Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats


Staff member
Ahhh, THAT. I hadn't realized it had been declared a "war on" thing. Yes, I am also opposed to the government making choices about what people are allowed to decide to eat. Heck, I don't like seat belt laws, either.

(and we also come back to WHY do people continue to live in New York)

I rarely actually visit the front pages of those publications... I usually get to individual articles through link aggregation services or RSS feeds (and I don't subscribe directly to any one media company's RSS).
Well, I se this discussion is still a toxic sludge of ideological bullshit. I just jumped back in for a moment to say this: A few pages back I said that one should not rely solely on a minimum wage job to provide for a family (as the person in the original article complained), and Gil immediately implied that I would have condemned his children to starving to death. Note that I never said to get rid of social safety net programs, which are supposed to be there for people suddenly finding themselves in tough situations (such as low-paying jobs and growing family costs). It was only after GB pounded away at you that your argument suddenly shifted to a defense of welfare and an acknowledgement that the minimum wage is not sufficient for raising a family.

So yes, despite whatever you may claim, you most definitely moved the goalposts in this discussion.

EDIT: And Steinman, you constantly complain about everything the Obama administration does. They could announce a vaccine for cancer tomorrow, and you would complain about the costs or how the government is forcing Americans to be healthy. So it doesn't surprise me in the least that you have nothing but complaints about Michelle Obama's efforts to combat obesity. I don't think it's crossed your mind that you just aren't aware of all the time she puts into it, and you'd rather just go for the cheap criticism.

And if we're going to compare First Ladies, Eleanor Roosevelt is the gold standard. No one else is going to compare to her. Compare Michelle Obama to more recent First Ladies, like Laura Bush who did... well, nothing. But no, you wouldn't want to bring anything like that up, now would you?
Tress Nope, never claimed you said that. I said that's the ideal Gasbandit world (or anyone who'd claim there are no need for government assistance programs and not providing a living wage at the same time). You really shouldn't assume I meant you. My argument's been the same from the start. It was interpreted differently by others so I cleared it up. Large difference.

stienman Seems we do have different definitions then.
And if we're going to compare First Ladies, Eleanor Roosevelt is the gold standard. No one else is going to compare to her. Compare Michelle Obama to more recent First Ladies, like Laura Bush who did... well, nothing. But no, you wouldn't want to bring anything like that up, now would you?
You mean like Hilary Clinton? And why is a first lady who did nothing a good comparison point? Doing more than nothing doesn't mean they've put anything real work into it. You could give one speech on a subject and do more than nothing.
You mean like Hilary Clinton? And why is a first lady who did nothing a good comparison point? Doing more than nothing doesn't mean they've put anything real work into it. You could give one speech on a subject and do more than nothing.
But she hasn't exactly just given one speech has she?
But she hasn't exactly just given one speech has she?
Notice I never said she did, but that doesn't change that a first lady that's done nothing is a poor comparison point for measuring accomplishments because anything who does the smallest bit more than nothing is out ahead.
You mean like Hilary Clinton? And why is a first lady who did nothing a good comparison point? Doing more than nothing doesn't mean they've put anything real work into it. You could give one speech on a subject and do more than nothing.
My point was that I didn't hear Steinman complaining about Mrs. Bush and her lack of impact. The only complaints about a First Lady just happened to be for Mrs. Obama, and it makes me think it has more to do with her husband's politics.


Staff member
Hey parents, you need to get over thinking your kids are.. you know, yours. They're everybody's.

So I guess The People's Glorious Revolutionary Socialist Gilgamesh won't mind if I pick up our kids from school.
Notice I never said she did, but that doesn't change that a first lady that's done nothing is a poor comparison point for measuring accomplishments because anything who does the smallest bit more than nothing is out ahead.
Just like choosing arguably the most important, impactful First Lady as a comparison is also a poor choice, no?
My point was that I didn't hear Steinman complaining about Mrs. Bush and her lack of impact. The only complaints about a First Lady just happened to be for Mrs. Obama, and it makes me think it has more to do with her husband's politics.
Yes, how coincidental the complaints were for the First Lady who launched a campaign (whether it was half-hearted or not) on the issue that came up in the thread, almost like it wasn't just random non-sequitor.

Just like choosing arguably the most important, impactful First Lady as a comparison is also a poor choice, no?
Like I said, he gave another example as well.[DOUBLEPOST=1365447613][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm going to petition the administration to put in a word replacement filter that will henceforth automatically transcribe any entry of "Gilgamesh" into "The People's Glorious Revolutionary Socialist Gilgamesh."
If this actually happened, I would immediately create a mythology discussion thread or bring up Fate/Stay Night in the anime discussion thread just to confuse the heck out of the people that don't go into the politics subforum.
I'm going to petition the administration to put in a word replacement filter that will henceforth automatically transcribe any entry of "Gilgamesh" into "The People's Glorious Revolutionary Socialist Gilgamesh."
It would make the epic of Gilgamesh pretty...interesting...that's for sure.


Staff member
I'm going to petition the administration to put in a word replacement filter that will henceforth automatically transcribe any entry of "Gilgamesh" into "The People's Glorious Revolutionary Socialist Gilgamesh."
He did, too. I rejected the report. Dork.
I would much rather have a discussion on an issue or topic than a discussion about what topics I bring to the table.

Oh well.
Which you seldom realize are tied to conversations that people bring up in context of your discussion.

The First Lady is doing a half-ass attempt at fighting Obesity!
Um, she's doing alot actually.
Well she's not doing more than Elenor Rosevelt!
She's done more than Nancy Bush?
Don't change the subject, I'm talking about Michelle Obama!
Your misunderstanding of the flow of conversation suggests that you aren't reading things clearly.

Gasbandit: what war on obesity
Me: the war on childhood obesity Michelle Obama is fighting halfheartedly, probably as a way to be seen as some great First Lady.
Gilgamesh: she's not pursuing it half heatedly.
Me: all she's done in a few years is a handful of speeches, a website, and a few public appearances. I define that as halfhearted. Perhaps you don't. Lets look at some other First Ladies and see if we can discern half hearted from passionate advancement. Well, I've drawn a line. Do you agree that she's over the line, or do you still think she's really truly passionate about the subject.
Gilgamesh: she's not pursuing it halfheartedly. Perhaps we do see things differently.
Tress: all stienman ever does is complain about Obama and so I'm going to publicly dismiss everything he's said in this context because he's obviously biased and thus has absolutely no foundation for his assertions.

But at least I now understand why you believe I'm being stupid. You aren't reading half of what I'm saying, and the parts you are reading you appear to misunderstand.
Didn't Michelle Obama change the federal regulations for school lunches? I know they aren't allowed to serve fried food anymore and vegetables/fruit are much more predominant in lunches.
She did push for school lunch reform, and some changes were made, but results have been pretty mixed: school lunch reform

And no doubt her efforts have had some significant effect due both to this and the move it, er, movement.
I know the principle of my mother's school is kinda livid. They put in friers when they updated the kitchen for her school, but hardly got to use them before the requirements changed. That's several thousand dollars of kitchen equipment just gathering rust, money the school could have used for something else.