Catholic sex guide!

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No, it means I don't have much interest in speculating about what a unicorn might look like.

I love it when people accuse you of having no imagination if you don't believe in something. Like when someone said I had no imagination because I think "aliens" is a lazy, tired cliché of an explanation for phenomena that might have fascinating natural explanations. I see incredible adaptations of insects, for example, and my mind spirals around evolution, biology, and all the amazing ways that these flies have learned how to mug ants for food. But according to some, if I don't see it as "God," then I have no imagination.

That said, I have no problem if someone sees the same thing and says "Aren't God's creatures amazing?" (As long as they keep it out of science textbooks, but that's a whole other can of posts.) I don't begrudge people the comfort of their faith.
Denbrought said:
Do you really think that, lets assume the existence of God/s, a God's thought process goes "ewww pedos" or "ewww" anything? If they didn't like something, they would rationally just not let it exist at all--if they acted rationally, that is. Mayhaps the God takes pleasure in the suffering of its creations, and that is the reason for our belligerent and cruel nature? Then it would go the opposite, cherishing humanity's depraved actions. Or it just doesn't give a poop about what happens, it's all fun either way.

So if a God entity were to exist I'd like to think if it as an ADHD child in the playground of creation, throwing together poop at random just because there's nothing better to do around, not giving a crap about the actual results.
Well, I've always seen God as a programmer, not as a writer. An origin that creates the set of rules in wich our existance... wel, exists. Well, it's a little more complex than that, but I imagine he doesn't want to interfere, at least not directly. What we do is up to us. (In this light, the teachings of Jesus become a way of telling us the way he'd want us to be... but he can't force us to do that: if the creation is just a puppet play, it has no sense. Creatoin, destruction and all that's in between become senseless).

I'm trying to explain a "diet" version of some of my religious ideas, but they don't look especially well thought nor working in their diet version.
I guess that's you. I find speculation to be a very stimulating endeavour. I'd understand someone not wanting to do it if their views weren't set strong enough to defend them from internal debate, but otherwise it's a nice topic. Even if cats don't speak, we have icanhascheezburger emotes :p

Also... I don't think I've ever had someone accuse me of not having imagination for not believing in something. Rather, I'm called on how much more complicate it all is if you don't take a God-like thing at the top of the pyramid for simpleness' sake.

I just don't have any interest in what "God" might be like. It's not an all-encompassing "I don't like to speculate" disorder. (I just reread my previous post and realized I didn't edit it as I meant to; unicorn should not be in there. :rofl: )

Denbrought said:
Also... I don't think I've ever had someone accuse me of not having imagination for not believing in something.
I find it pretty weird, myself. But it's happened to me more than once.
"Don't eat from that tree, or bad things will happen" => bad thing happen now... it's all there in the manual people.

No, it means I don't have much interest in speculating about what a unicorn might look like.
It's a horse with a horn on it's head... :p

Being a spiritual atheist I can't really answer that.
i don't think that's what you would be called...
ZenMonkey said:
@Li3n said:
i don't think that's what you would be called...
From the reading I've been doing I'm finding it's almost exactly what I would be called.
I don't know... there are plenty of religions that don't have gods per se (e.g. Buddhism).

@Li3n said:
I don't know... there are plenty of religions that don't have gods per se (e.g. Buddhism).
Actually Buddhism is often cited in writings about spiritual atheism, I've found, because the Buddha encouraged people to focus on this world and this life. (I know I'm oversimplifying; no offense intended towards Buddhists.)

But my point is not "I'm trying to find a religion." My point is I've found my own beliefs to be in tune with the spiritual atheism viewpoint. Basically I made up that term for myself and then after some research found that "spiritual atheism" is in fact an existing belief system.

I'm not sure what you're saying. Are you saying that what I believe in is silly and comparing it to a TV trope? I need to be clear on this before I respond.
Nah, i find your definition (or at least the words use) of your belief silly... (and looking it up it sounds more and more like a form of agnosticism).

I haven't defined my belief for you at all. You have no idea what I personally believe, especially if you think I'm an agnostic.

So I'm finished having this conversation with you if all you care to do is make dismissive, reductive assumptions and say "that's silly" like a 3-year-old.
What's a name if not a short description of something?!

Sorry if i made it seem i'm dismissing your belief, i'm not, i just find the actual words you use to describe it silly... like i find negative profit to be a silly thing.

As for the agnostic thing... did i not say that was based on looking up spiritual atheism on the internet?!
@Li3n said:
What's a name if not a short description of something?!

Sorry if i made it seem i'm dismissing your belief, i'm not, i just find the actual words you use to describe it silly... like i find negative profit to be a silly thing.

As for the agnostic thing... did i not say that was based on looking up spiritual atheism on the internet?!
Personally, I do believe a name is a short description of something. Spiritual atheist is exactly that: an atheist who has spiritual aspects to their life. I'd classify myself as such, because--although I'd like to believe in the supernatural, and am completely fascinated by the concept of ghosts and the paranormal--I have such a high standard of proof that belief is impossible for me.

That being said, there are spiritual aspects of my life. I never felt any sort of stirring or joy in church or in praying, but the ocean makes me feel at peace and in the presence of something beautiful. The awe I never found in God I find in the sheer beauty of life, and trying to understand it in the laboratory.

Spirituality and religion are two different things to me; and spirituality involves, but does not necessitate, religion.
Of course words are descriptives... that's the whole point of language. It was rhetorical...

I have such a high standard of proof that belief is impossible for me.
Unless ur a fan of the whole "nothing is real, it's all in our heads" thing, you don't believe in something that's proven... because something that's proven simply is (of course even then you can debate the merits of the proof, but that's a different animal). Also, agnosticism is all about the "impossible to prove" thing... that's why there's both Atheist and Theist agnosticism...

As for finding joy in the ocean or other stuff... i tend to call that being normal... (and curious for the lab thing).


Anyway, the only ok religious guide to sex that is worth a read

Sadly, most typical americans-only-have-a-wife-so-others-must-never-have-had-sex only skip to the latter half of the book, on poisitions and consorts, and skip shitloads of important tips on hygiene (specially down there), making yourself smell/look/taste/feel good (down there too) and simple tips on handling your sex partner.

Sadly, it seems the indians were averse on women receiving oral sex, or anal, so you´ll find little on that, except that it should only be done with whores.


JCM said:
Sadly, most typical americans-only-have-a-wife-so-others-must-never-have-had-sex only skip to the latter half of the book, on poisitions and consorts, and skip shitloads of important tips on hygiene (specially down there), making yourself smell/look/taste/feel good (down there too) and simple tips on handling your sex partner.
I'd like to nominate that for the most ignorant and moronic statement of the year award. I don't want to start another flame war, but sometimes I honestly think you're the amalgamation of a thousand chimps behind a thousand computers that just vomit up blanket garble.

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to imply about 'Americans'? That we're dirty? "Only have a wife so others must never have had sex?" It's like trying to decipher cave-man talk. Oh I see, you're claiming that Americans don't see other cultures as being sexual? We're unworldly. What a load of garbage. Have you personally interviewed every American who's read the Kama Sutra? Do you have the numbers for making a statement that most Americans skip over the 'hygienic parts' of it? Are you implying that Americans smell, look, taste, feel? bad because they under your assumption they don't read those parts of the book? So, pretty simply, you're rolling out with this: Americans are uncultured about world-wide sexual practices and they're poor lovers as a result. That's a pretty bold claim based completely in ignorance and prejudice.
Silver Jelly said:
If he's brazilian, isn't he an american too?
Technically yes, but the common usage of the term "American" is generally referring to citizens of the U.S. It's not technically correct but in most countries it's what is generally implied, hence it's a safe assumption to take it as such.

Silver Jelly said:
If he's brazilian, isn't he an american too?
Nicely done!

As to the Kama Sutra, I haven't been able to get past page 2. Not because I'm worried about health or good hygiene - I'm just done.

I did look at some of the stuff later on and won't do it because I'm not double jointed.

Plus I don't have fur covered stilts.

Yes, I know there's no fur covered stilts in the book. That's why it's a joke.
There are priest that have been married, and a few that are married. The Catholic Church uses Deacons. They are normally married men that later felt the calling to serve. They go through seminary, but they do not take the final vows to be priests. They can only become priests after the death of their spouse. So normally when an older man becomes a priest it is through this path.

The married priests come from Anglican Churches that have voted to leave their old church and join the Roman Catholic Church. I think in Texas alone there have been some 14 churches to do that. Since the Anglican Priests can be married, when they moved over, they got to remain priests and keep their spouses.


Silver Jelly said:
Chazwozel said:
[quote="Silver Jelly":35xjzejn]If he's brazilian, isn't he an american too?
He used American in "U.S. citizen" sense.
Yeah, I was just trying to be clever.[/quote:35xjzejn]

Oh and: In before JCM posts back with a million pictures of llamas and Ogre.


You beat me to it!
Chazwozel said:
Blablabla from Mr "Yes-wife"

Why the fuck would I listen to somene who doesnt have a spine to argue with his own wife, yet whines in forums and leads the drama/rage department?

Technically yes, but the common usage of the term "American" is generally referring to citizens of the U.S. It's not technically correct but in most countries it's what is generally implied, hence it's a safe assumption to take it as such.

Although I speak of the countless film and abridged articles on Kama Sutra, its like they cant grasp that its a huge bookfull of stuff, instead all they do is concentrate on the sex positions. If one could show some film/documentary version showing the other 3/4ths of it, I´d be glad to change that view, but for the most part of it, its just viewed as a tantric sex guide.

Which is a pity, as far as foreplay, hygine, behavior and even having a relationship (without having to be spineless and pretend to agree with her), its a pretty good book to read, not an all-emcompassing manual, but a nice little further reading.


JCM said:
You beat me to it!
Chazwozel said:
Blablabla from Mr "Yes-wife"

Why the smurf would I listen to somene who doesnt have a spine to argue with his own wife, yet whines in forums and leads the drama/rage department?

Technically yes, but the common usage of the term "American" is generally referring to citizens of the U.S. It's not technically correct but in most countries it's what is generally implied, hence it's a safe assumption to take it as such.

Although I speak of the countless film and abridged articles on Kama Sutra, its like they cant grasp that its a huge bookfull of stuff, instead all they do is concentrate on the sex positions. If one could show some film/documentary version showing the other 3/4ths of it, I´d be glad to change that view, but for the most part of it, its just viewed as a tantric sex guide.

Which is a pity, as far as foreplay, hygine, behavior and even having a relationship (without having to be spineless and pretend to agree with her), its a pretty good book to read, not an all-emcompassing manual, but a nice little further reading.
ugh... the personal attacks. Always fun. Maybe I should take a chapter from the JCM book of philosophy and coax ugly girls into threesomes =with my equally ugly girlfriend. Film and articles do not account for "most" Americans. If that's what you were talking about then learn to articulate better instead of coming off as a third world uninformed piece of shit.


Espy said:
You two should just make out already.

Or have a fight to the death, PPV of course.
I'd love to just punch him in the fucking head sometimes, but then he'd call the Brazilian police on me. Being they're so much more humane than U.S. police, I'd expect to come home in a body bag after three days of "police interrogation". Truth be told, JCM is alright when he's not having delusions of grandeur on his status as some worldly guru, but I can only stand so much bullshit before I have to call it out.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Of course Chaz, on the internet you are a KungFu master with a 20-inch penis and Mensa-like IQ who can defeat everyone.
After all, one´s life must be so pathetic that losing to a kid at a game means running away from the forum with drama, and yes, it must hurt needing to punch anything to compensate for a sad existence?

I need to photoshop a llama onto that cover
Chazwozel said:
JCM said:
You beat me to it!
Chazwozel said:
Blablabla from Mr "Yes-wife"

Why the smurf would I listen to somene who doesnt have a spine to argue with his own wife, yet whines in forums and leads the drama/rage department?

Technically yes, but the common usage of the term "American" is generally referring to citizens of the U.S. It's not technically correct but in most countries it's what is generally implied, hence it's a safe assumption to take it as such.

Although I speak of the countless film and abridged articles on Kama Sutra, its like they cant grasp that its a huge bookfull of stuff, instead all they do is concentrate on the sex positions. If one could show some film/documentary version showing the other 3/4ths of it, I´d be glad to change that view, but for the most part of it, its just viewed as a tantric sex guide.

Which is a pity, as far as foreplay, hygine, behavior and even having a relationship (without having to be spineless and pretend to agree with her), its a pretty good book to read, not an all-emcompassing manual, but a nice little further reading.
Aww, Mr Blob needs to say yes to get anything from wifey´s feelings is hurt?

Of course everything all the countless girls in pics Ive posted and you can never get is ugly.
Just like a videogame you can never play is bad.
A little kid you can never beat at a game must suck.
Art you never draw is bad.
A life you will never be able to lead is all lies!

So pathetic, really. But I do await more fun, the personal attack bit did make me spit coke, coming from the spineless shite that started with the ersonal attacks in the first place.

I await more drama :popcorn: :tina:


yawn... anything new Julio? I can almost predict your responses at this point.


Nah, I´ve gotta go out soon.

God, I´d enter it just to record the whole taunting bit, sure I might not win in a physical fight with a blob, but it´ll be great for a awsuit and setting up a youtube page.

DramaLLama said:
*except for the wife, I meekly say yes to whatever she says, even when she wants to peg me with a dildo
*and I need two cop buddies and a tazer to take down anyone

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