Honestly, I have told my friends for years now that I blame a lot of the worlds issues on "public companies."
Most businesses, when handled well, can sustain themselves on their own. Make more revenue then expenses, save profits, continue. The issue is that doing that will not make you, the owner, super wealthy. No, to do that you take the company public, open to shareholders, become a millionaire / billionaire through shareholder investments and bonuses (on the assumption that you will always grow the company) and then just sell the business to some hedge fund investor, who then cuts expenses / jobs to keep growth levels high until the inevitable day growth stales, shareholders leave, and the company is either bailed out or buckles under the weight of all that "growth" it had to deal with.
It's shareholders that bring us amazing new systems like loot boxes (or now whole fucking casinos) in $60 video games, because all that extra money coming in looks good, and adds to growth, even if it's fucking predatory.
Anyways, sorry, just a strong opinion of mine.