Funny (political, religious) pictures



Top from r/politics in a discussion on AZ Gov Ducey firing the scientists who recommended he not reopen AZ just yet.
Bottom from r/selfawarewolves.
I feel like they go together, what with Ducey wanting his state to be one of the Guinea pigs for reopening.

A satire image made by a left-leaning magazine to joke about how right-wingers see college campuses, ends up becoming a meme for right-wingers about the horrors of colleges. (fixed some misinformation on my part)

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That's such a weird amalgam of "things that really are and should be considered ok" and "weird made-up exaggerations of minuscule minorities". I mean, free condoms? Great idea. Free weed? That was a thing back when I was in college! Heck, it's no different than free beer - for first years and all that.
This is the sort of thing that keeps happening, too.
The Left does a thing that they consider overblown to the point of parody, but then the Right just goes, "Yes! Exactly!"
My reasoning for this is that when the Right does something they consider overblown to the point of ridiculousness (like, "Oh, I suppose we should just keep taking money from The Rich until we have enough to pay for healthcare for the entire country, huh?"), the Left does the same "Yes! Exactly!" thing.

I would rather fight murder hornets with my bare hands than fight cazadores.

Granted, I don't think either of them are good options, but if I had to choose...
bUt We FlAtTeNeD tHe CuRvE aNd NoW wE nEeD tO gEt BaCk To OuR LiVeS bEcAuSe HaNdOuTs ArE cOmMuNiSt AnD iT's aLL jUsT a DeMoCrAt PlOy To MaKe TrUmP lOoK bAd.
After the latest trumpism that sounded like child logic along the line of "You can't get hurt from something you can't see", I came up with this:

How to get through the corona pandemic:
According to medical professionals

According to Trump
After the latest trumpism that sounded like child logic along the line of "You can't get hurt from something you can't see", I came up with this:

How to get through the corona pandemic:
According to medical professionals

According to Trump
COVID-19 != The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.