Funny (political, religious) pictures

This gets more of a facepalm rating than funny.

Then the devil took him up and revealed to him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. "I will give you the glory of these kingdoms and authority over them,” the devil said, “because they are mine to give to anyone I please. Iwill give it all to you if you will worship me." (Luke 4:5-7, NLT
Please don't be what I think this is... Please don't be what I think this is... Please don't be what I think this is...
Where's that Picard facepalm image when I need it.
Yeah. Facepalm city.

Can I start paying for my health insurance with bananas?
Even a smallish bunch could apparently buy me insurance for 3-4 years, easy.

I ain't going to lie, after reading up on how much Scaramucci disagreed on a lot of the general Republican talking points (Gun Control, Global Warming, etc), I don't know whether to think he is just a shill who will change his opinions on the drop of a dime if enough money is involved, or is a fucking genius who knew exactly the type of guy Trump wanted for the job, mimicked it perfectly (all the way down to doing the same Trump gestures), and now plans to turn Trumps White House even more ridiculous by cock blocking the few people that were trying to censor the president so he wouldn't burn himself to the ground.

Either way this whole thing is still a circus.


Staff member
What a poser. Those girls crashed their car into a BRIDGE, not a wall.

(Also I hate that song and everything it stands for)


Staff member
Really? I love it.
Well, naturally. It's a song about sheltered young urban people abdicating responsibility and not giving a shit about consequences or the future because of bad decisions instigated on a whim that make them feel good about themselves right now. It's basically the young progressive's power anthem :p
What a poser. Those girls crashed their car into a BRIDGE, not a wall.
(Also I hate that song and everything it stands for)
I had to search Google because I didn't know what song you were talking about.
Didn't realize it was one where I knew the parody but not the original song.
