Funny (political, religious) pictures

Are we surprised that someone making that meme would be so incredibly media-illiterate that they interpret Supes and Spidey's anti-crime activities as pro-fascist?
It's almost like selling the land out from under the properties is a thing that could be an early warning of what is about to happen, and maybe even be a thing you shouldn't be allowed to do.



Staff member
I wonder how old this one is:
Advertising is more intrusive than most graffiti.jpg

McDonald's, Coca-Cola and Taco Bell are nearly timeless, but I can't remember the last time I saw a GAP ad, Got Milk? is pretty old, and haven't billboard ads for cigarettes been banned in the US (and a number of other countries) for a while now?
A̶̖͔̠̠̙̅͑l̵̢̛̖̜͔͈̆̏̀̈́̑̒̿̅̕͘l̴̨̮̜̻̠͛̉̑̆́͐͌̅͐̀͘͜ ̷͍̊̌̔̌̑̆c̸̢͔̺̗̰̙̺̙̹̊̒̀̏́͒̉̌̈́͠͝ō̴̤͍̫̣͖̫̮̻̥̼̃l̷̢͈͚̦͙̯͐͆͒̈͗̆̈́̄̍͝o̵͖̐̏͒́̇̂̾̕r̴͎̀̏̀̚ś̵̨͉͍͙͉̫̩̖̾̔́́̆͠ ̵͎͚̥͍̙̦̤̙̯͔͉͒̾͘͝t̷̙̺̮̺̠̠̆͑ḁ̶̀̒͒̈̾͊̚ś̵̼̻͋̈́t̵̨͍̤͔̰̘̜̣̾͛͑͐̒̍̈́̓̊͋͋ͅͅę̷̣̖̝̞̯̹͑̿́̉̂̔̎́̉͜ ̶̧̛͚͎̺͒̐̾͗́̎̉͜͝t̵̡̯̺̻̦̞̥̬̻͇̒̀̈̍̈́̓̕ḧ̴͈̹́̃́̂́́̿̈̈̈́̕ͅḙ̴̳͕̻̤́ ̸̜̘̤̎̑͂̂̓̀̚͝ş̷͋̋̅̈ą̵̩͎̘̭̭̯̌͗͛͊̍̌͋͛͂m̸̧̤̞̗͑̀͛̋͗̊͆̉ĕ̵̢̢͇̠̖̲͉͎͙̆̀



Staff member
Hey, if every single female character isn't oversexualized spankbait, these guys might actually have to start thinking of women as people, and THAT would suck so much.

(And I say that as a guy who can't get enough spankbait)
I was really taken aback by the comments to the first reactions for the Silent Hill 2 remake that Maria looks too normal and not "outer worldly" any more and for MGS 3 that The Boss looks weird.
Number five reminded me of the existence of the double space after the period.
I used to be an absolute stickler for it.
And now I type in four different languages, all with different rules (space before or after the question mark, "" quotes or <<>> quotes, etc) and I don't even think about the disappearance of the double space anymore.
I used to be an avid double spacer until a translation client told me to only use one space, so I switched to one space. I won't change for reasons such as aesthetics, popular use, or formatting, but I will completely abandon something I've done for literally decades as long as you're the one paying me.

Sometimes I think it's a good thing I'm not in a position of power, I just know I would take so many bribes.
Wait. Is the double space after a period not a thing anymore? also, not just the period, but just at the end of any sentence. When this become a thing because I have been left out of the loop.
Wait. Is the double space after a period not a thing anymore? also, not just the period, but just at the end of any sentence. When this become a thing because I have been left out of the loop.
Yes, because modern word processing software will put the appropriate amount of space after a period, unlike a typewriter. That argument is what convinced me to finally stop double spacing
I feel like it started being a thing in the late 90s/early 00s? The 15th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style officially started recommended single spacing in 2003. I seem to recall there being a back-and-forth about that usage back in the day, either here or one of the previous forum iterations.