Fat kid stands up for himself and gets a suspension... and ETERNAL GLORY!

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I project nothing, I simply use it as the example that some people are just monsters, there is no causality
If the bully is 16 he should have gone to jail, but that is Australia's laws not ours.

The vengeful victim looked like he was 13 or less.
Casey is 16. The bully is 12.

I actually find the age discrepancy harder to wrap my mind around than the size disparity, in regards to the bullying.
Really, can we stop quoting The Dark Knight? It's a little creepy how much people are projecting onto the bully. He's a 16 year old kid who was being an asshole. He's not a sadistic murderer.
I agree, but at the same time everyone's been bullied at one point or another so yeah it's nice to see the victim walloping one on occasion. I don't think anyone's saying the Rat needs to die or anything. He's just a little shit-stain who finally got what he deserved for being a dick.

Ever hear of the old adage, "don't mess with people too much cause one day you're going to piss off the wrong guy"? This kid found that guy.
Honestly I feel bad for that "rat" kid. Not to say he didn't deserve his smack down, he did, but what must his life be like that at 12 years old this is who he is?

I hope he gets the help he probably needs and I hope it's not to late for him.
Is he wearing a goddamn bandanna for a shirt?

Some people hit their peak in middle school. Some hit rock bottom. Just so happens that for this kid, it was both.
If the kids were actually anywhere near the same age (and as young as they look in the video), then I'd be pretty quick to cheer for Casey too, but this is a grade 16 year old picking up a 12 year old and hurling him to the ground. Sixteen. kid should know how to deal with bullies better by this age, especially bullies 3 grades younger than them. And if violence HAD to be the answer, it didn't have to be a pile drive onto concrete. It could have been a whole lot less and still have more than gotten the message accross.
If the kids were actually anywhere near the same age (and as young as they look in the video), then I'd be pretty quick to cheer for Casey too, but this is a grade 16 year old picking up a 12 year old and hurling him to the ground. Sixteen. kid should know how to deal with bullies better by this age, especially bullies 3 grades younger than them. And if violence HAD to be the answer, it didn't have to be a pile drive onto concrete. It could have been a whole lot less and still have more than gotten the message accross.
The little one punched him in the face, and struck at his body a few more times. The big kid knocked most of those away. I think he gave him every opportunity to stop - you can see him telling the small one to stop, and the little one getting more aggressive because of it. The little guy could have walked away at any time, but he pushed the situation until the big guy reacted. I don't think anyone's going to fight him any time soon, so I'd say the situation was resolved. A less extreme method might have ended it that day, but what about the next day? Some bullies just keep bringing more friends.
A less extreme method might have ended it that day, but what about the next day? Some bullies just keep bringing more friends.
I am dumbfounded by this. A hypothetical and non-specific method might have ended it that day, but hypothetically the bully might have continued after that, and so this, therefore is the only viable solution? Hypothetically it doesn't end after this either, you know.
No matter how you slice it, its a sixteen year old and a 12 year old. A grade 7 and a grade 10. And I'm not saying the grade 7 kid isn't a little turd and didn't deserve a good smack, but what I'm saying is that those are four years that make for a big difference, and the grade 10 should have been a lot more careful in administering that smack.
I agree that David Blaine must be stopped. I'd say Criss Angel, too, but he's just going to die of autoerotic asphyxiation.

And saying that some bullies bring more friends was not a hypothetical. I know that from experience.
Honestly I feel bad for that "rat" kid. Not to say he didn't deserve his smack down, he did, but what must his life be like that at 12 years old this is who he is?

I hope he gets the help he probably needs and I hope it's not to late for him.
Well hopefully the whole thing smacked some sense into him...


Staff member
And saying that some bullies bring more friends was not a hypothetical. I know that from experience.
We also know this to be true because he already had friends there! They were the ones filming and egging him on. Casey only had one person step up to help him and even that was after the fact.

Casey has been picked on since he started going to that school. He's big so they pick on him. He holds his temper so they think he's weak. He's sensitive and cries because he thinks everyone hates him...so they see this as weakness and pick on him more. There are other videos of him getting picked on by other kids his own age. The Rat was trying to get in with the older crowd and that Casey was the chosen target because it had been done so many times before. Casey felt alone at his school. His parents (well, his dad anyway - nothing has been heard from his mother) have been unable to get anything accomplished.

What exactly was he supposed to do? Walk away? You can't just walk away from a mass of bullies. They want a fight and they want to show their power over those they perceive as weaker. Casey had been the target of these jackals for years and he finally did something about it. It can be notes that he did not swing, he did not try and hit, he did not try and kick. He picked the kid up and threw him down. Casey does not know how to fight so he did the first thing that came into his mind.

According to the news, Casey's dad is glad he got the 4 day suspension - he's afraid of what the bully patrol will do to his son when he gets back in school.

I, for one, am glad that anonymous got in on this. Let the kids mess with Casey when he returns. It'll get out. They want to pick a fight? They'll get one.
I was bullied throughout my school days all the way until grade 10 when I snapped and went to town on the two leaders in gym class. I hacked out the legs of one of them with a goalie stick (we were playing floor hockey at the time and they had just body checked me out of the net... again) and when the other one grabbed me from behind I flipped him over me, kicked him and knocked the wind out of him. I was terrified of retribution but luckily it never came... they still made fun of me and stuff but never physically picked on me after that. Damn it I hate bullies... I never had anyone to back me up in my school years and they made my life a living hell. I don't give two shits about what was going on in their own lives... they had no right to treat me the way they did for nearly ten years. Later as an adult I found out that they both came from dysfunctional families and one of them was beaten by his dad fairly often. Tragic... but it doesn't give them any god damn right to take it out on me for years.

I just hope that Casey is more or less left alone at school after this... I remember how I felt after reaching my breaking point and I was terrified that I would be beaten up even worse for what I did.

Fucking bullies... as if being a kid isn't hard enough sometimes.
I too got the shit beat out of me physically and emotionally during my time in school. crescendoing when after coming back from summer vacation my junior year and gaining 4-5 inches of height and a good 20-30 pounds of weight I got attacked by my long time bully and punched him straight in the throat so hard he went down and never got back up. bullies are horse shit, I don't give a shit what their sob story is after the fact of having their ass handed to them by their victims. you keep picking on people and eventually someone is going to give you a walloping.
I too got the shit beat out of me physically and emotionally during my time in school. crescendoing when after coming back from summer vacation my junior year and gaining 4-5 inches of height and a good 20-30 pounds of weight I got attacked by my long time bully and punched him straight in the throat so hard he went down and never got back up. bullies are horse shit, I don't give a shit what their sob story is after the fact of having their ass handed to them by their victims. you keep picking on people and eventually someone is going to give you a walloping.
You...you killed him? :(
I was bullied throughout my school days all the way until grade 10 when I snapped and went to town on the two leaders in gym class. I hacked out the legs of one of them with a goalie stick (we were playing floor hockey at the time and they had just body checked me out of the net... again) and when the other one grabbed me from behind I flipped him over me, kicked him and knocked the wind out of him. I was terrified of retribution but luckily it never came... they still made fun of me and stuff but never physically picked on me after that. Damn it I hate bullies... I never had anyone to back me up in my school years and they made my life a living hell. I don't give two shits about what was going on in their own lives... they had no right to treat me the way they did for nearly ten years. Later as an adult I found out that they both came from dysfunctional families and one of them was beaten by his dad fairly often. Tragic... but it doesn't give them any god damn right to take it out on me for years.

I just hope that Casey is more or less left alone at school after this... I remember how I felt after reaching my breaking point and I was terrified that I would be beaten up even worse for what I did.

Fucking bullies... as if being a kid isn't hard enough sometimes.

It's always during floor hockey! In 7th grade, my own little "rat" decided it would be fun to slash at my shins with the cheap plastic sticks they give us.

I ended up breaking his ankle.
We're going with lessons learned from Ender's Game?
Heh, it's been years since I read it. That's a valid point - obviously this wasn't a life and dead fight, and thankfully it didn't escalate to that, though it could have if the rat had landed on his head. What I mean is that it was such an overwhelming (but justified) reaction that hopefully his peers will think twice.
That seems... extreme...
I full checked him into the gym wall. It's not my fault he tripped over himself and snapped his ankle. Lesson learned. Don't fuck with the kid twice your size who plays hockey and knows how to check. I'm still not sorry about it to this day.
no no, what I meant was that I hit him so hard he got knocked out cold, holy shit guys dont read so much into it....
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