Mmm... Shiny infinity tit...shinfinityt
Either that or a city-destroying kaijoob.Mmm... Shiny infinity tit...
I'd rather not see Thanos with that.Mmm... Shiny infinity tit...
Reminds me of Flesh Gordon, Dr. Flexi Jerkoff's "Power Pasties."I'd rather not see Thanos with that.
<squeeee!> Did you make this? Can you put him over a Canadian flag for me?
My brain actually shorted out on that when I first saw it. Like, I'm looking at the picture, and my brain was fully "You know what? Fuck you. Keep scrolling.".This post fucked me up
A handbag made of lasagna? A tissue paper jewelry box? A teddy wombat? A raw, unpeeled onion in a doll's skirt? I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA
It looks like someone set up a Generative adversarial network, fed it pictures of teenage girls’ bedrooms, and then told it to create one from the data.This post fucked me up
A handbag made of lasagna? A tissue paper jewelry box? A teddy wombat? A raw, unpeeled onion in a doll's skirt? I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA
It looks like someone set up a Generative adversarial network, fed it pictures of teenage girls’ bedrooms, and then told it to create one from the data.
It looks like someone's grandma's dresser. Just off the top of my head, I see a mink or whatever fur stole, a crucifix, some kind of earring sorter, some fake flowers, and the rest of it is too low-res to figure out.This post fucked me up
A handbag made of lasagna? A tissue paper jewelry box? A teddy wombat? A raw, unpeeled onion in a doll's skirt? I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA
I think that's the biggest part of it... the JPG is just too strong with this one. Though I still can't see the crucifix.and the rest of it is too low-res to figure out.
You expect me to believe that ISN'T a bowling trophy stapled to a bedpost and then half-wrapped in saran wrap?
Tomato, to-mah-to.You expect me to believe that ISN'T a bowling trophy stapled to a bedpost and then half-wrapped in saran wrap?
Well, it does go nicely with the... tinfoil pan of raw chicken and cranberry sauce that is just below it.Tomato, to-mah-to.
It’s certainly full of artifacts.the JPG is just too strong with this one.
Oh, I love you.
It looks like a mass murderer's trophy closet.It looks like someone's grandma's dresser.
I'm not sure where Arizonans would fall in this Venn Diagram. Probably wedged between California and Texas.