Allen, who will Answer Questions

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Staff member
Can you cook? If so, what do you like to cook?

Have you ever been interested in photography?

Any hidden talents?

What's a book you can read over and over and a movie you can watch over and over?

What's your dream and how are you working on achieving it?

3 favorite colors?

Describe your philosophy on how to live life in 3 sentences.

Favorite song to pump you up?

Person who makes you laugh the most?
Can you cook? If so, what do you like to cook?
Kind of. I cook things and they end up being good, but I don't really practice the skill or anything. I can cook a lot of simple things though.

I mostly like the prep work though. I like doing the chopping, the slicing, the mixing, the beating, or any of the other things that go into cooking. Once it comes time to put it all together, I like having other people do it.

My favorite thing to make is hamburgers. I think I make them very well. Ever since I started making them, I've gone out for fast food less because the fast food just doesn't compare.

Have you ever been interested in photography?
Hate taking pictures and hate being in pictures. Not a big fan.

Any hidden talents?
None that I'm aware of. Which I guess is why they're hidden.

What's a book you can read over and over and a movie you can watch over and over?
I won't be able to pick one.

Snow Crash and To Own a Dragon for the books.

For movies, The Full Monty,Mulan, and High Fidelity

What's your dream and how are you working on achieving it? Not sure.

Next question

3 favorite colors?
Green, Purple, Orange

Describe your philosophy on how to live life in 3 sentences.
Be efficient. Be polite. This is a third sentence.

Favorite song to pump you up?
Most songs they play at the versus screen in fighting games do a good job. But I'd say the best would be the Guilty Gear XX versus song.

Person who makes you laugh the most?
Me. I'm around myself most of the time so I have full exposure to all my jokes. Plus, I have a remarkably similar sense of humor to myself.

For not me people: Mitch Hedberg and Christopher Titus make me laugh the most.

---------- Post added at 08:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------

Where do you do your best thinking?
Walking to and from school.

Do you have daily routines? If so, what?
1. Do push ups.
2. Post here.

Are you a momma's boy?
Kind of.

---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 PM ----------

Have you ever been interested in photography?
alternative answer:

photographs, eh? Are you asking me knowingly?

Now one more question before beddies... Favorite Monty Python sketch?

International Philosophy

Gusto said:
Favourite 5 webcomics?

Y'know, since we're working together and all.
Huh boy. Let's see.

Hono(u)rable mentions: Gunnerkrigg Court, DAR: A Super Girly Top Secret Comic Diary by Erika Moen

#5: Erfworld
#4: Order of the Stick
#3: Kate Beaton comics
#2: Daily Dinosaur Comics
#1: Achewood
I'd face Picard. As a last request before he disembowels me, I ask him to sing the entire score of the HMS Pinafore. That way, he would send me to heaven before he sends me to hell.
Awesome answer.

Are you taking advantage of my absence here lately to make a move on CJ?
Do you perfer women with smaller breasts or bigger ones?
Brains or humour?
What's your opinion on near-death experiences? Real or not? Hallucinations or signs of something more?
Black and gold, or black and silver?
How many roads have you walked down? I'm trying to set an upper limit to hw many roads a man must walk down, as you're clearly to be called a man.
Football, baseball, basketball, hockey, or american football?
Are you taking advantage of my absence here lately to make a move on CJ?

Do you perfer women with smaller breasts or bigger ones?
I like both. Which one I like better depends on my mood. At the moment, I'd say smaller.

Brains or humour?
Brains. If she can correct my math, she may be a keeper.

The only kind of sense of humor she needs is sense enough to laugh at my jokes.

What's your opinion on near-death experiences? Real or not? Hallucinations or signs of something more?
No opinion.

Black and gold, or black and silver?
Black and gold. It is a nicer contrast than black and silver.

How many roads have you walked down? I'm trying to set an upper limit to hw many roads a man must walk down, as you're clearly to be called a man.
Literally: Quite a few. Too many to count, really.
Metaphorically: :shrug:

Football, baseball, basketball, hockey, or american football?

Never bothered to try to get into football.
Baseball bores me if I'm not there with friends.
Basketball is too polite for my tastes.
American football: see football


Staff member
To whom can you tell everything, or almost everything?

Who's CJ?

Do you have a pet? If not, do you want one? What kind?

What's the weirdest thing you've eaten?

---------- Post added at 12:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 PM ----------

Does it annoy you when people say "homeskillet?" How about "broseph?"
To whom can you tell everything, or almost everything?
This one girl I know.

Who's CJ?

Do you have a pet? If not, do you want one? What kind?
Have two. A cat and a dog. The cat is a jerk, and the dog is a jerk with only the best of intentions.

In the future, I would like to get a collie. I would name it Melon.

What's the weirdest thing you've eaten?
On a dare, chocolate chip cookie+nacho cheese sauce. Started out as not bad, then the novelty wore off and my taste buds started kicking in.

Does it annoy you when people say "homeskillet?" How about "broseph?"
I've only ever actually heard "broseph". I've only heard it like three times. Over the span of several years. So I'm neutral.
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