They PROBABLY won't go this route, but they could do Lady Loki.We have been told it’s another Loki who is the villain. But the thing is we were deliberately not shown confirmation of this. The scene after we find out that it’s a variant of Loki who is killing the agents would be the obvious time to reveal “evil” Loki. But they for some reason still keep him in shadow and do not confirm his identity.
From a narrative perspective this means there is more to this other Loki (assuming it is even him) that the show creators don’t want us to know yet.
So either..z
1) it’s not really Loki.
2) There is a physical characteristic about this Loki that might identify him from a particular point in his life or a disfigurement that will have a big story impact.
But that's the most logical reason why they would need Loki.But honestly, I'm not crazy about the possible villain, at least for now, being another Loki. That's taking the "every Marvel villain is just an evil version of themselves" a little too literally. Asking for Kang would be asking for too much, of course, but still. Another Loki is disappointing.
But the variant timeline would be the one Thanos left behind, and they could just erase that one without doing anything to soon-to-be-non-existant-alt-Thanos.Thanos yanking himself and his army out of his own timestream into the present seems like a pretty big variant that shouldn't have happened?
That's a good point. Gender fluidity will enter the picture another way, then.I do not believe it will be a female Loki. At least not at this time.
They have referred to the killer variant as a "he".
*sings* And she's fucking Matt Damon!Aww, I wanted to speculate possible actresses for female Loki. The first candidate that came to mind was Sarah Silverman.
EDIT: Cause Matt Damon has played Loki, and... well...
♩ ♪ On the bed, on the floor♫ ♬*sings* And she's fucking Matt Damon!
Don't read Twitter.If we're going to see variant Lokis, they really should make one Matt Damon.
As quoted by the judge, that was "supposed to happen"And then there is the matter of Steve being allowed to stay in the past after returning the stones. Apparently the TVA doesn't have a concern with heroes breaking the rules, but on villains they put their foot down.
Which, kinda sucks a bit, because it implies that no one has a choice and there is no fight that is won simply because someone was better than someone else. It just means that any fight they didn't win was simply erased from time.As quoted by the judge, that was "supposed to happen"
That's actually one of the things I really like about this series, it's leaning into the existential crisis of determinism that should crop up any time that time travel is involved.Which, kinda sucks a bit, because it implies that no one has a choice and there is no fight that is won simply because someone was better than someone else. It just means that any fight they didn't win was simply erased from time.
*cringes, humming and rocking softly in the corner and whispers* "You don't, you really don't"On a completely different note: I want to see that awesome "elevator" clothing destroying robot again.
Initially, yes or somesuch, but then someone pointed out Loki's old helmet.Am I the only one who saw the stained glass window and thought they were immediately trolling about Mephisto?
If I am being honest, it feels like Marvel Studios has been attempting to avoid overt theocratic tones in the MCU. Mephisto is basically Marvel's "Satan", and so I don't see them actually bringing him in. Even the stuff with Witches we saw in Wandavision seemed more tied to the Sorcerers and Doctor Strange, rather then actual Christian occultism.Heh, at this point, Mephisto has been teased/bandied about in the MCU fandom so much, I actually doubt, besides a reference, he'll ever make an appearance.
Actually Marvel's "Satan" is whoever is Daemon and Satana's father at this time.Mephisto is basically Marvel's "Satan", and so I don't see them actually bringing him in.
Episode 2:
Still loving this series. And I was thinking we'd have to wait until the end of the season to find out what Loki Variant 2 was up to.
Going to go back and do that now.Anybody else pause the screen to see the list of places affected by Variant-Loki's attack? Better go get those paper weights!
That’s a lot of Earth specific locations for a timeline that includes all of reality.Going to go back and do that now.
Found this online so I didn't have to:
08.03.1522 Phong Nha, Vietnam
03.31.1492 Lisbon, Portugal
04.23.2301 Vormir
10.25.1551 Thorton, USA
11.22.1999 Cookeville, USA
02.16.2004 Asgard
10.03.1390 Rome, Italy
08.13.1984 Sakaar, Tayo
02.02.1808 Barichara, (Col)
07.14.1708 Porvoo, Finland
12.27.1382 Ego
10.13.1982 Titan
09.21.1947 New York, USA
03.01.1984 Tokyo, Japan
01.03.0051 Hala
08.02.1999 Kingsport, USA
09.24.1001 Xandar
11.23.2005 Beijing, China
07.18.1903 Madrid, Spain
This is just comic book movies in general. Since we are from Earth, we are pretty much the center of everything in any story while also maintaining an oddly detached existence from the rest of space. They made fun of this in Endgame when the crew are trying to figure out how to get as many infinity stones as possible with only a limited amount of Pym Particles, and realized three of the six stones were in New York at the exact same time.That’s a lot of Earth specific locations for a timeline that includes all of reality.
A lot of what you said applies still in spite of this, but GotG takes place in the Andromeda Galaxy and not the Milky Way.This is just comic book movies in general. Since we are from Earth, we are pretty much the center of everything in any story while also maintaining an oddly detached existence from the rest of space. They made fun of this in Endgame when the crew are trying to figure out how to get as many infinity stones as possible with only a limited amount of Pym Particles, and realized three of the six stones were in New York at the exact same time.
It honestly kind of drives me crazy, because when you look at the rest of the galaxy they are all intermingling to some degree other then Earth. Even back when all we had in space was Asgard and the Nine Realms, they made it out like Asgardians had a close relationship with most of the Nine Realms, but just kind of didn't give a shit about Earth for thousands of years until they sent Thor there. Then GOTG happens and there is a vast network of interconnected space civilizations, all having trade / wars / squabbles / adventures / similar currencies with each other and then over here is Earth, just kind of chilling until the random cosmic being takes a road trip or wants a vacation or kidnaps a kid. I mean, Tony Starks old suits are pretty cool, but did you know Rocket Raccoon can repair critically damaged space ships with a paint sprayer thing?
Even after Endgame do you think the President is going to be visiting Xandar in the interest of strong galactic relations considering the GOTG took a big part in the final battle on Earth? Probably not.
To be perfectly honest, this makes it even WEIRDER to me.A lot of what you said applies still in spite of this, but GotG takes place in the Andromeda Galaxy and not the Milky Way.
Back to Loki... some possible theory spoilers depending how right or wrong I end up.
Guys, I was thinking more about the stuff I mentioned earlier and even watched the episode again, and you know my theory about the Time Keepers using Variants to keep the Sacred Timeline flowing? That Lady Loki used the reset charges to remove those "maintainer" Variants in order to throw the entire timeline into disarray? Well, it hit me...
I can't believe I didn't put two and two together when the "reset charge" made their corpses vanish in 1985, but the Time Keepers didn't just burp out all these people at some point in time, these people were plucked from past Variant timelines just like Loki was, were likely brainwashed or reprogramed, and kept on to keep the Sacred Timeline flowing for all of time. This is why they all seem to be regular humans, and why they appreciate humans aesthetics, analog machines, justice with judges, etc. This is why that commander that was captured was sitting there saying "It was real" and "I want to go home", she likely had dreams of her past timeline and something Lady Loki did broke the programming, making her realize it was real all along.
I bet you money that Mobius himself was likely plucked from the 1990s which is why he is obsessed with the Jetski and soda pop. It's not just a passing fascination, it was once his life before whatever timeline he came from ceased to exist. In a way, this gives the Time Keepers near unlimited soldiers. I wonder how many of those other buildings are filled with other Mobius', all doing other jobs, all from other Variant timelines (OMG THE SCENE WHERE ROVANNA SAYS HE ISN'T THE ONLY ANALYST WORKING FOR HER!). This shit might be getting insane soon.
No, it's more of a MCU blend. She's the daughter of Lauffey, but MCU is borrowing various Enchantress bits like the name Sylvie.Just watched it, very into this police procedural in the Marvel Universe, with my strong strong prediction that i feel is to come:
Lady Loki is our MCU Enchantress.
And I am ALL IN on that.
A cool idea. The Jet Ski thing has to come up somehow. I was thinking that they would somehow use JetSkis to save the day in the final episode, but I like your idea better. Especially with the Josta cans that Mobius has been drinking he definitely has a very 90s feeling about him. There are also two locations on that list of attacked times that are in 1999. Cookeville and Kingsport. Maybe Mobius is from one of those locations and that was why it was targeted in particular.
Mobius believes he was created by the Time Keepers. I don’t think he has any idea that he and everyone else might be just plucked from time, mind wiped, and then given jobs after a thorough brain washing. But those little bits of their personalities still remain.Considering Josta was only made from 1995 to 1999 (and was the first Energy Drink in the US!) it's entirely likely Mobius is from the late 90's.
Also... the advertisement for Josta?
"Woulda. Shoulda. Coulda." and "Better do the good stuff now"? That's kind of talking about Mobius as a person, isn't it? He thinks jet skis are great and, if he's from the late 90's like they seem to hint he is, then he plenty of opportunity to ride one. But now he can't; he's with the TVA and he's never going to get that chance again. Except he's got Loki just flat out telling him "Why the fuck not? You've got all the time in the world."
Or maybe I'm just reading too much into a soft drink.
You have to take into context what happened in Doctor Strange for what she said to make sense. She knows that Steven Strange was destined to use the Time Stone to defeat Dormammu and stop him from merging his dimension with our dimension. By taking the Time Stone, the Avengers would create a timeline where the Time Stone was not around for Steven Strange to use in the future, and thus Dormammu would have nothing to stop him from using his minions to merge the dimensions and doom that timeline. That is why she said taking it would doom their timeline to the forces of evil.The Supreme Sorceress basically explains the idea of branching timelines to Professor Hulk when he comes back for the Time Stone. She indicates that removing the stone from that timeline would doom it. Now she specifically says that the timeline would be unprotected from the forces of evil, so I don't think she's actually referring to the TVA completely pruning the timeline. Maybe she doesn't even know about the TVA even though she's been protecting the Time Stone.
It wouldn't surprise me if the comic writer who created the TVA in the first place was an Asimov fan and was strongly inspired by that story.It finally dawned on me what seemed so familiar about the TVA; the concept is a lot like a short story by Issac Asimov called "The End of Eternity". I haven't read it in years, and the Wikipedia entry conflicts with some of what I thought I remembered, so it's possible that my memory has blended multiple stories together.
I mean, one of the main characters in Asimov's story is named "Harlan" soooo...It wouldn't surprise me if the comic writer who created the TVA in the first place was an Asimov fan and was strongly inspired by that story.
I for one am curious if Mobius is
a Howard Stark variant
I mean, there's no other logical way to do it, sinceFirst off...
My Variant theory was confirmed to be true. The TVA is entirely made up of Variants pulled from lost timelines and made to work for the Time Keepers.
I mean, there's no other logical way to do it, sincetaking anyone out of the timeline without changing it would at the very least require they'd be dead in that timeline starting from that time when they where taken, which would make them being alive the start of an alternate timeline. Obviously being put outside of time negates the new timeline, but they would still count just as much as anyone taken after the timeline split, but was then erased, since neither has a working timeline etc.
As long as they are spoilers about the show in question we're fine. But spoilers about "this actor is in IMDB or said this in an interview" should probably still go behind tags.Just a thought, but given that these threads are usually created specifically with spoilers in mind, we probably don't need all the spoiler tags?
I like this theory a lot. There are a few questions raised here though as I don’t feel that Silvie has the memory knowledge of so much of the planet without a proper explanation. And if she does such as the train then they would likely run into a past version of silvie here since this is all part of the sacred timeline.Never claimed they were from a regular timeline. The reveal that they are all Variants discounts their own notions that the Time Keepers created them.
Now a few questions.
So the majority of the episode takes place on Lamantis-1 in the year 2077, but I couldn't decide whether it was a future human colony of some type, or an entirely alien civilization. It really could go either way considering we have seen countless human-like races around the galaxies like Rhomann Dey, but much of the visual style like the futurish dump trucks, food carts, trains, etc, really felt more human then anything we have seen from other space civilizations.
It really seems like Sylvie does not consider herself a princess in any way, so it makes me question if she was raised by Odin or not. It could be her timeline has an entirely different take on the Loki myth and how she came to take the name before discarding it.
Lastly, why are they flailing around so much and getting beat up by future cops when Loki can look at a falling building and make it REVERSE DIRECTION. They have never showed him have that kind of telepathic strength. Though, honestly, that moment made me form a theory.
None of that stuff happened. Wait what?
The start of the episode establishes how Sylvie's enchantment powers work, and she basically creates an existence in their mind of a past memory. Later on, she attempts to use her powers on Loki in a rather intimate fashion but he scoffs that her powers won't work on him. I think they did. Sylvie knows the planet from a past visit, using it as a hideout. She never specified the place she goes in their head has to be their own memories, what if they can be her memories too? Considering how she looked at him leading into the touch, I think she is actually curious if he could be trusted. How can you get someone to open up about how they really feel? Well, constant assured destruction has a way of removing any filters one might have. Why bother when you will be dead in moments?
In the end they will be sitting around, watching the planet about to impact them, Loki will show his true self, and Sylvie will pull them out of the enchantment and decide to work with him for real. It will then be a repeat of the same day but completely different, playing into the time motif.
See, I'm of the opinion that threads like this are specifically for people to discuss spoilers without the need of tags at all. We've done this before with various movies and shows. If you enter a thread created to discuss a movie or show, then it should be an "Enter at your own risk" kind of thing. It's a minor thing, honestly. If this were still the general TV discussion or MCU thread, then spoiler tag away.As long as they are spoilers about the show in question we're fine. But spoilers about "this actor is in IMDB or said this in an interview" should probably still go behind tags.
Two things, 1) You don't have memories of yourself from an alternate viewpoint, so they wouldn't see an alternate version of Sylvie at the train station, and 2) She has the ability to manipulate the memories for her needs, like how she inserted herself into a memory with the commander at the start, and even did things like changing the time of day half way through.I like this theory a lot. There are a few questions raised here though as I don’t feel that Silvie has the memory knowledge of so much of the planet without a proper explanation. And if she does such as the train then they would likely run into a past version of silvie here since this is all part of the sacred timeline.
it also seems odd that Loki would be able to experience things while Silvie was asleep and also that moment where he gets tossed out and we focus on Silvie for a moment before she jumps out too. It focuses on a character who is not the center of the projection meaning it’s just there to throw off the audience and therefore cheating.
This one is easy, 1) She comes from a pre-time keepers timeline, one that they pruned while crafting the Sacred Timeline, and 2) She was recruited out of said deleted timeline to be a member of the original TVA and had her memory wiped. Think about it, how did she get to understand the mechanics of their tech so well that she could hotwire a timeline carpet bomb? This is someone with intimate knowledge about the TVA and the technology they use. My theory is that a long time ago while on a mission as some type of Analyst, her magic powers returned to her, and gave her back her original memory and the knowledge of the destruction of her timeline. She is out for revenge now realizing that everyone she loved was erased.apart from that awesome theory I also question how a variant like Silvie can exist at all if the TVA prunes any split timeline within hours of it diverting. If Odin did adopt a human instead it would mean a few hours later the tva would remove that moment from history. She’s never get old enough to be Silvie.
Ah, see, i always assumed that the Time Keepers creating them was obvious BS.Never claimed they were from a regular timeline. The reveal that they are all Variants discounts their own notions that the Time Keepers created them.
I mean being in a place from a memory and actually experiencing the memory isn't the same thing, there's no reason why there would be a Sylvie memory copy.I like this theory a lot. There are a few questions raised here though as I don’t feel that Silvie has the memory knowledge of so much of the planet without a proper explanation. And if she does such as the train then they would likely run into a past version of silvie here since this is all part of the sacred timeline.
Near the end she says something about stronger minds making it like they're both there, so it's likely that she's not "not the center of the projection".It focuses on a character who is not the center of the projection meaning it’s just there to throw off the audience and therefore cheating.
She might be from before the timeline war destroyed everything.apart from that awesome theory I also question how a variant like Silvie can exist at all if the TVA prunes any split timeline within hours of it diverting. If Odin did adopt a human instead it would mean a few hours later the tva would remove that moment from history. She’s never get old enough to be Silvie.
It's the internet and a character was revealed as gay. Of course people are mad. The usual suspects, of course.Are people actually mad about that?
So....nobody noteworthy.It's the internet and a character was revealed as gay. Of course people are mad. The usual suspects, of course.
And that is the most normal relationship he had, re offspring. And that this is the version Christian monks wrote down to best convince the Norse how similar their beliefs were to Christianity.
This is what actually bothers me. Like, why would Loki, once he gains the power of the TVA, continue to form a timeline where he dies? That is the only question that makes me unsure on whether it's Loki or not. You would think Loki would craft a timeline where he always wins.I also was thinking that the TVA may be in fact run by a variant Loki. It’s nearly all of the Loki variants’ dreams to be in charge. Makes sense that one of them already is. Why he wants other Lokies to fail is the question. Keep the competition down?
Loki has telekinetic powers. We saw him pull something off of a shelf to him a couple of episodes ago, and in Thor: Dark World he trashed his cell with his mind as well. Lifting a building is bigger than he's shown - and I wouldn't be surprised if the writers have forgotten he can do it sometimes - but it's not a new trick.Still does not explain how Loki can lift a building with his mind though.
This. And I think it was Dark World, they confirmed Frigga taught Loki magic, but they never got into the specifics. So I guess Loki has Plot Magic; similar to Plot Armor, but flashier!Loki has telekinetic powers. We saw him pull something off of a shelf to him a couple of episodes ago, and in Thor: Dark World he trashed his cell with his mind as well. Lifting a building is bigger than he's shown - and I wouldn't be surprised if the writers have forgotten he can do it sometimes - but it's not a new trick.
Tiw(also Tiu/Tyr) was the god who sacrificed his hand/arm to Fenrir to allow Fenrir to be leashed, and Fenrir is one of Loki's children.Does anyone else wonder if there is any significance to Sylvie's timeline ending on a Tuesday?
SOLOMON GRUNDY CONFIRMED!Does anyone else wonder if there is any significance to Sylvie's timeline ending on a Tuesday?
Taco Tuesday?Does anyone else wonder if there is any significance to Sylvie's timeline ending on a Tuesday?
I know he has "telekinetic" powers (more likely a form of magic just without the effects), just never to the scale of lifting an entire building back up to it's foundation.Loki has telekinetic powers. We saw him pull something off of a shelf to him a couple of episodes ago, and in Thor: Dark World he trashed his cell with his mind as well. Lifting a building is bigger than he's shown - and I wouldn't be surprised if the writers have forgotten he can do it sometimes - but it's not a new trick.
Why can't it be both? One thing of note is that, on Sylvie's paperwork during the flashback, she ISN'T listed as genderfluid like Loki was, but instead female. Also, while Loki revealed his own bisexuality and hinted to Sylvie being the same, she never actually confirmed she felt that way. It might not just be that she seems to be good, but because she in the end became a completely different person down to even her personal and social preferences.So I don't think being female is what triggered Sylvie's nexus event. Loki is gender fluid and a shapeshifter, the timeline doesn't care what gender they are.
Sylvie was playing save Asgard. And she was concerned for the wellbeing of the man in the TVA. She was turning into a good person, that is what made her a deviant.
Loki has the least consistent power level in the MCU, ranging from being a threat to the Avengers to being shown up by random mooks when it's convenient to the plot; the first episode even called it out when Mobius described him as existing to push other people to reach their potential. I don't think there's a lot of value to be had in trying to pin down any of his abilities or what they can/can't accomplish.It just felt a little much for his character.
Well, i know one of them was black, but that's not a problem for Loki (oh, and he's also a crocodile, missed that one in the viewing), so as far as we know maybe only Loki's get transported there instead of being deleted. And maybe that's because no Loki would ever give his subordinates a weapon capable of killing him.The post-credits scene though? Talk about nuts. When they showed that sort of post apocalyptic New York in the trailers, I thought it was another timeline, but now I think what the TVA does is actually sends Variants to what amounts to a dimensional trash bin. The reason the buildings and stuff in the trailer are so broken up and lopsided is because if they also get "pruned" from the time charges it throws them in there too. The good news, this mean Mobius is alive too!
I mean their official origin story is that they started after all the timelines went to war with each other and destroyed everything.I still think we are going to find out the TVA itself is a new creation and has not actually existed since the start of time.
Slight Mobius spoiler
Imdb lists Owen Wilson as being in 5 episodes, so he has to show up again in some capacity.
The image this brings to my mind is probably not the same as the one it brings to yours, and I don't like it.Thanos helicopter.
Joss Whedon said Coulson was dead, and 7 seasons of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D was like, "Nuh-uh!". Like the comics they're based on death is only permanent until the next writer gets their hands on them.I remember the Russos saying that anyone who died in Infinity War and Endgame was going to stay dead.
So far we've seen the snapped get unsnapped, Gamora and Loki return due to time travel shenanigans, Natasha returning (sort of) in her solo movie, and Vision get remade.
I'll bet Heimdall's all like, "Guys..."
They've even brought back Lian Harper.I remember there was a time when people said "the only people that stay dead are Uncle Ben and Bucky!", and by the 2000's that wasn't true anymore, either.
Cap: LANGUAGE!Spider-Man: No Way Home
Toby Peter Parker: "My Uncle Ben is dead because I didn't act when I could have."
Andrew Peter Parker: "Same."
Tom Peter Parker: "Huh? Mine is alive. He and May just got a divorce. I see him every other weekend.
Toby/Andrew: "WHAT THE F....!"
Just one episode ago the Time Keepers were found out to be Chuck-E-Cheese-style animatronics. Who is to say the TVA's master didn't tamper with the files? If the theory ends up being true that the person in charge is another Variant of Loki, possibly one that also comes from a "post-infinity war" existence, then he might have need to make his fake death look like his real death.That doesn't explain the EOF message when Loki variant was reviewing the footage of his life that he had not experienced yet.
I remember the Russos saying that anyone who died in Infinity War and Endgame was going to stay dead.
To be absolutely fair to both these points, the only person that matters is Kevin Fiege. Kevin considers Coulson perma-dead because he never wanted AoS and does not consider it canon, and should he want to bring someone back, it's going to happen, regardless of what the Russos said during the time they made Infinity War and Endgame.Joss Whedon said Coulson was dead, and 7 seasons of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D was like, "Nuh-uh!". Like the comics they're based on death is only permanent until the next writer gets their hands on them.
I feel like the big-bad being another Loki Variant at this point will just feel like a letdown.Theory time!
We still have not had the multiple Mobius moments that they hinted at earlier. Now, in the end, it could just be a Easter Egg towards the comics, but my theory is that now Mobius is back at the TVA he won't be able to take it down alone. He will run into "himself" while trying to sneak around the TVA, and realizing there are possibly multiple Variants of himself working there, will find them all to build an army big enough to take down the TVA.
The big bad won't be Kang. Kang is a futurist and isn't likely to be the type to brood in some Gothic castle at the end of the Universe. We know we saw Kang's city as an Easter Egg in Ant Man and the Wasp, shrunk down into the quantum dimension. My theory is that Kang shrunk the city into the quantum dimension specifically to avoid the TVA as he would be too small to create any Nexus Events and thus shielded from being pruned. When the TVA is destroyed at the end of Loki, he will have no reason to hide, and the stinger leading off the end of the episode will be him recruiting a now homeless and angry Ravanna Renslayer in order to gain the TVAs secrets, leading into whatever happens during Ant Man and the Wasp : Quantumania.
Though I am certain it won't be Kang, I am still not sold on the big bad being another MCU (Tom Hiddleston) Loki Variant. The reason that theory is so persuasive is because there are still unused scenes in the trailer of Loki dressed in kingly attire. However, other shots of him in the same room show people that look a lot like Asgardians, and my theory is that whoever the big bad really is, they are going to try to convince Loki to join them by taking them back to moments in time where they felt the most powerful. Loki as King of Asgard, Loki during the Battle of New York (another stinger from the trailer we have yet to see), etc. So who is the person? Sylvie. Yes, I know, what!? It's a lot to explain, so I won't go into all the ideas on the theory, but the basics is Sylvie in a past time period succeeded in destroying the Time Keepers but in the end decided to rule the TVA instead. When past Sylvie and Loki confront her, she will use her enchantment powers, enhanced over millennia of usage, to attempt to coax the more devious and dangerous side of Loki so that he can join her and rule, but ultimately Loki will care more for the past Sylvie, who having grow a connection with Loki, no longer wants that power. It would be a nice play off the convo the two had last episode, where Sylvie made Loki promise not to betray her, and now he must, either betraying her past self to rule with her future self, or her future self to save her past self.
Anyways, those are the biggest theories I have for now. Of course, can be WAY off in the end, I have been before, but this is just where I see these threads going right now.
Specially if they have a pair of Frog Thor's legs sticking out from between the teeth.Disney should really make some Croki plushies.
The thing about mysteries, you have to establish the person ahead of time. They don't work otherwise. The audience feels cheated when they go through an entire movie or series trying to figure out who the secret person is, only to find out it was Joe from three houses down who was never mentioned or even seen. As soon as it turned out the Time Keepers were fake, they would have to establish the real leader very soon after if they planned for him to be a new insert (aka Kang, which is another reason I don't think it's him, general audiences are not going to know who he is.) The fact we still don't know who they are going through the penultimate episode means they are banking the show on that mystery reveal for the finale, so they can't do an ass pull.I feel like the big-bad being another Loki Variant at this point will just feel like a letdown.Post automatically merged:
Do they count the recap as part of the episode? He is for sure going to have a blurb in that.Possible spoiler that I accidentally stumbled on:
Imdb lists Richard E. Grant/Classic Loki as appearing in 3 episodes, so he may be part of the finale/mystery after all? Or maybe just a flashback. Who knows.
Usually it only counts if it's a new scene? As far as I know? They don't credit Hemsworth, Russo, Hopkins, etc. when they used their scenes in Ep. 1.Do they count the recap as part of the episode? He is for sure going to have a blurb in that.
"Come watch our Loki Simpsons special!"The Loki/Simpsons crossover was very underwhelming.
It's kinda like putting Martin Freeman in the MCU.If anyone ten years ago told me that Own Wilson would be one of my favorite casting choices in a Marvel movie / show, I would say they were nuts, yet here we are.
My immediate thought on reading this was, "What about Heimdall, though? All seeing, controls travel to other realms."What if it's Frigga? Wouldn't that be a twist.
This clearly isn't Canon, because we all know alligator Loki was adopted by Toadin and Frogga, and their son Throg.
Nah, that makes sense. And it also explains why them bonding during the apocalypse caused a nexus event.So who is the person? Sylvie. Yes, I know, what!? It's a lot to explain, so I won't go into all the ideas on the theory, but the basics is Sylvie in a past time period succeeded in destroying the Time Keepers but in the end decided to rule the TVA instead.
There was a mid-credits stinger saying "Loki will return in Season 2."If they do a second season
Yes I saw on Twitter. Glad to see. We really need it to keep going.There was a mid-credits stinger saying "Loki will return in Season 2."
As Nick said, that wasn't Kang, that was clearly Immortus. It's all about that cape.So I was wrong, it was Kang. I do like the fact that they made it a Variant of Kang though, one that was not evil (per say) but was actually attempting to prevent the worst versions of himself from existing.
I wouldn't be so sure that wasn't intentionally set to send him to a variant TVA.since she used Kang's bracelet, which is obviously way more powerful then the average time pad, she actually sent him to another timelines version of the TVA, one that is now ruled by one of the conqueror Kangs.
No, that's Kang, the guy at the end of the timelines was Immortus.of not-Kang wearing Kang's costume.
I think "clearly" is too strong a word. There's enough hints and nods that it was Immortus, but there's no way to know unless they come right out and say it. They might just simplify things and just refer to him as a Kang variant.As Nick said, that wasn't Kang, that was clearly Immortus. It's all about that cape.
Wonder if well get his Iron Lad for Young Avengers. I hope so.
I wouldn't be so sure that wasn't intentionally set to send him to a variant TVA.
No, that's Kang, the guy at the end of the timelines was Immortus.
I can understand your wife's disappointment. It's kind of like Thanos at the end of Avengers. Only the nerds are going to know who it is unless the movie/show flat out tells you. As soon as I saw Kang/Immortus' outfit, I immediately knew who he was (or at least a version or variant of him). But to the average viewer, he was "just some guy" they haven't seen before.I overall liked the finale. I liked Immortus/Kang and think it is an overall better setup for Kang than the original comics version introduction of "Hi, I'm Kang, I am from the future and I come to conquer."
My wife on the other hand was disappointed. She has no idea who or what a Kang is and to her it was a lot of build-up to a nothing reveal. Her opinion might change once more about the character comes out down the line, but for now she thought is was as bad the unnecessary fight scenes at the end of most Marvel outings.
I liked the show and look forward to a second season.
He Who Remains had the purple cape and green outfit with the yellow sign on the chest:I think "clearly" is too strong a word. There's enough hints and nods that it was Immortus, but there's no way to know unless they come right out and say it. They might just simplify things and just refer to him as a Kang variant.
That's not true, it wasn't a retcon, Kang's 1st appearance has him telling the Avengers his origin as Rama-Tut.I can't help wondering if we'll see Rama-Tut (who was originally just an Egyptian themed villain from the future but retconned to be one of the youngest versions of Kang).
Kang wouldn't have worked for non-comic-fans if there wasn't a 2nd season (unless the Loki's chose to replace him, or actually betrayed eachother, i guess).My wife on the other hand was disappointed. She has no idea who or what a Kang is and to her it was a lot of build-up to a nothing reveal. Her opinion might change once more about the character comes out down the line, but for now she thought is was as bad the unnecessary fight scenes at the end of most Marvel outings.
I think this really sums up how I felt. I don't know much about the Marvel Universe, so the ending was a lot of build-up to... a guy. I had a feeling the True Fans were picking up all sorts of clues I couldn't see about whatever was going on. So I guess as a casual Marvel fan, the Wizard of Oz ending worked...okay. They got across that a can of worms had been opened, so that was enough to lead in to Season 2 where they will hopefully explain everything.To me, the finale felt kinda like the Wizard of Oz. DorLoki and the Scarecrowki pull back the curtain and The Wizard is... just a dude. I mean, if your a Marvel fan, he's much more, but for the average viewer, just a dude. Of course, in this case, he offers them a brain and a way home, and DorLoki stabs him instead. Now Oz is in chaos, and Scarecrowki's screwed. Should be interesting.
Kang's kingdom did appear as an Easter egg in Ant-Man and Wasp. You can spot it in the background when they go into the quantum realm.It will be interesting to see what type of personality that Kang has.
With Jonathan Majors playing possibly multiple variants of the Nathaniel Richards character he could technically have a different way of playing each and everyone.
He Who Remains (possibly Immortus) was played as ancient but childish (reminded me a lot of Ford Prefect in Hitchhiker's Guide). Different variations of him may end up being far more serious and terrifying.
Now it seems obvious that with Phase 4 delving into multiverse problems that Kang seems like a major player here, but I find it odd that his first official appearance (as Kang) will be in the Antman/Wasp 3 movie. The last two entries haven't been very dark or even very important when it comes to the rest of the MCU.
REALLY? *googles* Dammit! I am mildly dyslexic, but usually it doesn't trip me up this bad.Actually the episode is entitled "Breaking Brad".
I thought it was pretty clear. Loki chose to take on the burden of keeping the infinite timelines alive, preventing the Time War, by setting himself up as a god. The details aren't given, but the broad strokes are clear. The new shape of the timelines is a tree, a reference to Yggdrasil the World Tree. Loki has shown himself to be his father's son, even though he was adopted and felt like Thor was the favored child. Loki hasn't just become King of Asgard, he's taken on more responsibility than he ever dreamed of, and done it not for glory, or pleasure, or even out of spite. He's now a new Allfather, in a way even Odin wasn't. He's taken on the burden of the multiverse because he genuinely cares about people, and giving them a chance.I didn't honestly understand what Loki was doing at the end and it's not explained very well.
Yeah, solid series and I agree that the ending was great. It's been one of the strongest Marvel series on D+ so far.Series stuck the landing in my opinion.
Everything about it was fun and the visuals were so wonderful.
I agree this is the perfect ending for Loki realizing his true purpose.
OOH so Loki PLAGIARIZED Yggdrassil? THAT is on brand, I love it.I saw it it more as he used Yggdrasil for the model of how he would maintain the multiverse, since Yggdrasil already exists in Marvel lore as Thor described it to Jane in the first Thor movie. HWR's solution was a ring but that model doesn't work in a situation where infinite branches can occur as the whole season showed.
AH, chicken or the egg.Or, Loki now exists out of time. It looks like Yggdrasil because it was always Yggdrasil.
This has been the main issue for me. Even if all of Marvel's offerings were excellent (and, let's be fair, not all of them have been excellent) there's simply too much of them, and I haven't been able to keep up. If I stop watching and a backlog of shows and movies builds up, this doesn't make me want to get cracking and watch them all, it just makes me want to stop watching altogether.That, and stop releasing things every few months.
I'm not all that worried about the speed of the projects coming out. The quality of them has dipped these last few seasons. If that has to do with how quickly they are churning out projects then yeah, they need to slow down. But if they could put out stuff consistently as strong as Loki and Guardians 3 I'd be just fine with their current release schedule.I, personally, don't object to how many projects they're making. I like that they're looking at variety. I just think they're releasing them too often and too close together. They're flooding the market. Slow it down, give us some time to digest, and then have something to look forward to.