[Thread Game] Corrupt a wish foundation

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The Irritable Bowel Syndrome, combined with a more sensitive gag reflex, see to it that you're sickly, malnourished, yet only a size 2!

I wish I wasn't colorblind.
You are no longer colorblind ...because you are now completely blind.

I wish Santa was real.
Granted, but the "pet" is not properly socialized and humps the legs of your guests and spills hydrolic fluid all over the floor hourly... until it gets to the point that you have him put down.
I know this guy in Northampton who already has one of those...[DOUBLEPOST=1352948333][/DOUBLEPOST]

I wish I was a professional-caliber poker player.
Granted! The next time you play poker, an opponent with a professional-caliber gun accuses you of cheating....

I wish for an uncorrupted wish.
You are the worst player on the circuit and sell your body on a regular basis just to get enough money for the entry fees.

I wish I had an eternally full cup of my favorite coffee.
Granted! However if you spill it once the world will flood in a sea of hot brown caffeine.

I wish I had pizza.
Your head now is spinny and constantly rotating around, instead of just feeling spinny.

I wish I could instantly create a grilled cheese sandwich whenever I felt like it.
Your head now is spinny and constantly rotating around, instead of just feeling spinny.

I wish I could instantly create a grilled cheese sandwich whenever I felt like it.
GRANTED! However, the cheese is moldy. HOT MOLDY CHEESE! You gon' get sick baby!

I wish I had a Devil fruit.
Granted! The Aquaman movie is one of the top-grossing superhero films of all time. The franchise is wildly successful. Until an investigative report uncovers that the fish and other sea life in the movie were later sold to restaurants as sushi, sashimi, and to McDonald's restaurants as Filet-O-Fish. The backlash is so great that the production company and everyone associated with the film are sued into bankruptcy. There are even rumors of federal prosecution since some of the fish used, and subsequently sold, were endangered. The star of the film ends up living on the streets of Los Angeles, fighting delusions of being a performing sea lion at an aquarium. The Aquaman movie becomes synonymous with anti-environmentalism and greed.

I wish I had a donut.
Granted! The Aquaman movie is one of the top-grossing superhero films of all time. The franchise is wildly successful. Until an investigative report uncovers that the fish and other sea life in the movie were later sold to restaurants as sushi, sashimi, and to McDonald's restaurants as Filet-O-Fish. The backlash is so great that the production company and everyone associated with the film are sued into bankruptcy. There are even rumors of federal prosecution since some of the fish used, and subsequently sold, were endangered. The star of the film ends up living on the streets of Los Angeles, fighting delusions of being a performing sea lion at an aquarium. The Aquaman movie becomes synonymous with anti-environmentalism and greed.

I wish I had a donut.
You have your donut and eat it. However, you didn't have anything to wash it down with, so you've got all sorts of crumbs crammed between your teeth that annoy you to no end.

I wish I could make anyone happy.
You have your donut and eat it. However, you didn't have anything to wash it down with, so you've got all sorts of crumbs crammed between your teeth that annoy you to no end.

I wish I could make anyone happy.
GRANTED! You are now a prostitute.

I wish I wasn't so tired all the time.
GRANTED! You are now a prostitute.

I wish I wasn't so tired all the time.
Granted. However, you have so much energy that you never sleep and never feel comfortable just sitting down or taking it easy. You always have to do something, or else the feeling of doing nothing will drive you crazy.

I wish for the power to cloud men's minds.
Granted. However, you have so much enough that you never sleep and never feel comfortable just sitting down or taking it easy. You always have to do something, or else the feeling of doing nothing will drive you crazy.

I wish for the power to cloud men's minds.
GRANTED! However you end up losing it after going through the recording studio, and have to wait until tomorrow night to do the same thing you do every night. TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

I wish I had all the seasons of Animaniacs were on DVD or Blu-ray.
GRANTED! However you end up losing it after going through the recording studio, and have to wait until tomorrow night to do the same thing you do every night. TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

I wish I had all the seasons of Animaniacs were on DVD or Blu-ray.
Granted. However, all of the discs are scratched horribly and refuse to play.

I wish I had awesome dance skills.
GRANTED! However your also now the bad guy from every dance movie ever, and are fated to lose to a plucky young dancer.

I wish I was an acclaimed voice actor.
You spend the rest of your life as an acclaimed voice actor, wishing you were instead a well-paid voice actor.

I wish flooring was cheaper, nicer, and lasted longer in a house full of young children and teenagers.
Granted! However, the polymers used to create such a flooring result in immediate and dramatic allergic reactions in most residents of the homes in which they're installed. Including yours. Enjoy your Benadryl.

I wish changing to a different shift didn't result in scheduling problems, leading me to worry about whether I'll be able to pay rent next month.
Granted! However, the polymers used to create such a flooring result in immediate and dramatic allergic reactions in most residents of the homes in which they're installed. Including yours. Enjoy your Benadryl.

I wish changing to a different shift didn't result in scheduling problems, leading me to worry about whether I'll be able to pay rent next month.
Granted! Now you get the shift that is neither day nor night nor afternoon. The shift between shifts, that stands out side of time, and never ends. AND THERE IS NO ESCAPE!

I wish for a rock that I don't bash my skull in with.


Staff member
Granted! Now you get the shift that is neither day nor night nor afternoon. The shift between shifts, that stands out side of time, and never ends. AND THERE IS NO ESCAPE!

I wish for a rock that I don't bash my skull in with.
Granted! However, you get arena rock music, and you're subjected to Poison's "Every Rose has its Thorns" over and over until you want to bash your head in.

I wish the Kardashians would never be shown or mentioned in any form of media again.
I wish that I were more attractive to women.
Granted! You are so attractive to women of every age that you can't walk outside without causing a mob scene. Women physically fight each other to get a piece of you. For some women the power of your attractiveness is so great that they faint, convulse, cry, or even instantly orgasm from staring at your awesome beauty for more than a minute. This also means you can no longer attend family gatherings since... *ahem* well, "Eeeew grandma!" should cover it. You have been in court several times for restraining orders against the ones who repeatedly try to break into your house just to lay on your bed or steal your dirty clothes since they smell like you. You need to constantly have your house swept for recording devices and cameras. Aren't you a sexy beast? *waggles her eyebrows and giggles*

I wish I hadn't woken up at 4am for no particular reason.
Granted! Now you woke up at 4am because you could sense the neighbor's dogs coming to crap on your property somewhere.

I wish that I could wish that I had more work to do without that wish meaning that more people had to die.
Granted! Now you woke up at 4am because you could sense the neighbor's dogs coming to crap on your property somewhere.

I wish that I could wish that I had more work to do without that wish meaning that more people had to die.
Granted! Now, you COULD make that wish, but self-doubt about the possible ramifications and consequences prompt you to not make the wish. It might have been better if you had wished that you WOULD wish that wish and thus be more inclined to do so.

I wish that I had the power to see through people and things and could control the intensity of the vision, whether to look through one layer of something or the whole thing.
Granted! Now, you COULD make that wish, but self-doubt about the possible ramifications and consequences prompt you to not make the wish. It might have been better if you had wished that you WOULD wish that wish and thus be more inclined to do so.

I wish that I had the power to see through people and things and could control the intensity of the vision, whether to look through one layer of something or the whole thing.
GRANTED! However you also end up seeing the tiny government people that have been inside people for decades! They send you to a tiny room on a tiny version of that island that is parodied a million times but no-one says by its name. RUNNING JOKE!

I wish I had a force-field generator.
GRANTED! However you also end up seeing the tiny government people that have been inside people for decades! They send you to a tiny room on a tiny version of that island that is parodied a million times but no-one says by its name. RUNNING JOKE!

I wish I had a force-field generator.
Granted, however you get careless and leave it switched on too long and asphyxiate.

I wish I had Lawyers, Guns and Money.
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