Fat kid stands up for himself and gets a suspension... and ETERNAL GLORY!

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I'm of two minds. Everyone likes to see the hero stand up. But there's a good reason why the defender deserves punishment, too.
It's always during floor hockey! In 7th grade, my own little "rat" decided it would be fun to slash at my shins with the cheap plastic sticks they give us.

I ended up breaking his ankle.
Yeah, we had a similar situation that ended up getting broomball banned from the school when I was in grade 8.
We also know this to be true because he already had friends there! They were the ones filming and egging him on. Casey only had one person step up to help him and even that was after the fact.

Casey has been picked on since he started going to that school. He's big so they pick on him. He holds his temper so they think he's weak. He's sensitive and cries because he thinks everyone hates him...so they see this as weakness and pick on him more. There are other videos of him getting picked on by other kids his own age. The Rat was trying to get in with the older crowd and that Casey was the chosen target because it had been done so many times before. Casey felt alone at his school. His parents (well, his dad anyway - nothing has been heard from his mother) have been unable to get anything accomplished.

What exactly was he supposed to do? Walk away? You can't just walk away from a mass of bullies. They want a fight and they want to show their power over those they perceive as weaker. Casey had been the target of these jackals for years and he finally did something about it. It can be notes that he did not swing, he did not try and hit, he did not try and kick. He picked the kid up and threw him down. Casey does not know how to fight so he did the first thing that came into his mind.

According to the news, Casey's dad is glad he got the 4 day suspension - he's afraid of what the bully patrol will do to his son when he gets back in school.

I, for one, am glad that anonymous got in on this. Let the kids mess with Casey when he returns. It'll get out. They want to pick a fight? They'll get one.
I don't speak as someone who wasn't bullied. I know all about this. I also never claimed that the returning with friends was hypothetical, and anyone with even the most basic of comprehension of language knows this too (I'm not trying to insult Null. He's a good guy, one of the members on this board whose been here a while and whom I respect, he's just trying to bait me into an argmument that I'm not trying to make and he's smart enough to know that's not what I meant either) But yeah, walk away, or throw a punch, maybe two. Get him in a lock. There are lots of ways to dominate without causing that much harm or running the risk of potentially permanent damage. There are a wide breadth of possibilities between doing nothing, and hurtling a kid headfirst to the concrete.

Throwing him headfirst to the concrete (him being a kid 4 years his junior and about a haf his size) is not, under any circumstances that don't involve time travel and Hitler, acceptable. I think the school was just in its suspensions.
Have you never been in a fight? You do whatever you think is a good idea at a time to get the combatant away from you.

A guy, much larger then I, once pinned me to a wall as I was waling to my car one night. He had his arm across my throat and it was hard to breath and my hand couldn't get him off of me...so in a moment of panic I used the car keys in hand as make shift knuckle dusters nad started lacing the guy in the face with them. He ran away, screaming prfanities and I was left with a sore throat, a missing show, bent up glasses and cut up hands from my own keys.

I just did whatever I could to win...I have a feeling that's what happened here.
I agree that Casey's punishment is not undeserved - after all, the kid could have been hurt worse - but I also believe that what he did wasn't wrong.
I just did whatever I could to win...I have a feeling that's what happened here.
I don't think anyone would disagree with your assessment, but it seems to me like this kid needs some martial arts lessons so he can learn to control himself. The reality is that throw could have broken that kids neck and left him paralyzed. If he know how to defend himself he could deal with assholes like this with minimal risks.
I thought that statistics said that martial arts is basically useless in an actual fight? Things happen to fast and with out any 'rules of combat'...and theres actually an increased chance of severly injuring/killing your opponent if you do use what your taught.

I need to find that paper.
It has less to do with how effective the actual martial art is in a fight and much more to do with the control over your own body you learn. Now, that doesn't mean you can't lose it, but it gives you some tools that may help you control your actions better. I only have a few years of kung fu under my belt but I can tell you this, it certainly helped me in the few fights I was in.
Have you never been in a fight? You do whatever you think is a good idea at a time to get the combatant away from you.

A guy, much larger then I, once pinned me to a wall as I was waling to my car one night. He had his arm across my throat and it was hard to breath and my hand couldn't get him off of me...so in a moment of panic I used the car keys in hand as make shift knuckle dusters nad started lacing the guy in the face with them. He ran away, screaming prfanities and I was left with a sore throat, a missing show, bent up glasses and cut up hands from my own keys.

I just did whatever I could to win...I have a feeling that's what happened here.
This is a *VERY* different scenario and kudos to you for that.


That sounds about right. Unless the other person is using the same style of fighting AND following the rules of that style it doesnt seem like it would help much. Not when someone is actually out to get you.

That's why the best style of fighting is still Bitch, My Man Ain't Yo Baby's Daddy! ala Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
I thought that statistics said that martial arts is basically useless in an actual fight? Things happen to fast and with out any 'rules of combat'...and theres actually an increased chance of severly injuring/killing your opponent if you do use what your taught.

I need to find that paper.
There's a difference between sporting martial arts and martial arts designed to kill people with one's bare hands. Even different orientations of the same basic art can be vastly different. Most of what you learn at mini-malls and the like are sporting martial arts - it's exercise, and sometimes tournament focused. Then there are forms that often are military in origin and are meant to be used in life and death situations - Systema, Krav Maga / Kapop, LINE/MCMAP, and Silat are some examples. A lot of martial arts are somewhere in between. Knowing techniques like joint locks and escapes are always useful, but most people don't practice them or develop the judgement to use them effectively.

Yes, if you're in a serious fight and well trained, you are more likely of being capable of severly injuring or killing your opponent. Training also helps you to know how to use less force as opposed to bashing each other until one person stops moving. But yes, in a street fight, any ideas about katas or forms or stances go out the window.
Even different orientations of the same basic art can be vastly different.
This. Just look at something like karate. Goes all the way from point-fighting-kata demos to the base style for a lot of street defense systems. It can be very useful on the street to know how to punch or kick someone really hard and really fast without entirely sacrificing your defense. Then you can run away while they're picking themselves up.
I can only imagine the rage that dad was feeling when he found out his own kids were bullying people the way he was bullied when he was a kid.

Good for him for coming down hard on their bullying. Hopefully they learn their lesson.
I always love beatings and bullying for benign reasons....your hair is the wrong color, you wear glasses, you have a physical disability.


Staff member
I don't begrudge the Casey kid for what he did. He's a kid. Many adults have difficulty controlling their emotions when they get cornered or feel threatened. In his case, he defended himself. Problem was that, since he's a kid, he did it WAY too well.

Part of the problem is that he didn't have any idea just how big he was.

Ultimately this isn't about Casey or the Rat. One of the major failures here is our culture, and possibly the school system. The youtube bully phenomenom is absolute poison. What's worse is that there seem to be so few reppurucussions for it.

Take this instance. Were the kids videotaping this suspended? Why the hell not? Or what about all the hazing cases that come up every year. Sometimes justice is served. Other times, you have a situation where sexual assault is involved and admitted to and the defendant gets probation and a fine. Or when girls bind and gag juniors and throw them in a pool. And get 60 hours of community service and have it expunged from their record.

The simple fact that 'hazing' is considered a blanket criminal charge for acts that should more appropriately be considered aggravated sexual assault, reckless endangerment, or any other of a variety of criminal charges just shows how far we have lost it.
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