Funny (political, religious) pictures

This is like the robber blaming the bank for not being secure enough.
Startlingly enough, I know a great many people who legitimately think like that: i.e., “If it was something you didn’t want me doing, then you should’ve made it impossible for me to do. Otherwise if I find I can do it, I’m gonna assume that means it’s allowed.”
Some people just have no concept of personal responsibility.

I realize every day that the world has gone insane when I see a headline from "The Onion" and think, "Yes, I could see him saying this."

Favorite reddit comment: "I can't believe we've had 43 Bushes already"

I like that they decided to put Trump in yellow, I think it's appropriate. Could even have a caricature of Trump as Calvin just left of the "0" and then an American flag beneath the "41" and it would work even better.

Jimmy's probably going to be remembered a lot more favorably after his death than he ever was when he was alive.
He's the last President where I feel like I can say he tried to put what he could do for The People over what he could do with the position.

I was born in 1980 so I don't remember Carter as a president, but I can appreciate a man who spent his time actually getting out there and personally helping people through his own actions.
Carter has been incredibly maligned and smeared in the American press, and almost all Americans seem to have a low opinion on him, often calling him your worst president (one would hope this would change now).
Abroad, he tends to be considered one of the best... And statistics of all kinds tend to favor the more positive view of the man.
Of course, I wasn't around for his presidency, either.
There were two problems that essentially torpedoed Carter's presidency:

1. Inflation went haywire, which put the economy in the dumps, and
2. the Iranian Hostage Crisis.

P.S. - I am old enough to remember the Carter administration.
P.S.S. - The second actually made the first one worse, as it caused massive lines at gas stations that make our toilet paper issues seem like a joke.