Funny (political, religious) pictures

Based on how important certain target demographics think each Amendment is, pleading the second might work. It's all peaceful political discourse, after all.


Staff member

Republicans: WhY dOn'T tEh LiBs ReSpEcT eLeCtEd OfFiCiALs?

Also Republicans: *Attempt to insult everyone at every opportunity.*

They're just upset because they do a terrible job with their insults.

Ok first, notice how it says "rate translation" at the bottom? That suggests this was probably in another language, which because of #SEXO I assume was Spanish.
In Spanish, "pecado" means "sin," and "pescado" means "fish" so ha ha I see what you did there, Mr. Repressed Allegory.
And second, I am not happy at what my imagination is suggesting Mr. RA possibly did immediately after this picture was taken ew ew ew ew.

View attachment 40796

Ok first, notice how it says "rate translation" at the bottom? That suggests this was probably in another language, which because of #SEXO I assume was Spanish.
In Spanish, "pecado" means "sin," and "pescado" means "fish" so ha ha I see what you did there, Mr. Repressed Allegory.
And second, I am not happy at what my imagination is suggesting Mr. RA possibly did immediately after this picture was taken ew ew ew ew.

I'm 100% calling a clit the devil's bell from now on
I'm not entirely clear on how to insert fingers into the clitoris, though.
Are we sure the caption shouldn't be "this is what your vagina looks like after 1-2-3-4 kids, please masturbate more instead of procreating"?

(yes, I know that's also false etc, don't kill me)


Staff member
"Whatever you do, don't touch my clitoris
If you ring Satan's Doorbell, God can't ignore this
And don't use a condom when you put it in
Because birth control's for sluts and it's a sin"

-Garfunkel and Oates, "God's Loophole"
I'm a college dropout with a certificate in Professional Butchery and Meatcutting and I have more education than both of those women combined as I learned recently and holy shit is that frightening.