Funny (political, religious) pictures

Isn't Drew Carey pretty conservative?
He identifies as Libertarian and says he is basically "A conservative who still gets high." His only big notable political ideology is that he dislikes big government, feeling that we are best when governing ourselves with our moral actions (protest, boycotts, etc, to make change). He never seems to talk about any other conservative hot button issues and seems to agree with many liberal ideals on things like medical marijuana, so I think he walks the line but still lets people call him a conservative because no one would believe a "liberal or moderate" Libertarian anyways.
He identifies as Libertarian and says he is basically "A conservative who still gets high." His only big notable political ideology is that he dislikes big government, feeling that we are best when governing ourselves with our moral actions (protest, boycotts, etc, to make change). He never seems to talk about any other conservative hot button issues and seems to agree with many liberal ideals on things like medical marijuana, so I think he walks the line but still lets people call him a conservative because no one would believe a "liberal or moderate" Libertarian anyways.
This is a pretty typical position for an Ohioan, as well as someone who's been in Hollywood for years, to have. Politics is kind of weird out here; even our city Democrats tend to have a couple of conservative positions.
I wonder if it's because the Holy See isn't reliant on passing the collection plate around the pews, while many other churches are.
Dammit, I hate search engines now. There was a great cringe moment where an English Beauty contestant said Churchill was black. "I see his statue nearly every day." Now I can't find it. Google Fu no longer works. I used to be able to find anything.
Here you go, it was Danielle Lloyd in 2006 on Test the Nation (Wikipedia). Found the relevant info by searching for "beauty pageant churchill statue black".
Not to mention that fixing all those other things might, I don't know... actually reduce the need for so many police?



Staff member
This is like some idiot pointing out that we treat all sorts of conditions by eating more vitamins and minerals, and then saying it doesn't make sense that we fix iron deficient anemia by giving more iron, but also fix hemochromatosis by taking away iron.

The sad part is, that the same idiots who can't see that the police are given too much money, are the same people who won't understand a medical analogy.