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I bet they didn't have enough film for reshoots. Another thing about the movie I find funny: for some reason they filmed the scenes for Helm's Deep in Spain. Even though they could just hired some college kids, filming in the states and paint that over. Filming in europe was still cheaper.
"Treat your coworkers with [the treatment] you want for yourself."

Yeah I don't think that's gonna work in my case, sorry.
As insane as this looks, I can't help but feel like I'm watching the seeds germinating that will lead to the collapse of the film industry as we know it.
That’s already happening. They’re just not willing to acknowledge it yet. Almost every movie has “performed under expected goals” on opening weekends. All the “reviewers/commentators” are calling things flops when we’re just seeing a shift in theater attendance.
That’s already happening. They’re just not willing to acknowledge it yet. Almost every movie has “performed under expected goals” on opening weekends. All the “reviewers/commentators” are calling things flops when we’re just seeing a shift in theater attendance.
They've also released some real shit movies, that never gets brought up.
Well, they've always released shit movies, but your options when and how to watch them have changed dramatically. It used to be cheaper and more important to take a chance on seeing a movie at the theater. There have been terrible movies that at least made their money back because it. Latey, I've seen movies called flops that eventually made all their money back, and even then some, but because they didn't break records opening weekend, they were labeled "flops". Some of the most financially successful films in history stayed in theaters for months, or close to a year. We don't do that anymore. Plus, people have learned that they don't have to wait a year for a VHS, so sometimes movies that people would have made time to see in the theater, they just wait a for more weeks or so for streaming.

It's sort of a weird combination of things. Studios are throwing more and more money into films, sometimes regardless of quality, because they want a "blockbuster". It's getting harder to make back that money, in no small part due to viewing habits.
Okay, yes. All that is true. But I also agree with @Ravenpoe that the amount of shitty movies has increased this year. It’s been an especially bad bunch, even by normal standards.
Isn't The Flash going on to lose more money than any movie in history?

Take that 13th Warrior (a former record holding bomb that I unironically loved)!
Yes. According to this article the film is on track to lose $200 MILLION and may not make up the cost of its advertising and distribution - meaning it would have been better to not release it at all.

Also, major props for mentioning the 13th Warrior, a movie I also love unironically.