Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats



Our imperial federal government now wants to run every subway and light-rail system in the country. Just what we need!
Uh, this says that they want to set minimum safety regulations, not that they want to actually run every subway and light-rail system.

Which is a damn good idea, considering how terrible some rail systems are at maintaining their own safety (heck, the article provides multiple examples of how several accidents have either occurred or have come close to occurring, and how Metro refuses to allow independent safety inspectors).
Our imperial federal government now wants to run every subway and light-rail system in the country. Just what we need!
Uh, this says that they want to set minimum safety regulations, not that they want to actually run every subway and light-rail system.

Which is a damn good idea, considering how terrible some rail systems are at maintaining their own safety (heck, the article provides multiple examples of how several accidents have either occurred or have come close to occurring, and how Metro refuses to allow independent safety inspectors).[/QUOTE]

Of course it's all moot since it's a financial mess anyway. Light rail never makes money. It HAS to be taxpayer subsidized. It is one of the least financially efficient way to have mass transportation.
Our imperial federal government now wants to run every subway and light-rail system in the country. Just what we need!
Uh, this says that they want to set minimum safety regulations, not that they want to actually run every subway and light-rail system.

Which is a damn good idea, considering how terrible some rail systems are at maintaining their own safety (heck, the article provides multiple examples of how several accidents have either occurred or have come close to occurring, and how Metro refuses to allow independent safety inspectors).[/QUOTE]

Of course it's all moot since it's a financial mess anyway. Light rail never makes money. It HAS to be taxpayer subsidized. It is one of the least financially efficient way to have mass transportation.[/QUOTE]

The only reason Light Rail never makes money is because the stations are never conveniently located and they never go anywhere you'd actually want to go. Fix those fucking problems and people might be willing to use rail again.


Staff member
The Allentown, Pennsylvania SEIU boss is looking into filing a greivance because an aspiring eagle scout did some public park cleanup work for free when 39 SEIU members got laid off by the city for financial reasons. Unions: Is there anywhere they AREN'T societal cancer?

This is what happens when you rush legislation through Congress. Millions of Americans may end up owing money to the IRS because of how the Obama administration set up its payment plan for its Obama stimulus checks.

Barney Frank wants to use the interest the government collects from the financial bailout to give loans to unemployed homeowners struggling to pay the mortgage.

Eric Holder's decision to try KSM in criminal court has essentially cheapened the value of US citizenship.

The more details we learn about Major Nidal Malik Hasan and the days leading up to the shooting in Fort Hood, the more I want to know why the hell he wasn't taken out of circulation ages ago. But I guess we all know the reason for that... and it takes an irishman to say what everybody is thinking.

Why do unions, particularly the SEIU, want the Democrats to pass their healthcare reform? Because the unions will get more power!

Another Senator insists that the authority to force Americans to purchase health insurance is the "very first enumerated power" in the Constitution.

The United Nations nuclear agency announced that Iran will start up its once-secret nuclear facility in 2011.

Remember all of these reports on jobs created/saved by the Obama stimulus plan? Now the Obama administration has slashed 60,000 jobs from its most recent report due to "unrealistic data." Speaking of which, according to the administration's website tracking such things, some of the jobs were created or saved by spending money in congressional districts that don't exist.

The Supreme Court won't hear an appeal from a group of Native Americans who think the name of the NFL's Washington Redskins football team is offensive. Good.

Attorney General Eric Holder has decided to dial back his plans to reinstate the assault weapons ban.

Islamic nations want the United Nations to implement international religious defamation (read: Islamic defamation) laws.

The word racism has become such a joke. Somehow, this Walmart incident in Missouri turned into an issue of race.
Our imperial federal government now wants to run every subway and light-rail system in the country. Just what we need!
Uh, this says that they want to set minimum safety regulations, not that they want to actually run every subway and light-rail system.

Which is a damn good idea, considering how terrible some rail systems are at maintaining their own safety (heck, the article provides multiple examples of how several accidents have either occurred or have come close to occurring, and how Metro refuses to allow independent safety inspectors).[/QUOTE]

Of course it's all moot since it's a financial mess anyway. Light rail never makes money. It HAS to be taxpayer subsidized. It is one of the least financially efficient way to have mass transportation.[/QUOTE]

The only reason Light Rail never makes money is because the stations are never conveniently located and they never go anywhere you'd actually want to go. Fix those fucking problems and people might be willing to use rail again.[/QUOTE]

Not at all. Light Rail is PHENOMENALLY expensive and good luck finding any statistics that support the claims made that it either helps the environment or eases congestion since it generally does neither.
Randal O'Toole of the San Antonio News wrote a pretty good article on it, here's some excerpts:
Light rail is really expensive.

I mean, really, really expensive. The average mile of light-rail line costs two to five times as much as an urban freeway lane-mile. Yet in 2007 the average light-rail line carried less than one-seventh as many people as the average freeway lane-mile in cities with light rail.

Do the math: Light rail costs 14 to 35 times as much to move people as highways.

The Government Accountability Office found that bus-rapid transit—frequent buses with limited stops—provided faster, better service at 2 percent of the capital cost and lower operating costs than light rail.
Since 1980, Portland has spent more than $2.3 billion, half the region's transportation capital funds, building light rail. Yet light rail carries less than 1 percent of Portland-area travel. That's a success?

In 2002, Dallas opened a new light-rail line, doubling the number of miles in the city's light-rail system. The new line attracted some rail riders, but the region lost more bus riders than it gained rail riders.

This often happens because rail's high cost forces transit agencies to cut bus service. When Los Angeles started building rail transit to white, middle-class neighborhoods, it cut bus service to black and Hispanic neighborhoods. The city lost more bus riders than it ever gained in rail riders, and an NAACP lawsuit forced the city to restore buses and curtail its rail plans.

Is light rail good for the environment? Hardly. Dallas and Denver light-rail lines consume about as much energy and emit about as much greenhouse gases per passenger mile as the average SUV.

Engineering, construction, and rail car companies make huge profits from light rail. Their political contributions promote new rail lines. Siemens Transportation donated $100,000 to Denver's light-rail campaign and was rewarded with a $184 million railcar contract.
Taxpayers lose because their money is wasted on rail when buses could do the same thing for less. Transit riders lose when transit agencies cut bus service to pay for rail. Commuters lose when money spent on rail, which does nothing to relieve congestion, delays projects that actually can reduce congestion.
Now, I won't argue light rail doesn't have potential, but so far it doesn't seem to have much going for it other than wasting taxpayer money.

---------- Post added at 05:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:56 PM ----------

I should also add, thats some of that is the same problems we are having here in Mpls now. We are having to cut bus service to afford light rail that is poorly used and we keep funneling money that we NEED for road upkeep to it.
The head of the MN dept. of Transportation all but admitted it on NPR the other day saying we can't really afford to build anymore light rail since it costs $48 million per mile.
I never really understood the point of the Assault Weapons ban... yes, the guns that are covered by such legislation tend to be much more powerful than your standard long arm or pistol, but they are also incredibly expensive. Not to mention that aside from the infamous West Hollywood shot-out and Columbine, how often are LEGALLY OBTAINED Assault weapons used in the commission of a crime? It's not like we have gangs of people with AKs running around.


Staff member
I never really understood the point of the Assault Weapons ban... yes, the guns that are covered by such legislation tend to be much more powerful than your standard long arm or pistol, but they are also incredibly expensive. Not to mention that aside from the infamous West Hollywood shot-out and Columbine, how often are LEGALLY OBTAINED Assault weapons used in the commission of a crime? It's not like we have gangs of people with AKs running around.[/quote]

It was the "take what you can now, wait for it to be accepted as normal and then take a little more" theory of eventual complete gun control. You are, of course, correct that the assault weapons ban was completely groundless and arbitrary. The weapons classified as "assault weapons" were basically picked by how scary they looked, not how powerful or deadly they were.

Links -

Reason Magazine explains why you can kiss your freedoms goodbye if the Democrats manage to pass their healthcare legislation.

There are 3 trillion reasons to hope that the Senate is not as fiscally reckless as their counterparts in the House when it comes to healthcare legislation.

Since the beginning of the year, unemployment has risen from 7.2% to 10.2%. Here's why.

Democrats say they will pass jobs legislation by Christmas. Quick question ... what are they planning to do to create more jobs?

Less than ten years from now, 40% of Americans will be obese. You wanna know why our healthcare costs are increasing? Just look in the mirror you blubberbutts!

A former soldier in England has been arrested and convicted (and may even go to jail for five years) because he found a gun in his yard and he turned it over to the police. Only government.

Uh oh ... Europeans are not happy with the community organizer, Barack Obama, because he failed to deliver on climate change.

Our Health and Human Services Department is showing "growing concern about racial, ethnic and language disparities in healthcare."

Mike Huckabee says that Obama's redistribution tendencies extend to all sorts of policies, not just taxes or healthcare.

Who knew that it was possible to "unconcede?"

The Post Office cut 40,000 jobs and cut costs, but it still managed to lose $3.8 billion last year.

Another eminent domain case. This one from Roanoke, Virginia.

Homeowners associations ... right up there with unions ... and government.

And another campaign promise bites the dust - Guantanamo not going to close by January, but Obama "still hopes" to close it sometime NEXT year. Well, there's always next year, eh?

Remind me again, how the private sector is evil and greed isn't good? Or did you think GOVERNMENT-run research would be 5 years from vaccines for AIDS, alzheimers and herpes?
Less than ten years from now, 40% of Americans will be obese. You wanna know why our healthcare costs are increasing? Just look in the mirror you blubberbutts!
It's real easy to blame people for being weak and over eating, instead of looking at the transitioning of the workplace. Jobs that involve physical labor (Construction, Factory Work, Repair Work) are no longer the vast majority of the workforce like they were 30-40 years ago. You want to blame something for obesity in America? Blame the birth of the Information Age. Most jobs that you can actually make a decent living off of are very sedentary these days, with people glued to computers or doing paperwork for the majority of the day.

You should also look at the food we eat. Most Americans don't have the time, skill, or money to prepare meals from scratch anymore and as such, we eat lots of instant or ready made stuff. You know what's in that to make it appetizing? Lots of fat, salt, oils, and other not so good things for you. We know it's bad for us, but we eat it because some of us don't really have an alternative.

tl;dr version: People are getting fat because they don't have the same opportunities to burn off the weight like they did in the 60s-70s. Also, because everything is fucking processed to hell and back.

Al Gore did the same thing during the 2000 election and he had every right to do so. If the vote is that close, it's generally worth doing a recount just to be absolutely sure, especially in the age when voting irregularities are becoming not so irregular.


Less than ten years from now, 40% of Americans will be obese. You wanna know why our healthcare costs are increasing? Just look in the mirror you blubberbutts!
It's real easy to blame people for being weak and over eating, instead of looking at the transitioning of the workplace. Jobs that involve physical labor (Construction, Factory Work, Repair Work) are no longer the vast majority of the workforce like they were 30-40 years ago. You want to blame something for obesity in America? Blame the birth of the Information Age. Most jobs that you can actually make a decent living off of are very sedentary these days, with people glued to computers or doing paperwork for the majority of the day.

You should also look at the food we eat. Most Americans don't have the time, skill, or money to prepare meals from scratch anymore and as such, we eat lots of instant or ready made stuff. You know what's in that to make it appetizing? Lots of fat, salt, oils, and other not so good things for you. We know it's bad for us, but we eat it because some of us don't really have an alternative.

tl;dr version: People are getting fat because they don't have the same opportunities to burn off the weight like they did in the 60s-70s. Also, because everything is fucking processed to hell and back.[/QUOTE]

So in other words, blame everybody and everything except the person most directly responsible for what goes in their mouths. BS. How do the over 60% who aren't obese do it? And this is coming from someone who's obese. Nobody MADE me eat crap.
Less than ten years from now, 40% of Americans will be obese. You wanna know why our healthcare costs are increasing? Just look in the mirror you blubberbutts!
It's real easy to blame people for being weak and over eating, instead of looking at the transitioning of the workplace. Jobs that involve physical labor (Construction, Factory Work, Repair Work) are no longer the vast majority of the workforce like they were 30-40 years ago. You want to blame something for obesity in America? Blame the birth of the Information Age. Most jobs that you can actually make a decent living off of are very sedentary these days, with people glued to computers or doing paperwork for the majority of the day.

You should also look at the food we eat. Most Americans don't have the time, skill, or money to prepare meals from scratch anymore and as such, we eat lots of instant or ready made stuff. You know what's in that to make it appetizing? Lots of fat, salt, oils, and other not so good things for you. We know it's bad for us, but we eat it because some of us don't really have an alternative.

tl;dr version: People are getting fat because they don't have the same opportunities to burn off the weight like they did in the 60s-70s. Also, because everything is fucking processed to hell and back.[/quote]

So in other words, blame everybody and everything except the person most directly responsible for what goes in their mouths. BS. How do the over 60% who aren't obese do it? And this is coming from someone who's obese. Nobody MADE me eat crap.[/QUOTE]
Crap food is easier to eat. Spend 10 minutes making a preprepared meal made by Stoffers or spend 3 hours making real lasagna.

When everybody works in a family unit, who is making real meals?

I think "People are fat because they eat too much" isn't always the case. There are a lot of factors that are leading to increased weight the nation as a whole.


Less than ten years from now, 40% of Americans will be obese. You wanna know why our healthcare costs are increasing? Just look in the mirror you blubberbutts!
It's real easy to blame people for being weak and over eating, instead of looking at the transitioning of the workplace. Jobs that involve physical labor (Construction, Factory Work, Repair Work) are no longer the vast majority of the workforce like they were 30-40 years ago. You want to blame something for obesity in America? Blame the birth of the Information Age. Most jobs that you can actually make a decent living off of are very sedentary these days, with people glued to computers or doing paperwork for the majority of the day.

You should also look at the food we eat. Most Americans don't have the time, skill, or money to prepare meals from scratch anymore and as such, we eat lots of instant or ready made stuff. You know what's in that to make it appetizing? Lots of fat, salt, oils, and other not so good things for you. We know it's bad for us, but we eat it because some of us don't really have an alternative.

tl;dr version: People are getting fat because they don't have the same opportunities to burn off the weight like they did in the 60s-70s. Also, because everything is fucking processed to hell and back.[/quote]

So in other words, blame everybody and everything except the person most directly responsible for what goes in their mouths. BS. How do the over 60% who aren't obese do it? And this is coming from someone who's obese. Nobody MADE me eat crap.[/QUOTE]
Crap food is easier to eat. Spend 10 minutes making a preprepared meal made by Stoffers or spend 3 hours making real lasagna.

When everybody works in a family unit, who is making real meals?

I think "People are fat because they eat too much" isn't always the case. There are a lot of factors that are leading to increased weight the nation as a whole.[/QUOTE]

You could spend 20 minutes making a grilled chicken breast, rice, and steamed vegetables. Not every (not even most) healthy meals take forever to cook. In the end, you're responsible for the choices you make. Yes, fast food is very convenient. It's also horrible for you. Your choice.
yeah i do stir fry using extra virgin oil and occasionlly eat veggie dumplings. healthy food is usually the cheaper food. I can get 3 days worth of veggies and fruit for eight dollars at the local market.
Time for your reprieve from the right-wing noise machine. A break from the sound and fury signifying nothing.

Fox just can't help it. They've been caught faking news footage yet again.

Oh, Texas. You breed such a special brand of stupid down there. Such was your rush to outlaw gay marriage, you instead outlawed all marriage?

So butting in where you didn't belong, being totally unprepared and dismissive of local concerns, and driving out a candidate that was likely to continue a 150-year winning streak is somehow ACORN's fault?

We need people like Michael Savage, Congressman? Like I said, there's a special breed of stupid in Texas you just don't find anywhere else.


Staff member
Oh, Texas. You breed such a special brand of stupid down there. Such was your rush to outlaw gay marriage, you instead outlawed all marriage?
I, for one, wholeheartedly endorse this interpretation of Texas law, and I can't wait to tell the missus.

So butting in where you didn't belong, being totally unprepared and dismissive of local concerns, and driving out a candidate that was likely to continue a 150-year winning streak is somehow ACORN's fault?
A complete mischaracterization of events that shows just how far off the point has been missed. The republican party had already as good as lost that seat when they didn't have a primary and appointed a liberal RINO to go on the ballot. The conservative voters clearly decided that if the republican party was going to do this nonsense, they'd rather the GOP lose the seat, to remind them who they're supposed to be. Even if Owens had won by a 2 to 1 margin, Hoffman's point would have been made. Then the balloting came through, and it turns out that (surprise!) there's some vote fudging going on and the thing is damn close. The fudging was eerily reminiscent of previous ACORN fudging.

And on top of that, whoever wins NY-23 is only going to have it for a year because it is a special election to fill a vacancy. Then comes the real election, (hopefully) complete with primaries and whatnot.


Staff member
Wow. Lindsey Graham really put the spurs to Eric Holder.

Victor Davis Hanson writes, "there is a growing sense that America is in fact hemorrhaging - as both friends and enemies abroad smell blood in the water."

More than $98 billion in taxpayer dollars spent by government agencies was wasted. What else would you expect from government?

Our own chief federal oversight official for the stimulus program said that he can't certify whether the number of jobs "created or saved" by stimulus funds is accurate.

First we had made up districts in Arizona, now the Obama administration is providing economic stimulus to phantom districts in Texas.

Try this one on for size ... one out of every 10 jobs the White House says were "saved or created" by the economic stimulus plan, came from projects that reported spending no money yet.

A federal judge has ruled that it was the Army Corps of Engineers that failed to properly protect New Orleans from flooding during Hurricane Katrina.

Will the Democrats' attempt to "fix" healthcare end up making our problems worse? Here's how.

Now we get a dose of race and healthcare ... Rev. Jesse Jackson says, "You can't vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man."

It looks like Barack Obama has yet another appointee who happens to have issues with her taxes.

Rather than focusing on the individual mandate and its lack of Constitutionality, the Republicans instead have chosen to focus on abortion. :facepalm:

Obama rewards big donors with sweet overseas gigs.

The IAEA is saying Syria is trying to go nuclear, too.

Joe Lieberman's really enjoying being an independent.

I don't know whether to be glad or apprehensive - the FCC wants to throw its weight behind getting more broadband going in the US... but you know the FCC... they'll want to be pulling the strings about who can do what.

---------- Post added at 10:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 AM ----------

The conservative voters
Say what? Voters like Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, Sarah Palin and Dick Armey? The folks who said "fuck local issues"?

The local voters had nothing to do with it.[/QUOTE]

You're absolutely right, he got all those votes... FROM TEXAS!!


---------- Post added at 11:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 AM ----------

Heh... saw this today too...

I don't know whether to be glad or apprehensive - the FCC wants to throw its weight behind getting more broadband going in the US... but you know the FCC... they'll want to be pulling the strings about who can do what.
Something should be done though. Telcos are dragging their feet way too long because they have no real competition.

Here's and example. Basically a town decides to roll out it's own fiber network because the telco won't do it. Telco sues knowing they'll lose just to postpone their buildout so they have enough time to finally roll out their own.


Staff member
I don't know whether to be glad or apprehensive - the FCC wants to throw its weight behind getting more broadband going in the US... but you know the FCC... they'll want to be pulling the strings about who can do what.
Something should be done though. Telcos are dragging their feet way too long because they have no real competition.

Here's and example. Basically a town decides to roll out it's own fiber network because the telco won't do it. Telco sues knowing they'll lose just to postpone their buildout so they have enough time to finally roll out their own.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like, to me, another argument for "loser pays" reform as well.
I don't know whether to be glad or apprehensive - the FCC wants to throw its weight behind getting more broadband going in the US... but you know the FCC... they'll want to be pulling the strings about who can do what.
Something should be done though. Telcos are dragging their feet way too long because they have no real competition.

Here's and example. Basically a town decides to roll out it's own fiber network because the telco won't do it. Telco sues knowing they'll lose just to postpone their buildout so they have enough time to finally roll out their own.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like, to me, another argument for "loser pays" reform as well.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. TDS is full of a bunch of ass-hats, I worked there for a little over 2 years. I got hired only to find out 3 months later that after moving a couple hundred miles my job was going to be moved to Wisconsin.:mad2:
A federal judge has ruled that it was the Army Corps of Engineers that failed to properly protect New Orleans from flooding during Hurricane Katrina.
What crap... yeah, the ACoE certainly didn't come through for anyone, but they are HARDLY the only ones who fucked up. Katrina was, simply put, a gang bang of fuckery, perpetrated by every single person in NO and and most of the people who tried to actually fix things. Calling the Army Corps of Engineers solely responsible is simply making a scapegoat at this point, when what we SHOULD be doing is reforming our disaster relief organizations to actually be able to get something done the next time something like this comes along.


Staff member
Another chuckleworthy one from Socks and Barney today -

The Democrats in the Senate managed to release their healthcare bill, topping out at 2,074 pages. Should be easy, quick reading ... considering the fact that Harry Reid wants to open up debate on the bill tomorrow. Yes tomorrow, as in Saturday. With the vote at 8pm.

With all of the controversy over jobs created/saved, we thought we would bring you some highlights of the top 10 biggest stimulus projects .. and all of the wonderful jobs they created.

  • Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC (SC) - $1,407,839,884 awarded - $225,872,246 invoiced/received - 800 jobs created - $282,340 per job
  • CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Company (WA) - $1,359,715,229 - $142,167,945 invoiced - 621 jobs - $228,934 per job
  • CH2M WG Idaho LLC (ID) - $437,675,000 - $66,401,236 invoiced - 496 jobs - $133,873 per job
  • UT-Battelle, LLC (TN) - $338,697,231 - $12,909,144 invoiced - 41 jobs - $314,857 per job
  • SAIC-Frederick, Inc. (MD) - $302,521,207 - project not commenced
  • Washington River Protection Solutions LLC (WA) - $299,728,838 - 200 jobs - $28,092,695 invoiced - $140,463 per job
  • Babcock & Wilcox Technical Services Y-12, LLC (TN) - $270,299,243 - 129 jobs - $18,107,076 invoiced - $140,364 per job
  • Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC (NY) - $257,613,800 - 25 jobs - $29,528,879 invoiced - $1,181,155 per job
  • Washington Closure Hanford, LLC (WA) - $253,614,000 - 36 jobs - $16,474,802 invoiced - $457,633 per job
  • Los Alamos National Security, LLC (NM) - $230,835,000 - 66 jobs - $7,646,242 invoiced - $115,852 per job

Considering the move of KSM to New York City for a civilian trial, lawmakers in Washington are heading down a slippery slope in terms of who should be afforded Constitutional rights. For example ... Nancy Pelosi was asked whether Osama bin Laden, when he is captured, should be told that he has the right to remain silent and be given a lawyer. Nancy's response: "Well, let's see, how many years has it been? Nine, eight years. Let's worry about capturing Bin Laden and not worry about your, your question."

Nancy Pelosi says that any tax on Wall Street transactions would have to be applied internationally, not just within the US because that would drive companies overseas.

Climate change (and by extension, we Americans, obviously) is now responsible for women becoming prostitutes. But, climatologists are puzzled as to why average global temperatures have stopped rising over the last 10 years.

[ame=""]We won, you lost, get a life.[/ame]

Timothy Geithner is becoming an expert at pulling the "blame Bush" routine.

Barack Obama conveniently downplays errors in his stimulus data, saying that it is a "side issue."

Our healthcare reform debate has been given a failing grade by the dean of Harvard Medical School.

So what exactly is Obama doing over there in Asia? Has he been successful?

Here's some of the fallout from the union leader that threatened legal action against the Eagle Scout for 'taking union jobs.'

Obama's first judicial nominee believes that his decisions as a federal judge can "amend" the U.S. Constitution by adding "footnotes" to it.

How much sway will our diversity czar have on the FCC's plan for government broadband?

What has Obama done to better our government schools? So far, a lot less than the teachers unions would have hoped.

Hope and Change meets politics as usual - the $100 million health care vote buy.


Staff member
As much bitching about the stimulus you do, Gas, have you read the bill? Or are you just like Dick Armey? He hasn't read it, either
So what are you trying to say... that if more people read the stimulus, it would cease being a complete failure, a near-criminal misappropriation of funds, and an assault on the free market system? That we'd suddenly be back down to 7% unemployment if only more people took the time to read it now?
As much bitching about the stimulus you do, Gas, have you read the bill? Or are you just like Dick Armey? He hasn't read it, either
So what are you trying to say... that if more people read the stimulus, it would cease being a complete failure, a near-criminal misappropriation of funds, and an assault on the free market system? That we'd suddenly be back down to 7% unemployment if only more people took the time to read it now?[/QUOTE]

^ pretty much this. I don't have to read Twilight to know that it's a shitty book.
As much bitching about the stimulus you do, Gas, have you read the bill? Or are you just like Dick Armey? He hasn't read it, either
So what are you trying to say... that if more people read the stimulus, it would cease being a complete failure, a near-criminal misappropriation of funds, and an assault on the free market system? That we'd suddenly be back down to 7% unemployment if only more people took the time to read it now?[/QUOTE]
No, he's saying that someone who doesn't understand how removing corn subsidies wouldn't lower food prices but raise them shouldn't pretend to understand economics.


Staff member
As much bitching about the stimulus you do, Gas, have you read the bill? Or are you just like Dick Armey? He hasn't read it, either
So what are you trying to say... that if more people read the stimulus, it would cease being a complete failure, a near-criminal misappropriation of funds, and an assault on the free market system? That we'd suddenly be back down to 7% unemployment if only more people took the time to read it now?[/quote]
No, he's saying that someone who doesn't understand how removing corn subsidies wouldn't lower food prices but raise them shouldn't pretend to understand economics.[/QUOTE]

That's only half of what I said to do. But it's beside the point, because you're still just trying to distract from the issue at hand - how terrible TARP is, both in conception and execution.
As much bitching about the stimulus you do, Gas, have you read the bill? Or are you just like Dick Armey? He hasn't read it, either
So what are you trying to say... that if more people read the stimulus, it would cease being a complete failure, a near-criminal misappropriation of funds, and an assault on the free market system? That we'd suddenly be back down to 7% unemployment if only more people took the time to read it now?[/quote]
No, he's saying that someone who doesn't understand how removing corn subsidies wouldn't lower food prices but raise them shouldn't pretend to understand economics.[/quote]

That's only half of what I said to do. But it's beside the point, because you're still just trying to distract from the issue at hand - how terrible TARP is, both in conception and execution.[/QUOTE]
I can agree on the execution part. The conception part I disagree.


As much bitching about the stimulus you do, Gas, have you read the bill? Or are you just like Dick Armey? He hasn't read it, either
So what are you trying to say... that if more people read the stimulus, it would cease being a complete failure, a near-criminal misappropriation of funds, and an assault on the free market system? That we'd suddenly be back down to 7% unemployment if only more people took the time to read it now?[/QUOTE]

No, but they would sound less like pontificating jackasses when they bitch about it. And it might make your argument for all of those things actually logical if you could cite your source.

But this is just like your Global Warming argument.
"yeah you know that thing I haven't bothered to learn about or understand... it's wrong."


Staff member
As much bitching about the stimulus you do, Gas, have you read the bill? Or are you just like Dick Armey? He hasn't read it, either
So what are you trying to say... that if more people read the stimulus, it would cease being a complete failure, a near-criminal misappropriation of funds, and an assault on the free market system? That we'd suddenly be back down to 7% unemployment if only more people took the time to read it now?[/quote]

No, but they would sound less like pontificating jackasses when they bitch about it. And it might make your argument for all of those things actually logical if you could cite your source.

But this is just like your Global Warming argument.
"yeah you know that thing I haven't bothered to learn about or understand... it's wrong."[/QUOTE]

That's a stunning, damning, devastating counterargument you have there. Except for the part where I've provided a link to a source every single time.

Whereas you claim to know all about it and swear up and down the sky is falling because you had a class that talked about it while you were studying to become a scientist. Whoops, sorry, I meant lawyer.

---------- Post added at 02:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:23 PM ----------

I can agree on the execution part. The conception part I disagree.
Any conception of this sort by government guarantees this method of execution.


That's a stunning, damning, devastating counterargument you have there. Except for the part where I've provided a link to a source every single time.

Whereas you claim to know all about it and swear up and down the sky is falling because you had a class that talked about it while you were studying to become a scientist. Whoops, sorry, I meant lawyer.

No your "sources" have never been unbiased scientific sources they are always terribly biased towards your uneducated view. Providing a link does not a worthwhile source make.

And I have never "claimed the sky is falling" you just think I must support global warming because I call you on the fact that you know nothing about it. And you are going to play the degree card mr computers/history? Where is your science background? At least I have one, even if not a full degree.
As much bitching about the stimulus you do, Gas, have you read the bill? Or are you just like Dick Armey? He hasn't read it, either
So what are you trying to say... that if more people read the stimulus, it would cease being a complete failure, a near-criminal misappropriation of funds, and an assault on the free market system? That we'd suddenly be back down to 7% unemployment if only more people took the time to read it now?[/QUOTE]
No, he's saying that someone who doesn't understand how removing corn subsidies wouldn't lower food prices but raise them shouldn't pretend to understand economics.[/QUOTE]
actually while the end consumer price may go up, removing subsidies would allow the supply and demand to reach a more natural level which could result in lower prices.

In case you don't realize:

(Actual price of corn) = (what consumer pays) + (government subsidies)

The above is true for any product that is subsidized.