The difference between genders is something that we discuss a lot in my major. If you area guy, you're automatically at more risk of dropping out than a girl for many reasons.
-First, since there are usually more female elementary school teachers, they tend identify more with the girls. Boys often get punished more often because people assume they are going to make more trouble--"boys will be boys", anyone?
-Second, it's been noted that boys and girls start to split off at about age 13 when it comes to preferences in literature. This is most likely a culture thing, but that's the way it is now. And these female teachers are often selecting reading material for the class that these boys find irrelevant or uninteresting.
-Third, boys are more likely to become emotionally disturbed or depressed, because they are not encouraged to share their feelings as often as girls. Girls are expected and "allowed" to let things out, while boys are expected to be tough.
Of course, these are all trends that have been noted--none are absolutes. But those are the gender-based challenges I face. There is my part, I guess... not exactly what we're talking about, I suppose, but I thought it was interesting.