Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

I've never seen that whole thing, just the clipped out image above. I do think it's funny that bad cuisine and good cuisine Europe pretty much lines up with tomato and potato.
I'm not an old person, and I put a period at the end of "thank you". It's normal, and that a certain subset of the people has decided that's wrong and means something else is frankly their problem.
On the other hand, I've literally never encountered anyone using quotation marks for emphasis. Most old purple just use them for, surprise surprise, quotations.
An entire generation of lazy shits grew up not spelling words correctly or using proper punctuation. And somehow they decided anyone who actually did those things correctly was actually being rude, because the thought of writing correctly seemed so foreign to them that it must be an act of aggression. And now it’s a thing.


Staff member
I'm a gen X bordering the cutoff for millenial, and I have to admit, even I interpret a period at the end of "thank you" to be passive aggressive. Hell, even spelling the whole thing out is suspect.

It's just the parlance of our times, to borrow a phrase from The Big Lebowski. Nobody would go through the extra effort of proper punctuation and eschewing abbreviations/contractions unless they wanted to subtly show how displeased they were, right?

"Thanks!" - I am happy with you
"Thank you." - It was about fucking time you gave me what I am owed, you piece of shit.

See also:

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I'm a gen X bordering the cutoff for millenial, and I have to admit, even I interpret a period at the end of "thank you" to be passive aggressive. Hell, even spelling the whole thing out is suspect.

It's just the parlance of our times, to borrow a phrase from The Big Lebowski. Nobody would go through the extra effort of proper punctuation and eschewing abbreviations/contractions unless they wanted to subtly show how displeased they were, right?
But this shit bleeds into all of their writing! I get essays from some students with things like “u dont kno how cool the romans where” and “r u rdy to learn about armored knights from europe.”

And they act shocked when I lower their grade for bad mechanics. If there was a culture online that valued writing skills it wouldn’t be such a widespread problem.


Staff member
I'm a gen X bordering the cutoff for millenial, and I have to admit, even I interpret a period at the end of "thank you" to be passive aggressive. Hell, even spelling the whole thing out is suspect.

It's just the parlance of our times, to borrow a phrase from The Big Lebowski. Nobody would go through the extra effort of proper punctuation and eschewing abbreviations/contractions unless they wanted to subtly show how displeased they were, right?

"Thanks!" - I am happy with you
"Thank you." - It was about fucking time you gave me what I am owed, you piece of shit.

See also:

Holy shit that tweet is me in every way. I consciously alternate periods and exclamation points in emails for these very reasons.
I don't particularly mind people using different registers of language to talk in different situations.
But I assure you, if I write "thank you" in a mail, without a period, it would be considered improper and unprofessional.
Good for you for typing shorthand in game chat, please use complete sentences and proper punctuation in all professional contacts, kthxbye.
Hell, I'll go back and edit a post that's three years old just because I notice I put an apostrophe in the wrong spot or some junk.
Any musician will tell you that when writing sheet music, you NEED to include specific instructions about tempo, volume, which notes need to be punched hard or punched really hard, when to pause... whentogoreallyfast, or even when to suddenly st

Writing words works the same way(-ish). Without punctuation or some other typographical notation, how else are you supposed to communicate your intent?

Hell, I'll go back and edit a post that's three years old just because I notice I put an apostrophe in the wrong spot or some junk.
Any musician will tell you that when writing sheet music, you NEED to include specific instructions about tempo, volume, which notes need to be punched hard or punched really hard, when to pause... whentogoreallyfast, or even when to suddenly st

Writing words works the same way(-ish). Without punctuation or some other typographical notation, how else are you supposed to communicate your intent?

LOL :D Boomer :p there's :heart:special :heart: signs to :troll:indicate intent :troll: or how :thumbsdown:serious:thumbsdown: you are!

Or something, I would assume would be the response, only shorter and more illegible to me.:minionhappy:
And that's when you let dinner burn, make that ungrateful little shit eat every ruined bite, and take everyone else out for pizza.


Staff member
Cities: Skylines be all


__________________________________________________________/ TOO STEEP
