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  1. sixpackshaker

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    $2. they are waiting until dark to bring him out. So the cameras can't see.
  2. sixpackshaker

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    I thought he had COVID back when he bragged about taking Hydroxycloroquine.
  3. sixpackshaker

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    Joe and Kamala has tested negative.
  4. sixpackshaker

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    She has an anchor baby and is a citizen.
  5. sixpackshaker

    [News] The USA Police State will never satisfy its lust for beating, gassing, and imprisoning minorities

    They have friends in high places.
  6. sixpackshaker

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    Report the trap to the police. That shit is very illegal.
  7. sixpackshaker

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    I think the war will be a week later.
  8. sixpackshaker

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    The last of my Dad's siblings just passed away. I never knew her. She moved to California around the time of WWII. Kind of sad that she was exactly 3 months from reaching 100. This makes my mom the last of her generation in my family.
  9. sixpackshaker

    [Brazelton] Terry Goodkind (author)

    I loved how LotS started EVERY fight by jumping in the air.
  10. sixpackshaker

    [Brazelton] Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Just got to hope the voters don't shoot back.
  11. sixpackshaker

    The I'm Drunk/Wasted/High thread part too drunk to count

    That should make it more enjoyable.
  12. sixpackshaker

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    Dear Senator Cruz, I grew a ball the size of a Soft Ball. They cut it off and gave me chemo. I still resist Trump.
  13. sixpackshaker

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Noah, get the boat.
  14. sixpackshaker

    All your guns are belong in this thread.

    Damn, that is a bit better shooting than I do. I shoot the hell out of the line between the 9 and 10 ring to the right.
  15. sixpackshaker

    Coronavirus Thread

    I live in the most active hot spot in America for recent cases. I assume mostly due to the prison population. But a few weeks ago they pretty much had it handled. But the asses in this town don't wear masks either.
  16. sixpackshaker

    The EPIC WIN Thread 3: SON OF EPIC

    Jesus, I thought the 5 minute lockout in Skype was way too short. One can barely think to compose an email with that going on.
  17. sixpackshaker


    Thanks cuntsparkle....
  18. sixpackshaker

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    The Headmaster needs to be fired for looking at porn. And expel all the kids that reported the porn too.
  19. sixpackshaker

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    Reminds me of a rancher I know. His neighbor had a prize bull ($100,000+) that kept jumping the fence between the ranches and impregnating my friends' cows. The other rancher demanded money for stud fees. My friend told him, OK, but next time I see your bull on my property I'll shoot him for...
  20. sixpackshaker

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    Well, he guaranteed a crooked election.