Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

Seriously though,. how is this not a violation of the freedom of information act?
Oh, there's that clause about what an absolute and unbelievable burden it would be to fulfill these requests in anything resembling a timely (/useful) fashion. We'll get back with your responses in a year or two, promise.
our laws don't mean anything anymore.
I mean, they do, but at this point they seem more like a checklist than any kind of protection.

You just know Miller is doing all this.

The plan for the Tulsa Rally on Juneteenth, this rollback on trans protections announced during pride month on the anniversary of the Pulse Shooting, and he is going to accept the Republican nomination in Jacksonville on August 27th. I wonder what happened in Jacksonville on August 27th...

There is coincidence and then there is this. If it's not Trump doing it, it''s Miller dogwhistling the racist base.
You know, it wouldn't actually be unreasonable for a president to choose Tulsa on Juneteenth intentionally because of its history. If the goal was to highlight the spot of one of the worst cases of white supremacy in our history, that would actually make total sense. Its just he's done trying to pretend he can be helpful in any way regarding racism in the US.
he's done trying to pretend he can be helpful in any way regarding racism in the US.
I think it's the opposite, and that he's trying to ramp up how much he is helping, it's just that we aren't the people he's trying to help. Like I said before:
The miscreants know their remaining time in power is short, so they’ve cast off all remaining pretense of subterfuge to smash-n-grab whatever they can in the hopes they can escape before the [real] cops arrive.
I think it's the opposite, and that he's trying to ramp up how much he is helping, it's just that we aren't the people he's trying to help.
I guess I thought it was pretty understood here that stopping racism is helping and encouraging it is hurting, but your pedantry is noted.
Today you learn about "Operation Incinerator," the latest in the Republican arsenal to Own The Libs:

A flyer for the event reads: “Together we will gather and burn all of the taxpayer funded applications [for absentee ballots], illegally sent to us from SOS Benson.” Organizers of Friday’s protest called the event “The Recall & Revolution,” in addition to the absentee voter application bonfire, a recall petition for [Governor] Whitmer will be passed around. Karl Manke, an Owosso, Mich., barber who defied coronavirus related stay-home orders and reopened his shop early last month, will light the bonfire. People attending the event are encouraged to bring “unsolicited, absentee ballot applications to be incinerated, under protest,” reads a press release about the event. Many people had flags, shirts and signs showing support for President Donald Trump and Republicans.
another article

You can't make this stuff up, folks.

You guys been seeing the evidence that he may be developing Parkinsons, or at the least may have recently had a stroke?

His speech at West Point was already criticized for being pretty low energy and rambling, which we are used to by this point, but now people are noticing that he seemed to be physically struggling a lot during it too.

I knew about the water thing, that's been going on for a while. I didn't know about the pitching (and yawing), though.
I'm no Mayim Bialik, but could it also be he's just tweaking from stimulant overuse?

He is an old man and he can put as much stuff on his face, doing comb overs and lie about his medical results as he want, his body will eventually show the symptoms.
He is an old man and he can put as much stuff on his face, doing comb overs and lie about his medical results as he want, his body will eventually show the symptoms.
I'm torn. Should it be alone and in pain for hours, or done fell over on live TV in front of millions?
Poe's law powers, activate!

The ad in question is being "held for review."
The Obama part is a funny attempt to smear. It looks to be horribly incorrect in other ways though.

John Bolton is such a coward.

His stupid book comes out with supposedly damning information, like the fact Trump was begging President Xi Jinping to help him win the 2020 election and other offenses that were worst and more blatant then Ukraine.

You know when would have been a good time to bring all this up, John? During the fucking impeachment trial. But no, you had to run and hide and only bring it up so you can make money on a stupid ass book long after it would have mattered. I hope your book at least turns some people towards voting for Biden but I also hope in the end you choke on all that money you will be making at the expense of the country. Asshole.
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Staff member
Someone said they should read the entire book out loud on Zoom. Basically tank his buyers. I won't even pirate the thing because every page will be a "Well DUH!"
Not gonna tank his orders. He's on pre-order on Amazon. He's already making bank.

See the #1 spots there? That's totally derived by how much money the book is making. To be #1 in all books means a ton of cash per hour.

Those are the kindle rankings, but the pre-orders for the physical book have him at #1 also.
John Bolton is such a coward.

His stupid book comes out with supposedly damning information, like the fact Trump was begging President Xi Jinping to help him win the 2020 election and other offenses that were worst and more blatant then Ukraine.

You know when would have been a good time to bring all this up, John? During the fucking impeachment trial. But no, you had to run and hide and only bring it up so you can make money on a stupid ass book long after it would have mattered. I hope your book at least turns some people towards voting for Biden but I also hope in the end you choke on all that money you will be making at the expense of the country. Asshole.
To be fair, the Republicans still wouldn't have voted to remove him. They'd just shrug their shoulders and mutter something about taxes while inserting their heads up their own assess
The really important thing is that the Trump administration has botched blocking this book as badly as they have done everything else.