DDO going Free!!

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I'll try to sign up on that server saturday. My home life keeps me busy, so I can't play as much as I might like, but I'll try to get some time in.

I'll post my character name here.

Someone also mentioned they got points? 250 would be all we'd really need to form the HF guild called... *drum roll*

Company of Discord
Okay, I made a halfling ranger named Silbeth (no last name) on Sarlona. I think she's going to stay unguilded for now but add me to your contact lists and I'll add you once you post your names. So far I've only gotten through the tutorial dungeon and into the first town.

Boy, did they take that "no solo play" criticism seriously! Love how it breaks down the soloability right in the character creation. Very helpful.

Oh, and it's unlikely I'll be on this weekend as apparently it's going to be hot as hell again, so I can't play in my office (which has my desktop with Windows on it). I'm thisclose to Boot Camping my laptop, though.

Here's the link to download: http://www.ddo.com/ddosupport/download-ddo/
So wait, it's not solo friendly at all? :eek:rly:
When your picking a build (if you take a generic build) it says how solo friendly it will be.

I made Dwarf Fighter named Grablox, but I'm probably going to be making something else. There are locked doors everywhere, so I'm ether making a Rogue, Wizard, Or Sorcerer. I fucking hate being unable to do quest objectives because my character can't do utility stuff. Damnit, why can't I just roll an Expert? :(

EDIT: Maybe we should all just try to get together sometime this weekend or next week, role up some new characters, and just play from there.
So wait, it's not solo friendly at all? :eek:rly:
When your picking a build (if you take a generic build) it says how solo friendly it will be. [/QUOTE]

And there appear to be different difficulty levels for dungeons, including "solo." Although I don't know if that's available for all of them.

In other words they seem to have made it easier to solo compared to when it was released.
So wait, it's not solo friendly at all? :eek:rly:
It's solo friendly, at least as far as I got last month and the month before. I think what Zen is referring to is that when you make a character, they tell you how hard it is to solo that particular class.

When you do dungeons (instances), you have 4 levels of difficulty to choose from: Solo, normal, hard, and extreme.

I was playing a human wizard, which is considered 'challenging' to solo. Though some dungeons were hard to solo (they had lots of low-level monsters, eating up my spell slots), I was able to consistently solo up to around level 6. I gave DDO a rest to give the Champions beta a try.

Champions beta was a little more fast-paced, because of all of the mobs right there in town anywhere you wanted to go grind, but DDO is not a grind game. It's quest based. You don't even get xp for killing mobs, unless that's part of a quest and you complete the quest. I imagine that may turn some people off.
You can solo plenty. If you want a challenge, group up with friends. To me, it made the experience 10 times better when your foes don't take 1-2 hits to go down and actually hit you back.


Staff member
Dl-ing here to my laptop at work at about 300-500k. Hopefully I will have a little time this weekend to check it out and group up with folks.

Edit: Is Sarlona the decided upon server?
Yes, Sarlona is the server. I've been on it for 2 days. No lags, no downtime. Haven't gotten a bad experience thus far with people I grouped.
If I can re-partition the bootcamp on my Macbook and add some space, I might try this out.

It sounds like they went out of their way to address a lot of my issues with the original release.
Getting free DDO points is a pain in the ass. I've played over 12 hours and I only have 75! You need at least 3-400 points to get anything good!
What the hell are free DDO points?
To unlock extra races, classes, quests, weapons, armor and other such things... you need DDO Points. This can be done one of two ways: Buying them for real money, or by doing Favor quests, which will give you points sometimes.

Why does this matter? Because we need 250 to form a guild.
When you do dungeons (instances), you have 4 levels of difficulty to choose from: Solo, normal, hard, and extreme.

DDO is not a grind game. It's quest based. You don't even get xp for killing mobs, unless that's part of a quest and you complete the quest.
Wow... ok yeah I'm interested now and will be downloading when I get home. :uhhuh:


Staff member
Installed, etc. Though, since I have a turbine account, this is a pain in the ass. Had to submit a ticket, to get them to send off a key to the email. jesus.
We should do a quick list of everyone's mains. I'm Grahblox Alebaron, lvl 3 Dwarf Fighter.

Does anyone know if prestige classes are in the game for later on down the line?
Played for about 30minutes, could not stand the way players and npcs "glide/slide" around.

Did however love the opening instance with the "DM" talking to you as if you were in a real D&D session though.
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