Allen, who will Answer Questions

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Why can't I think of any questions to ask you?
You're afraid that you may not like my answer so much, you begin to resent me for it. Then you pick up drinking and start a downward spiral. When you're at the bottom, you wonder what your life could have been like if you didn't ask me that one question.

Hylian said:
Why can't Gruebeard think of any questions to ask you?

Kitty Sinatra

I've feel like I desperately need a drink. What alcoholic beverage should I abuse tonight?
Because I'm waiting for the temperature in my mouth to normalize so that I can get an accurate reading. If I start doing something, then I'll just be distracted by the thought of when I should take my temperature to be able to concentrate.
she can do whatever she wishes. It's like I always say:

"She can ask if she wants to
She can leave her friends behind
Because her friends don't ask and if they don't ask
Well, they're no friends of mine."
Quasi-related question:

Do you ever read Erfworld and see Wanda, but in your mind you call her Shego?

Or is it just me?
what is six times nine?

---------- Post added at 02:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 PM ----------

Allen have you ever narrowly escaped DEATH?
nope. the closest I've ever come is this one time when I was hyperventilating. Then somebody told me to take deeper breaths and then I did.

Good times.
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