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  1. TommiR

    Maybe I'm Just Ignorant of the World but Anti-Japanese Protests Getting Violent?

    Personally, I'm not overly concerned about this. These kinds of protests seem to spring up anytime the PRC needs put on a display, and they go away as soon as the matter is resolved. As to resolving this particular matter, China and Japan are taking steps to place the issue before the UN...
  2. TommiR

    [Brazelton] US Ambassador to Libya killed, consulate burned down

    On one hand, you don't want to promote the idea that simply offending islam results in moral or possibly even criminal liability. On the other, I can't help but feel something's not quite right when the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff needs to go hat-in-hand to ask some damn Florida...
  3. TommiR

    [Brazelton] US Ambassador to Libya killed, consulate burned down

    Well, the protests themselves that are happening in several muslim countries are of course nothing new, and we've seen several of them in the past, for much the same reasons as these ones. As I've understood, religion plays a slightly different role in muslim societies than it plays in the...
  4. TommiR

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    In real life? I guess I'm moderate right by finnish standards. That is about centrist by the way I think things are in the US.
  5. TommiR

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I'm sorry if I was not able to sufficiently explain my position. I'll try to answer your questions better this time. Objections to breastfeeding in public are usually made on the grounds that it is analogous to indecent exposure, so I assume (and only assume) that the negative feelings involved...
  6. TommiR

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I doubt sensible people have a problem with a baby eating. Some sensible people may have a problem with something they consider indecent exposure. To my mind there is no actual harm done when a woman is breastfeeding openly, and neither have I claimed there to be. The same can be said of the...
  7. TommiR

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I'm not sure I agree with you on all the points you made. As I understood, this discussion started by Frank was about offense taken to breastfeeding in public, which is, by definition, an activity taken in a social context. More specifically, we are examining the negative reactions taken by...
  8. TommiR

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    No, I don't think any woman simply whips off their top and starts breastfeeding. Yes, I've seen (noticed) women breastfeed. The way it has been done 'bare-chested' depended on what kind of shirt they were wearing. It was either lifting up the hem of their shirt to above one breast so the baby...
  9. TommiR

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Alright, I'll clarify so you won't have to waste your time by jumping to any more absurd conclusions. MAKE YOUR POINT. Fine, you think people who have a problem with women breastfeeding in public should leave. Fine, women who breastfeed in public don't need to change anything. Now either...
  10. TommiR

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Yes, compromise. Sure some middle ground can be found that is acceptable all parties. I take it for granted that pretty much no instance of breastfeeding will ever go to court. But neither will a number of other things that aren't considered entirely appropriate under all circumstances. I...
  11. TommiR

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    A smock might seem like an acceptable compromise to me, if a more discreet location is not available. Do you know if the law requires a woman to wear a smock or other similar covering garment while breastfeeding, or is it left entirely to the discretion of the mother whether or not to breastfeed...
  12. TommiR

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    While I personally wouldn't go as far as to say that I'm offended, I must admit I do get slightly uncomfortable at the idea of a mother bearing her private parts in public. Wouldn't make a number out of it, though. Now, I don't know much at all about the particulars of feeding babies, but I was...
  13. TommiR

    Ban every gun

    The Libertarian Future - people killing each other for bite-sized morsels of something to eat ;)
  14. TommiR

    Youth Pastor fakes a kidnapping

    Alright, apparently I've crossed a line here. Ceasing and desisting.
  15. TommiR

    Youth Pastor fakes a kidnapping

    That's the way things are nowadays, isn't it. If something goes wrong, fire people. Everyone knows there is a plethora of replacements out there, so why tolerate people who can't get everything right 100% of the time. Or at least fire the ones who own up to it instead of trying to make it look...
  16. TommiR

    Youth Pastor fakes a kidnapping

    The lead guy didn't think it through, and nobody told him it was a bad idea. But on the whole, shit happens. Mistakes are occasionally made, and if you're unwilling to tolerate them, and seek to assign blame for everything that goes wrong, then pretty soon nothing gets done when people are more...
  17. TommiR

    Youth Pastor fakes a kidnapping

    An error in judgement, to be sure. But excusable, if it doesn't happen again.
  18. TommiR


    Okay, so guns aren't the problem, the problem is irresponsible use of them (what I understood you meant by gun culture). Would it be accurate to compare guns to, say, alcohol? Most people act responsibly about them, but irresponsible use by a few can lead to harm and loss of life.
  19. TommiR


    Am I reading things wrong in that (one page of the) study, or does it indicate that weapons inhibit aggressive behaviour? That would be a good thing, wouldn't it?
  20. TommiR


    More like he was 'defending' himself against an unarmed salesman who probably never meant him any harm. According to the article, he never told the salesman to "get off my property!" or something, but rather just opened fire. Unfortunately, prohibition rarely works. If a criminal or a psycho...