Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the Trump administration cannot carry out its plan to shut down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program....

Chief Justice John Roberts was the swing vote in the 5-4 decision, which deals a big legal defeat to President Donald Trump on the issue of immigration, a major focus of his domestic agenda. (NBCNews)
Trump's rally managers say that they will be doing temperature checks and handing out masks and sanitizer. I guarantee that maybe they'll have a little box that says Masks, somewhere near the entrance just to prove compliance, but no one will wear them, because it will betray their supreme leader.
Wasn't sure whether to post this here or the Coronavirus thread. I leaned towards here.

But good lord, so many frigging people are going to die just to ease the world's most fragile ego.

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I went out and did our weekly shop today along with a few errands. In Dartmouth, close to Halifax, most people were wearing masks.

I did our grocery shop closer to where we live and I was almost the only one in a mask and people weren’t respecting social distancing.

I also grabbed beer for Father’s Day and got carded and asked to partially remove my mask. I don’t know how else they would have IDed me, but I didn’t realise we could be asked to remove masks.
I went out and did our weekly shop today along with a few errands. In Dartmouth, close to Halifax, most people were wearing masks.

I did our grocery shop closer to where we live and I was almost the only one in a mask and people weren’t respecting social distancing.

I also grabbed beer for Father’s Day and got carded and asked to partially remove my mask. I don’t know how else they would have IDed me, but I didn’t realise we could be asked to remove masks.
Technically, unless by police, you can't. But, yeah.
Now this puts a smile on my face.

It was so much less then "expected" that they broke down the outdoor overflow stage before Trump even showed up.

Of course they are saying protesters prevented people from entering even though there is no video proof of any obstruction to the doors. That also wouldn't prevent the fact the overflow was empty. Getting flashbacks to his "historic" inauguration. I wonder how he is going to spin this on Twitter himself.
Does anyone notice he decided to just reuse "Make America Great Again"?

It worked when you were the new guy coming in Trump, it's not going to have the same brand power since it would imply you administration has been anything but great.
As someone else said about this video: "Videos of Donald Trump being utterly and completely miserable on a level that defeats his poisoned soul" is a new porn genre I didn't know existed and I'm a fan of it.

I don't want him to suffer. I have no interest/requirement for watching him suffer.
I just want him gone so his bright orange bloom will stop obscuring all the other shit we absolutely need to address. Barr, McConnell, Kavanaugh, etc.
