because it's not been profitable for the past year and a half, because the AR department is full of stupid shit heads who refused to do their jobs.


Staff member
blerg. just got chewed out for not coming in early enough. I've been coming in at 9 and they want me in at 8:30. For some reason they think I haven't been coming in until 10. Not a good impression for my boss to have.
Always buy a newish car. My car is a 94 model, and in order to fix the damn thing they need to MAKE the part. As in take out an old ass part mold and make it. It would cost 7000 bucks to fix it, 3000 on labor alone. Is being able to drive freely even worth it?


Staff member
Always buy a newish car. My car is a 94 model, and in order to fix the damn thing they need to MAKE the part. As in take out an old ass part mold and make it. It would cost 7000 bucks to fix it, 3000 on labor alone. Is being able to drive freely even worth it?
Hell, before Cash for Clunkers ruined the used car market, you could get a reasonably reliable used car for $1000. 7 grand to fix a 94 is insane.
Behold the wonder and glory of the american automotive junk yard! They have everything you need for your car, because there's thousands of crashed cars of your model and year that weren't crashed in the spot you need your part from.
...I am not sure why that hasn't crossed my mind. Well *clap* I know what I'm doing on Saturday!
Hell, before Cash for Clunkers ruined the used car market, you could get a reasonably reliable used car for $1000. 7 grand to fix a 94 is insane.
Damn straight. Personally I think they were trying to take me for a ride. Course its the automotive industry and they do that anyway but whatevs.