Funny (political, religious) pictures

I know this is the funny thread but that video makes my blood rage, only because just last night I read how the stock market is looking at a possible collapse because shareholders are scared of a Biden presidency. Can we just destroy the stock market? I am tired of that fucking place being more important then 90% of the population and the health of our entire society seems to live and die by its stupid line. If a company can't survive because it can't go public and give its CEO a fifty million dollar sign-on bonus then fuck that company, let it drown.

Okay okay I think I am okay now. Huh... more funny.

The way the stock market is now a completely different reality from the actual economy is dangerous, and moderate economists are saying this, too. But the whole thing is now too big to fail and all that.


Staff member
The stock market used to be a pretty decent gauge as to whether the economy as a whole was doing okay. Now, however, it's a way to tell us how the rich are doing and has little to no effect on the populace. Well, other than ruining retirement accounts. Or jobs going away when the stock market tanks. The rich are fine, but they fire people to artificially inflate the stock price.
The stock market used to be a pretty decent gauge as to whether the economy as a whole was doing okay. Now, however, it's a way to tell us how the rich are doing and has little to no effect on the populace.
When 1% of Americans hold 50% of the stock market, using it to measure of the economy is like estimating public opinion based off the history of just five twitter accounts.
