And what's the military solution? Pre-emptive strikes because maybe someday they'll have something that maybe some faction there could use to potentially strike at the US or one of it's allies? Yes, that certainly won't have any repercussions, embittering the region and driving groups across many nations to hate us more for our "aggression towards fellow Muslims" (nevermind that it's a faction they fight with themselves).
You can't get logical reactions out of apocalypse cults. The only concept they respect is power and force - the capacity to apply it, and the willingness to use it.
Wouldn't a better solution be to mend fences with the country so that it's no longer in their interests to want to attack us? That policy has worked excellently with China - more trade and more intertwined interests means that an antagonistic relationship hurts both parties. Don't forget, Iran had a list of fairly justified grudges against the West - mostly, that we were using the Shah as a puppet regime to profit from while helping him oppress his own people... which Western powers have done across the world and has never ended well. And then we helped the warlord next door in his war against them, where he deployed chemical weapons against civilians, and was our good buddy until he invaded Kuwait in 1990.
No amount of fence mending will reconcile Iran with Israel, and those in charge in Iran don't really care about anything you just listed - they only care that we prop up Israel, the rest is just posturing, trying to use western logic against itself. There is a basic, fundamental incompatibility of thought between the Ayatollahs and western civilization. After all, everybody's shrieking right now about Indiana law making it so a baker doesn't have to bake a cake for a homosexual if he doesn't want to, but the same exact people think WE'RE the bad guys when it comes to Iran - where they execute homosexuals for existing, among myriad other practices we consider crimes against humanity. But that's quietly brushed under the rug because we don't have the political will to actually back up our vaunted convictions.
The truth of the matter is that the current leadership of Iran is as close to comic book evil as it is possible to become in reality. They're an oppressive, tyrannical, theocratic apocalypse cult who bankrolls a huge amount of the world's state sponsored terrorism and only engages in diplomacy so far as it serves to stall its enemies while it gathers itself for its next operation. Under the so-called "puppet" Shah, Iran was a flourishing oasis - pictures taken in 1960s and 70s Iran could hardly be distinguished from America in the same time period. Decades of iron-fisted theocratic islamism has sent it back hundreds of years, similarly to Afghanistan.
Warfare is sometimes necessary, but it should always be a last resort. The human cost is just too high.
Yes, Neville Chamberlain thought the same thing, too. The question is, what will the human cost be once Iran has nuclear weapons?
Peace never comes through negotiations. The only lasting times of peace that western civilization has ever experienced all came as a result of victory. And the truth is Iran is as much opposed by its neighbors (especially Iraq and Saudi Arabia) as anything, apart from how they feel about Israel. The idea of Iranian nukes probably makes them just as uneasy, as they're both a great deal closer to Israeli ground zero than Iran is.